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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    In this case, what should one do.....??? Some people are teaching or taken some kind of class in learning how to breathe. May I ask how were you taught or learned, in your class, from chest to abdominal breathing....???
  2. Is there really a fastest form for fa jin.......??? Can you give us a little introduction.....??? Thanks.
  3. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    Please get a thorough understanding of what Chi Kung is all about first. People might tell you something in the middle and give you bunch of run around. Start with the basic fundamental concept.
  4. BK Frantzis - Taoist Energy Bodies

    Sorry, never heard of such thing as Weiqi field.
  5. BK Frantzis - Taoist Energy Bodies

    I believe weiqi is 衛氣. I think the TCM defines as the equivalent to the immune system.
  6. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Good bye. 是非只為多開口 煩惱皆因強出頭
  7. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Let's say I had read this somewhere and I think it make sense. Then, I put it in my own words. Please do not take it as gospel but do not defy science neither. "氣沈丹田(sink Chi to dan tian)" is easily said than done. People with breathing problems cannot accomplish the former in the UMB as defined in #2. If people can only do chest breathing, then, they will have problem in doing abdominal breathing. I think it was will explained in the first video about the importance of breathing more oxygen to deliver the oxygenated blood to the body cells. It is true that we are breathing the source of energy rather than the energy from the air. The source of energy is the oxygen in the air which the body cells use to manufacture the biochemical energy which known as ATP.
  8. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Thank you, Steve....
  9. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Steve..... I am getting to a point that I cannot say who is right or wrong. You see, the character 氣(chi) is very universal but its definition is not unique. From a different point of view and depends on how it was used it has multi-definition. In the past history, the native people call most of the stuff "chi", but only in their minds know what it meant. When it translate into English, we have to find a word for it which may or maybe not fit the description of which was intended to be meant. Let's take our cases, your chi was intended to be meant "energy" or something else in your mind. I don't know. In my case, when I am talking about breathing, chi can be meant "air" or "to breathe" depends on context. If I apply your definition to my scenario, then I would have to say that my "yi" is guiding my breath(氣) to the dan tian. However, I know darn well that I am not breathing energy(氣) into my lung but air(氣). Do you see the dilemma here which play tricks on us all this time.....???
  10. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    氣沈丹田 This maybe a good source.
  11. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    "氣沈丹田", Sink Chi to dan tian. What is the initial meaning of the phrase exactly....??? Before I go in to deep breathing, I must confine myself to some definition for consistency without inducing any other ideas to avoid confusing the issue. Please keep these definitions in mind within limits as defined for the validity of this thread. Therefore, please hold your arguments, this is strictly for the most basic fundamental conceptual explanation about Chi Kung. 1. Normal breathing is without any restriction to any special procedure but excluding the abdominal breathing. 2. The ultimate method of breathing(UMB) is inhale with the abdomen is fully expanded; and exhale with the abdomen is fully contracted. 3. Dan tian(丹田): In this thread, it was defined as the abdominal area below the navel. The phrase "氣沈丹田(sink Chi to dan tian)" is mentioned most often by all martial artists. It is because they know the importance of breathing. So, where and when does "sink Chi to dan tian(氣沈丹田)" occurs....??? When a practitioner take a deepest breath; and it seems like that the breath was deep down to the abdomen. It was considered to be "氣沈丹田(sink Chi to dan tian)" when one inhales with the abdomen fully expanded. Why martial arts practitioners want to have the condition of "氣沈丹田(sink Chi to dan tian)".....??? It is because that is the best time which allows the body to generated the maximum physical strength possible.
  12. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Very Daoist indeed. Back-to-basics stuff in explaining Chi Kung is very demystify. Chi Kung breathing begins with baby breathing. It was written allover in the martial arts practice but it was hidden; people are so blinded and just don't realize it. I will elaborate more on this and emphasize on the Chinese term "氣沈丹田", Sink Chi to dan tian.
  13. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Let's stick with the definition of the English word "ignore" and follow what it means. 是非只為多開口 煩惱皆因強出頭
  14. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    I was only concern about "wu" within the context, here, in the thread. If you give more examples, then it will confuse the issue even more.
  15. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    So, you are saying that the soul(魂) has two parts. According to you, it has the yin and yang parts....??? This is the first time I heard someone saying that. However, sometimes, people do refer that the soul after death of a person is called the 陰魂(yin-soul).
  16. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    I would like to clarify this. A live person has a 魄(body) and 魂(soul). When a person die, the soul(魂) leaves the body(魄). Thus a dead person is only left with a body. BTW In the Chinese classic, 亡 is a synonym of 無(wu). The modern definition of 亡 is deceased or death.
  17. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Derail......??? Are you kidding...??? I think you are doing a great job asking legitimate questions. @slim.... You welcome....!!! Yes, it is the most basic fundamental principle of breathing for all vital systems of life.
  18. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Will be....permanently... ??? I thought it was permanently long time ago already.....!!!!
  19. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Thank you for your unwanted disparaging remarks. May I ask where is your valuable contribution to this thread....???
  20. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Thanks, I see what you are saying. I don't mind learning the definitions of the terms in other systems. However, what I like to do is to stay with one system and keep other terms out to avoid confusion.This is the only way that I can keep the consistency of one system without confusing the issue.
  21. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    malikshreds...... I am considering myself as Taoist. Chi Kung is for the purpose of longevity, for good health rather. I believe the term "samadhi" is mental concentration or composing the mind. It is a method of meditation for Hindus and Buddhists. However, to a Taoist, breathing is more significant than the samadhi requirement. The awareness is mainly lies on the concentration of breathing. The consciousness of a Chi Kung practitioner is strictly having all the attention on inhalation and exhalation. Another words, when one inhale only knows one is inhaling; exhale is exhaling and think of nothing else. Thus a Taoist concentrates on the breathing rather than the mental concentration on something else as a Buddhist does.
  22. Masculinity

    Yes, women have testosterone but less than men. The testosterone has more effects in men than women. If a woman has excessive testosterone than normal, she will have some sighs of masculinity. If a male has less testosterone than normal, he will act like a female. For example, a eunuch behaves like a woman with a high pitch voice and cannot grow a beard or mustache.
  23. Masculinity

    What happen if a woman eat more protein.....???
  24. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    For those who still want to beat on a dead horse; do it elsewhere. Please do not contaminate this thread with your erroneous information. Thanks.