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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. So, the final conclusion is.... If I can't agree with you, then, don't even bother to waste your time and mine to disagree with you. Fine, my friend........
  2. Based on your believes and practices, apparently, things do not work out for you because of your line of questioning. I think your line of questioning is completely legitimate due to some open loopholes. However, what bothers me was why all the basic fundamental principles you have learned or followed others' advices still did not fall into place for you.....!!! Does this mean anything to you at all.....???
  3. I cannot find a reference souce that is coincide with the notion of "pranayama that one can achieve a nearly breathless state."
  4. This is my analysis to the above. 1. Your breathing becomes shallow is because you are relaxing the abdomen causing you not to breathe properly. You must expand and contract the abdomen in order to cause to diaphragm to move up and down to have effective breathing. 2. It is a big fallacy. Even though you are not moving, but you still need most of the oxygen for the functions of the internal organs. The heart needs oxygen for the muscle to have strong contraction. The shallow breathing was because you are not allowing yourself to breathe more efficiently and cause suffocation. The part on breathing you should not rely on the body to control it but should be regulated by self discipline. The regulation of breathing is what Chi Kung is all about. The practice of Chi Kung is strictly be self discipline; otherwise, you are not practicimg any kind of methods at all.
  5. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    You welcome....!!! Okay, you have not mention anything about breathing. If you will include the breathing in your meditation, it should slow down your aging process. For example, it will increase the blood pressure and make the skin more flexible and expandable to stop the wrinkles. Besides, breathing with increase the metabolism such as mitosis which will regenerate new cells to replace the dead cells. Thus the faster rate to regenerate the new cells which will make one look younger because the older cells are no longer remain for the grotesque look. BTW This is how the aging process works.
  6. Hello Fellow Lovers of the Tao

    Welcome...!!! I don't know how did you practice in your meditation. However, if you did lots of slow and deep breathing, then, what you had been experiencing like the tingling is the effect of the Chi Sensation. It sounds like that your blood pressure has been increased in your circulation, during your practice, which is completely normal. Hence, the arterioles are constricted to counterbalance the increasing pressure. Otherwise, the arterioles will be fractured. If you are performing the Chi Kung practice properly, it should aid to slow down the aging process. I don't know how long have you been doing your meditation and how. Do you think you can shed some light with more detail about your practice. Thanks.
  7. I think you are strongly believing in and fighting against your own fallacy about breathing. So, what and whose advice would you like to accept or follow.......??? ....
  8. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    In that case, me too.......
  9. Taoism or Taoism?

    ......... ..........................
  10. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    The philosophies between the Tao Te Ching and Analects are different. Unfortunately, most people do get them confused.
  11. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    ....................................... This is the philosophy section. "Meditation" ought to be discussed in the Taoist or General Discussion Section.
  12. Taoism or Taoism?

    It is, certainly, people do not understand how the Chinese classic was written and what they meant.
  13. What does a Taoist do, in the Middle of Summer

    They stay in cool places to keep cool.......... PS...... Keep the heart at the rest. Another words, keep the heart calm.
  14. Taoism or Taoism?

    End wisdom(of cunning), abandon knowledge(of cheating), the people benefit a hundred times. In order to make logical sense in conjunction with Line 2, paradoxically, this is what the intended meaning of the classic verse by Lao Tze.
  15. Energy Healing - Does it really work?

    "I explored Qigong - I practiced Spring Forest Qigong level 1 (still do) for 2 years faithfully. Did not seem t help one bit." Taken any one day session or seminar will not have any effect on you. Can you describe how were you doing your practice.....??? So, I can give you an analysis to see what was missing or why it isn't work out for you.....!!! Thanks.
  16. Is pornography bad for your qi?

    Likewise but practice Chi Kung will re-energize afterwards. BTW It even make one is more energetic and stronger than before.
  17. TV

    Yang Style 24, advanced, viewed from the back side. The movements are continuously and smooth flow with no hesitation.
  18. Energy Healing - Does it really work?

    It seems unhelpful, but the practice must be done by self discipline in order to be effective.
  19. It is not your energy system dislike any kind of intense exercise. It was you are the one who have not exercised to intensify your energy system to begin with.....!!!
  20. Help translating inscription on statue

    土地公神位 神位: a "place holder" which is dedicated to a deity. 土地公: is a male(公) deity of earth. Note: There are many legends about this deity. Normally, there is a name written on a tablet indicting who the deity is. Then, place the tablet on a altar to be worshiped. Now, there is a place holder in position for a particular deity.
  21. Pranayama science discussion

    Songtsan........ You welcome...!!! My last comment to you before you go. The concept about the abundance of oxygen is under the normal vital condition of the human body. In the contrary, The excessive carbon dioxide, under hypoxia, is the abnormal condition of the body. I believe both the pranayama and Chi Kung, under normal conditions, are learning to breathe oxygen and rid of carbon dioxide. Of course, the excess of oxygen also will cause body harm.
  22. ...

    Only the man of virtue doesn't hate.
  23. Pranayama science discussion

    "if O2 is deficient the cell respiration process slows down?" No, it doesn't slow down but it stops producing ATP. Creatine kinase cycle, lactic acid cycle (AKA Cori) took place before the ETC. btw in the lactic acid cycle only produce four molecules of ATP, as I had indicated before only two ATP left for the external function of the body.
  24. Pranayama science discussion

    Yes, I did read it. It doesn't mean it is true even though another guy agrees with you. The same question applies because what you had been saying contradicts the "cell respiration" process.