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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Pranayama science discussion

    I do agree that the normal % of O2 in the air is around 18%, but it is not how much oxygen in the air. It is rather how much can one be breathed into the body by a breathing method. btw how do you justify that you believe pranayama is more about CO2 levels than O2 levels.......???
  2. Pranayama science discussion

    Have you aware of this.....???
  3. Pranayama science discussion

    I am glad that you have some basic knowledge about the "cell respiration". Anyway, in the mitochondrial cycle (electron transport system) produces energy as ATP is correct but only when oxygen is present. Without oxygen, the whole process only produce four molecules of ATP per glucose, but two were used in the process which leaves only two for the body to perform the external function. With the continuous supply of oxygen, 36 molecules of ATP were produced in the electron transport cycle. A person can learn to hold their breath for at least 5 minutes or more depends how much oxygen can one breathe in one inhalation. The greater the amount will last longer before the next inhalation. During the 5 minute duration, the oxygen were using to manufacture the ATP to sustain life. After the full amount of oxygen was used, the amount of waste gas of carbon dioxide were detected by the CO2 sensor and demand for more oxygen. Thus exhalation will take place to get rid of the CO2, then inhale for more oxygen and the breathing cycle repeats. People learn to breathe slow and deep is known as Chi Kung, the ultimate method of breathing.
  4. Pranayama science discussion

    Songtsan..... You have raised some interesting questions which I do have the scientific explanations for them. However, I can only go over one at a time, slowly, to get my point across. All these issues had been a major controversies in my arguments with the members here in the forum. Unfortunately, most of the members do not raise questions like you do to present a valid argument. Anyway, regarding to: "its ability to generate chi is the fact that it limits the amount of oxygen available to the body," Based on the "cell respiration" in modern science, it is the amount of oxygen in the body which limits its ability to generate chi. Instead of the other way around as you have stated. The biochemical energy formula is: glucose + oxygen --> H2O + CO2 + heat + energy(ATP) You will see that oxygen is the dominated factor, at the left of the formula, to generate the energy at the right. Indeed, oxygen was obtained from breathing, that is why breathing is so important in the Martial arts industry. Especially, in Chi Kung and Nei Kung. Furthermore, can you see that no energy will be produced if there is no oxygen at the left side of the formula.....???
  5. Horse stance

    Well, I wouldn't jump to a conclusion about the ability of a Shaolin monk. It is because he had dedicates all his life in the Shaolin style martial arts. In your case, you had damaged your knee from the half lotus to begin with. Besides, one doesn't do the 90 degree horse stance from the beginning or a cold start. It has to be done progressively with an increment of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degree with the vertical. Each angle was done, at a time, for a certain period depends on the physical muscle structure of each individual. Thus one might take longer or shorter than others. Many people had done the horse stance for centuries, it was for the good of the legs but not to make it worse. The only thing that could make it worse is when it was done improperly. After the horse stance has been mastered to its perfection, the practitioner may stand in any position without causing any pain or damages to the any part of the legs, thus the anatomy is really not an issue.
  6. Horse stance

    90 degree with the upper body in a vertical position......??? If you did, then congratulations....!!!
  7. Horse stance

    Who said 90 degree...??? Did he say that he did 12 minutes in 90 degree horse stance....???
  8. Lower Dantien and the Elixir fields

    Songtsan.... You are a gentle person and a scholar. What you said is only half true about the WESTERNER perspective. Unfortunately, most unscientific oriented Chinese are brainwashed with the same ancient ideas. Sorry to say, these contaminated ideas were translated and transposed spreading around the world. Most people tend to accept what they were told without a second thought and start looking for the illusive sense of thing. For example, when someone said that "Chi" is energy, then people start looking for energy with all kinds of imagination. It seems that if something doesn't fit, let's hammer it to fit and getting farther and farther away from the main theme of the subject matter. I had tried once to explain what the Taoist alchemy was all about. However, I was afraid that I will be shot down by some strong believers with their preconceived idea already. Fortunately, I am glad that an opened-mind westerner, like you, comes along to give me some lead way to relieve my long time suffocation. I hope someone will agree with the original thoughts and come to the truth of the matter about the Taoist alchemy. Nowadays, people around the world, including some educated Chinese, are coming up with some semi-scientific knowledge to explain the ancient myths by using the hammer-to-fit method. Indeed, it was very effective way and convincing with more and more illusions were added for the diversion. Thank you very much for opening a can of worms.......
  9. Kunlun One Breath Question

    Let me make myself clear. I am not claiming that one method is better than the other. I only am addressing the basic fundamental principle of breathing which applies and works for all methods. All humans are alike, so is their respiratory system. Please read my post above more carefully and see how precise that my response was to the OP.
  10. Kunlun One Breath Question

    It is not a matter of who said what; but my concern is the validity of what has been said.
  11. Kunlun One Breath Question

    Sorry, I was only responding to the OP.
  12. Kunlun One Breath Question

    I am not a Kunlun practitioner, but I do know the fundamental principle of breathing. When it comes to breathing, everybody has something to say about it. The normal breathing is inhale and exhale, of course, there is no art about that. It is simple as that. However, in the martial arts industry, there is an art of breathing. The art of breathing is the emphasis on the duration of inhalation and exhalation. The gap in between inhalation and exhalation may be significant only to those who are not familiar with Chi Kung breathing. It may cause a little lightheaded, drowsiness or nausea. Thus breathing without a gap will be given a smooth transition for respiration. Then, why the duration in both inhalation and exhalation is so important....??? First of all, one need to know why do we need to breathe....??? Well, the reason one needs to breathe is to absorb the source of energy in the air. Whatever one might want to call it, perhaps called it Chi or oxygen. One might want to provide as much Chi/oxygen as possible for the body to collect. For the purpose of easy explanation, let's call the source of energy as oxygen. We all know that the red blood cells collect the oxygen from the lung and delivered to the body cells. To increase the amount of oxygen to be collected by the red blood cells, it can be done by prolong the duration of inhalation and exhalation. If one inhale slowly, then it will allow more oxygen to be breathed in and more time for the collection by the red blood cells. In the same token, by prolonging the exhalation, the unused oxygen will be leaving the body slowly which will allow more time for the red blood cells to collect the remaining. I always use this fundamental principle of breathing as a guide when I was in doubt. I think this may answer your question on the 9-0-9-0 breathing cycle is a yes. Your Kunlun instructor did give you the proper instructions.
  13. Your Views Please

    To the best of my knowledge, Aikido(合氣道), is the Japanese version of Chi Kung(氣功). I don't see why it may not be for everybody. btw Both methods are emphasized in breathing.
  14. Your Views Please

    It seems to me it is a very vague statement regarding to exposing the center line of the body. I can see other parts of the body could be exposed but I cannot make such statement about the center line. The feet are at the lowest position; and the elbows are at the outermost position of the body. Especially, there is one thing is very uncertain which is how can the breathing be observed to make such judgement.
  15. Your Views Please

    I don't quite understand the question....!!!
  16. Kunlun One Breath Question

    There is nothing that need to be clarified. The clear is always transparent. The muddy becomes more muddy when disturbed.
  17. Kunlun One Breath Question

    Thanks! It was very impressive but it is still very specious........
  18. Hello, and a question about TTC.

    Difference between Tai Ji and Chi Kung
  19. Kunlun One Breath Question

    When we breathe, we inhale air(氣,chi) into the lung. The oxygen(氧氣) flows in the blood and deliver to the body cells to produce energy(氣,chi). The body energy was generated by the body cells. Hence, the source of energy was breathed from the air into the body. During cell respiration, the oxygen was use to generate the energy for the body to function. The more air/oxygen we breathe the more energy that the body can be generated. People get confused and thought that Chi Kung was breathing energy from the air. Actually, Chi Kung is to learn and practice how to breathe more efficiently to provide more oxygen for the body to generate a maximum amount of body energy as it possibly can.
  20. Kunlun One Breath Question

  21. Hello, and a question about TTC.

    You should look for something like Tai Ji Chuan or similar like involving breathing and with movements holistically. Another words, all the body parts are moving spontaneously and slowly in synchronize with the breathing.
  22. Hello, and a question about TTC.

    This video has more movements. Based on observation, it seems to me that some of the movements are some basic physical exercises in junior high school.
  23. strange feelings

    Did someone explain about this kind of Qi sensation to you.....??? All Qigong masters should have had aware of that and start with you as a beginner with the preliminarily steps. Can you describe what were the steps that your instructor was given you....???
  24. Hello, and a question about TTC.

    May we see what you have found on youtube.....???
  25. Your Views Please

    You welcome! Yes, it's yours truly.