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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The meridians?

    Does anybody ever run out of breath during the practice of "running qigong".....???
  2. Your Views Please

    In regarding to the "Lazy Taiji", the tradition Taiji classes was taught in the 108 from. Since they were simplified to the shorter forms, people were joking that the shorter forms are the lazy forms of Tai Ji Chuan. Thank you for being interested in the original famous "Jade Lady" form which was known as the "Four Corners". For your interest, here are the two forms of Jade Lady and Cloud Hands. The Four Corners..... The Cloud Hands and Repulsive Monkey......
  3. is it possible to see chi?

    At least, somebody has been enlightened once in one's lifetime. ....................
  4. Yin Yang Left Right

  5. Your Views Please

    It is interesting to see a combination of other forms within the Yang style. I see a little Chen style and a martial arts leg movement in it. The form was done in random sequence; or nowadays, perhaps it is called the simplified form or lazy Taiji. The "Jade Lady" form was originally called the "Four Conner". In the simplified form, it has been reduced to only two corners like just left and right. I am wondering are you interested to see its original form of the Yang style...??? Perhaps the "Cloud Hands" too....!!!
  6. Your Views Please

    You welcome and likewise........
  7. Yin Yang Left Right

    If one would like to understand the concept of yin-yang, then one should start something fundamental like the Yijing, 易經, the Classic of Changes. It doesn't quite work out learning something from the middle or backwards.
  8. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    Hint: Please do not try to translate the superficial meanings of these two characters. It should be interpreted by its intended meaning by the author of the TTC.
  9. Hello, and a question about TTC.

    Chapter 2 1. Everyone, on earth, knows beauty as beauty, 2. Then, saw ugliness. 3. Everyone knows kindness as kindness, 4. Then, saw evil. 5. Therefore, 6. Solid and space coexisted; 7. Difficulty and easiness mutually succeeded; 8. Long and short mutually formed; 9. High and low mutually encompassed; 10. Melodies and songs mutually harmonized; 11. Front and back mutually trailed; 12. Always the same. 13. Sage handles matters in a natural manner. 14. Gives silent instructions. 15. Let things be with no interference; 16. Rear without possession. 17. Sustain without domination. 18. Success without dwelling. 19. Because of, only if, one was not dwelling, 20. Thus merits do not vanish.
  10. Translation of this image

    That's quite a challenge.........
  11. Your Views Please

    You are the most humble man who is dedicated to Wushu. You have the virtue of martial arts which is the highest quality of a Kung Fu practitioner could ever possess. BTW The attire was only a minor observation. It is immaterial and not worth to mention again.
  12. Translation of this image

    You welcome...!!! The second character is in Simplified Chinese which most people are not very fond of.
  13. Yin Yang Left Right

  14. Yin Yang Left Right

    It is not a matter of right or wrong but only the difference in concept. PS..... There is no need for any further discussion in our conceptual differences.
  15. Yin Yang Left Right

    LOL. Of course all the human bodies are function the same but there is a difference in concept between the two cultural philosophies. The questions is which one do you want to follow. If you have decided to follow one, then, ignore the other to avoid any conflicts and confusions.
  16. Loopy thoughts

    Chapter 1 1. 道可道,非恒道。 2. 名可名,非恒名。 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 Translation. 1. Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. 2. A name that can be named is not an eternal name. 3. Invisible(Wu), it(Tao) was named as the origin of heaven and earth. 4. Visible(You), it(Tao) was named as the mother of all things.
  17. Loopy thoughts

    Correction: The Tao that can be named is not the eternal Tao. Since we don't know whose son it is, it was reluctantly to name it, as Tao, for the convenience of description.
  18. Your Views Please

    The first come on, I see that you are a very powerful man. You have full control of your movements by keeping the upper body in a static condition and the lower part very dynamic. As a martial artist, it is fine to apply all the energy to the arms and legs. However, when the energy applied to the hands tend to spread the fingers which make them very vulnerable to be damaged by the opponent. During practice is ok to open the fingers, but it is not advisable during combat. As a Tai Ji practitioner, the yin-yang concept shall be always applied in the body movements such as relaxing the upper body including the hands and fingers while the lower body is doing some kicking. Traditionally, the attire is a bit too feminine for a male martial artist. I would wear something shorter for the upper body. Thank you for being objective and open minded for comments.
  19. Yin Yang Left Right

    I agree with the former but not the latter. This fallacy did not answer the question in the OP.
  20. Yin Yang Left Right

    If there is no sunlight(yang), then there is no shadow(yin). If one sees darkness, there has to be light somewhere to cast the shadow. This is the fundamental concept of the yin-yang. Please look at the yin-yang symbol in my avatar. The fundamental concept of yin-yang was based on the shadow vs sunlight, on the hills to begin with, rather than the darkness vs light.
  21. Translation of this image

    It says: Wushu = Martial arts.
  22. Yin Yang Left Right

    It would be less confusing if you only stick with one system. Yin/Yang are Chinese terms; and Yoga is Hindu. Please try not to intermix them as the people in the thetaobums do.
  23. Haiku Chain

    Make my eyes see fire Vital fire is warm and bright Fire enlightened all
  24. How to develop unconditional love?

    One only feel the pain after the knife was removed from the stab. The oxygen in the air enters the wound which activates the nerves for one to feel the pain.
  25. Yes, and please don't forget the calcium too. You need Calcium to work together with potassium to relax the muscle after contraction. Otherwise, you will get a cramp.