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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How to translate 夫?

    Secondly, yes, 凡夫 means "ordinary man," but it is also used in religious contexts to provide contrast to a human who has had spiritual awakening or who is perhaps a descended heavenly being. From a religious point of view and linguistically, you are correct.......
  2. Jing/Shen Gong?

    For those who are not familiar with the Chinese language. FYI 神功(shen gong) is not a special method of practice. It is only an exaggerated description of a very effective method(功). 神功(shen gong) is an exaggeration of a superb and magnificent practice as a "divine method". Thus 神功(shen gong) means a divine method.
  3. The Principle and Logic of Tao Philosophy

    Linguistically, "wu and you" are the dyad. The emphasis should not have too much weight on "heng" because "heng" is only an adjective. 恆無 and 恆有 should not be brought out of context. These two terms should not be interpreted in relation the "Wu and You" because they are compound with the "heng". As a result, these two terms become adjectives. However, these two terms must interpreted with more meaningful relationship with the philosophy of Lao Tze. 恆無: always none(無) which means "invisible". "Invisible" was referred to Tao before or at the origin of the Heaven and Earth(the Universe). Thus 恆無 has the linguistic meaning that "When Tao is always invisible,...." 恆有: Always has(有) which means "exist". "Exist" was referred that Tao was manifested. Thus 恆有 has the linguistic meaning that " When Tao was always manifested,....."
  4. Getting punched in the gut...

    Who can guarantee to hit lighter....???
  5. I understand that Qi Gong is the best kind of cardio exercise that you can integrated into your meditative lifestyle. However, you must have the right concept about Qi Gong in mind. Otherwise, you will not have the right effect as you have expected. Can you tell me what have you been introduced about Qi Gong so far....??? Thanks.
  6. Getting punched in the gut...

    He has the guts to admit that his guts were damages once before and does not wish to have anymore damages.
  7. Getting punched in the gut...

    My finally words for you is no matter how much you like the class, it is not for you at your present health condition of your internal organs.
  8. *

    You give me your birth year or a year.
  9. *

    Before go any further, first of all, one should be determined where the bedroom should be located in the house based on the birth year.
  10. Getting punched in the gut...

  11. It is all about mind control......
  12. It helps your concentration by keeping cool and calm and watch every move of the counterpart. Standing still, being alert and ready to anticipate your opponent at any instant.
  13. Tai Chi 24 Forms

    The practice of Tai Ji Quan is very versatile. The original practice was to perform the 108 forms in sequence. After the practitioner is familiar with all the forms, then the forms can be broken down in difference sequence which called the random sequential practice method. In the 108 forms, there are lots of repeated forms which is hard to remember for those who just want to do for exercise. Hence, the Chinese government had called all the Tai Ji Masters together and help to come up with the simplest basic short forms so anyone can practice. These short forms become an international standard for all the people around the world to learn and bring it back to their own country and teach. Therefore, the people around the world can go into China for the Tai Ji tournament which held by the Chinese government. The basic concept is not based on which form one was practiced. It was the benefits resulted from the practice of the movements repeatedly over and over for the body the adjust to those movements holistically. Thus the muscle reflexes will be able to respond to all movements spontaneously.
  14. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    No one will ever known the difference, do we....??? We just talk about it but don't care what it is. WOW. Nice open discussion without reaching a conclusion. Is this just how all the members of TTB handles all matters in such manner for enlightenment and wisdom...???
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, but you knew more than those who do not, even, read the modern Chinese newspaper......
  16. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    It is because nobody really knows the difference even though there is a difference.
  17. which chapter...?

    Sorry, no such chapter.
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    吾不知 誰之子: I don't know whose child it is.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    誰之子 means Who is the child? 誰之子也 means Whose child is it? Correction: 誰之子 means Whose child is it? 誰之子也 means Whose child is it then?
  20. Throwing up feeling

    Please try not to do it before breakfast. You were lack of nourishment and the blood sugar was low due to an empty stomach.
  21. Taijiquan Styles

    FYI You may have noticed that the last guy, with glasses, was not thrown as vigorous as the others. He seems to be one of his advanced students; because I did see that he has some Jin in him to cancel out some of the pushing force of his instructor.
  22. Tai Chi 24 Forms Advanced Tai JI 24 form
  23. A simple question on the human soul

    Your soul manipulates the body. Without the soul you cannot feel your body is because the feeling is from the soul.
  24. There is no self

    Selfless is a cultivation for a person to do away with ego, desires, and vanity. It is a person who wants to stay away from all these things(in red). It is a realm for a cultivated Taoist to attain a state of serenity.