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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Why do tai chi masters seem bored?

    The practice is all in the heart. Otherwise, it is not.
  2. is it possible to see chi?

    Yes, a teacher can only get one started, the progress was determined by one's intelligence and self intuition. A teacher cannot and will not stay with a student for life. Once the student had learnt the basics and practiced long enough, it is time to go on one's own for further comprehension and development.
  3. is it possible to see chi?

    Thank you, this is more simpler than I thought....
  4. is it possible to see chi?

    Can you tell me what is Chi Kung(qigong).....???
  5. Focusing on a particular organ with qigong

    One can focus on any part of the body as a wishful thinking. For example, let's say the liver is dysfunctional, one would think by focusing on it during meditation would restore the liver back to normalcy. However, to my understanding, any damaged part in the body will go through a self-healing process. Regardless, it was focused upon it or not.
  6. is it possible to see chi?

    Good luck with all the imaginations.
  7. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Yes, I would consider that as the will of the spirit which manipulate the physical body. However, whatever that is only in the mind, it may or may not happen as the emotion wants the body to be. One can focus on any part of the body as a wishful thinking. For example, let's say the liver is dysfunctional, one would think by focusing on it during meditation would restore the liver back to normalcy. However, to my understanding, any damaged part in the body will go through a self-healing process. Regardless, it was focused upon it or not.
  8. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Yes, the liver stores the glucose for the generation of "Jin".
  9. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Jin cannot be expressed by anyone. It has to be developed by long time practice. Tai Ji practitioners are experts in jin expression. It is something that need to be experienced rather than just verbal expression.
  10. Contraction Exercise

    What is with the yin-yang thing now...???.... Just breathe and move naturally without any intentions. Things will occur spontaneously. Tai Ji is a good example of the contraction exercise. All beginners were instructed to relax all the muscles but just going through the movements. Then, the contraction and the breathing follow each other without realizing that all of these were happening inside the body.
  11. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    This was only happens once under extreme panic situation. It does not occur all the time. Edited to add: the word "not".
  12. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    I wouldn't go fight a tiger with this notion in mind.
  13. Do you practice at midnight?

    Gemstone: First of all, Zhan Zhuang is not Static Chi Kung. It is because you are putting stress on your leg muscles by supporting your own body weight of 73kg(160lb). Especially, when you tighten up your muscles, you are making your muscles to work harder and dissipating lots of body heat. Your body has to be cooled down by given off water. Thus this is why you were sweating. Zazen is static Chi Kung because it requires the practitioner to sit in anyone form of lotus positions. Even though the legs were bent, but they do not have as much stress as doing the stance in Zhan Zhuang. PS.... If you can do Zhan Zhuang in 45-60 mins, then your legs are very strong. It is fine to contract your muscles at that level. However, since you have a good amount of body weight, it is equivalent to that your legs were doing some weight lifting. It is better off for you to just do the Zhan Zhuang stance without the additional muscle contraction but just let your body weight doing the work. Indeed, this can prevent you from sweating and you must breathe deeply and slowly to compensate for the heavy consumption of oxygen. Keeping in mind that, when you inhale that your are inhaling. When you exhale that you are exhaling. Another words, your concentration is straightly on your breathing and your mind is not anywhere else. For what is worth, you are actually cultivating the body, breathing and mind.
  14. Am I just going crazy, or getting duller?

    It is not the blame but what he had actually done. You don't know how much that can be damaged to a person physically and mentally.
  15. circular breathing and anapana

    It makes no difference as long as you breathe and stay alive. The main purpose is to breathe as slow as possible. The gap allows the oxygen to stay in the lungs. Thus it gives more time for the collection of oxygen by the red blood cells. As a result, there will be more oxygen in the blood to be distributed throughout the body for the cells. Another words, breathing with a gap or slow has accomplished the purpose of reducing the breathing frequency. I don't see any contradictions between the two methods as described.
  16. The feel of Internal Power (Jin)

    Jin is internal power already. No further development required.
  17. Do you practice at midnight?

    Good, that's what I thought the case might be. Let me ask you some more questions before I answer you. You said long sessions of Zhan Zhuang. 1. How long is one session....??? 2. Did you get tire after one long session......??? 3. Did you tight up your muscles....??? 4. How much do you weight....???
  18. I have a lot to tell you. It'll take sometime for me to prepare it.
  19. I do not find any significant meaning in the term "stablizing muscles". However, I go along with using the muscles to stabilize the body. From the former paragraph, I do detect a little misunderstand on the purpose of ZZ which creates the confusion as mentioned in the latter. Anyways, the purpose of ZZ was not the stabilize the muscles rather to strengthen the leg muscles. However, strengthening the leg muscles will help to stabilize the body. After a long practice of ZZ, the muscle tone builds up in the legs which made the legs are much stronger than before. Indeed, it allows to use less effort to stabilize the body. Please keep in mind, through small tweaks in posture does not relax the muscles used for motion. At anytime, small tweaks will put the muscles under slightly contraction. Thus the muscles are not in a relax position. In the second paragraph, you are definitely have the right to be confused. The reason you were tired is because the body cells had used up all the oxygen in the muscles. A good indication of that was your body gets hotter and your hands and forearms became numb. Again, all these was due to the lack of oxygen. Hence, you breathe faster and the heart pumps faster for more oxygen until all the oxygen debts were paid back to the muscles. As you said, it settles down again.
  20. Yes, these are not correct information. It is because energy cannot be blocked. Chi blockage was an misinterpretation. In TCM, Chi blockage means the function of a organ was out of order; it can be completely or partially. If more thoughts added to that will be very misleading. When people interpret as "energy blockage", there goes the endless confusion. "focus on strengthening all 3 dan tiens, central channel, 8 extraordinary channels, nourish heaven (stars, sun, moon), earth (soil, water, wind), man (jing, qi, shen), fire-water" Channels are nothing but place holders; only the physical body can be strengthened. "nourish heaven (stars, sun, moon), earth (soil, water, wind), man (jing, qi, shen), fire-water" Unless they were interpreted esoterically, otherwise, they make no sense to an ordinary person.
  21. Do you practice at midnight?

    Please give more details about your floor gets wet.
  22. grammar in 民莫之令而自均 from DDJ32?

    32 道 常 無 名 。 Tao is always nameless. 樸 雖 小 天 下 莫 能 臣 也 。 It's simple, even though small, no one in the world can subdues it. 侯 王 若 能 守 之 , If nobles could guard it, 萬 物 將 自 賓 。 Then, all things would be naturally follow it. 天 地 相 合 以 降 甘 露 , Heaven and earth are mutually united to rain sweet dew. 民 莫 之 令 而 自 均 。 People do not need governing laws because they are in a natural state of balance already.
  23. inhaling vs exhaling

    FYI. Neither one will do the trick for you.
  24. Secrets of the chi and the spine

    It would be a mental block instead of a Chi blockage on my part.....