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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Do you practice at midnight?

    Zazen or static Chi Kung is not a strenuous exercise which is good for midnight practice. It is equivalent to a good night rest or few hours anyways.
  2. inhaling vs exhaling

    Can you do one without the other....??? Both are significant in breathing. There should be no questions asked. BTW, it is not the inhalation nor exhalation that moves energy. However, breathing moves the air in and out of the body. It is the body cells that create the energy. Energy do not move inside the body. It was only an old conceptual idea of the ancient Taoists.
  3. Internal Power? Best Method

    The ultimate method of breathing which is Chi Kung.
  4. Thank you. The final conclusion says all..... PS..... At the "lactate threshold", that is when the mitochondria start to not manufacturing ATP due to the lack of oxygen or hypoxia. Hence, the muscles are no longer have the energy for contraction and become fatigue. During Zhan Zhuang, under this condition, the leg muscles become weaken and can no longer support the body weight due to the collapse of the energy level.
  5. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    In general, δΊ”θ‘Œ is the "Five Categories". All the things have to be classified in a category, in order, to do an evaluation. The TCM was based on the "Five Categories". Otherwise, the TCM will not work without it. Yes, the "Five Phases" depends on context can be used for the explanation of the "Five Categories".
  6. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    δΊ”θ‘Œ is the "Five Categories" rather than "Five Phases" 四倧 is the "Four Greats" rather than the "Four Elements".
  7. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    I have great admiration for the wisdom of our ancestors in observing Nature. They had lots of great thoughts from the observations with their naked eyes. I can only treat their thoughts as conceptual evidences without the ability to prove scientifically. My present task is to have the conceptual evidences as hypothesis and search for proofs, with the modern scientific method, as conclusion.
  8. I'm no doctor neither. Besides, it is not only the doctors are the ones who know the common knowledge about physiology. It is all in the books and on the internet. Based on some scientific facts which leads me to disagree with items #1 and 2. The blood temperature does not increase by itself due to muscle fatigue. The blood only collects the heat energy from the body cells during cell respiration or metabolism and distributed throughout the body. Muscle fatigue is different from having a fever. High fever will have an adverse effect on the function of the brain but not when the muscles are fatigue. Muscle fatigue was due to the lack of oxygen which not allow the glucose to create energy as you have indicated in item #3. We have body cells allover the body; and the blood is constantly circulating to provide oxygen for them. Even the blood can provide more oxygen to the body cells, at a point, the rate of oxygen consumption can be faster then what has been provide. It will happen as you had indicated in item #2 in the cases of pumping iron and running. However, the rate of oxygen consumption in Zhan Zhuang is slower than pumping iron or running. Item #3 is the key to open the veil about muscle fatigue. During Zhan Zhuang, let's say, the legs were bent at 30 degree which cause muscle contraction. Indeed, muscle contraction require energy. The energy is from the glucose and oxygen as you had indicted in item #3. What that leads to is what happens if the oxygen was ran out...??? Well, the glucose will become lactic acid or lactate which cause muscle pain and fatigue. In order to keep the glucose from turning into lactate, a constant supply of oxygen is needed. The supply of oxygen was from breathing efficiently. What is the most efficient way of breathing...??? It is known as Chi Kung, the ultimate method of breathing...!!! For beginners, the muscle may not have the muscle tone which also may cause fatigue. The muscles were also very painful due the stress that was applied to the legs muscle. Eventually, the problems with muscle pain and fatigue will go away when the muscle tone was built up from the practice diligently. In conclusion, Zhan Zhuang standing with the legs bent at 30 degree which cause muscle contraction. Muscle contraction requires the energy to be created by combining the glucose with oxygen. In order to prevent the legs muscles from fatigue, a constant supply of oxygen is required. The oxygen was obtained from breathing. With a proper breathing method, a maximum amount of oxygen can be provided for the body cells to function to their peak performance.
  9. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    We have started out with two systems. Without having a thorough understand of the systems, people start to equate the elements from one system to another with various assumptions. It that a wise thing to do....???
  10. a Q about Zhan Zhuang Qigong

    It gives you good muscle tones on the legs. The legs become very strong after one year of practice. It'll make you still firm and not letting someone to push you away that easy. You can kick a door open at one blow if you have the will. Just be careful who you kick and try not to hurt somebody with your legs. If you just stand there meditating but not doing any breathing exercise, then you are not doing it properly. Doing breathing, in zhan zhuang, will give you the most benefits. Otherwise, your leg muscles become fatigue in no time. However, there are some insights, in Zhan Zhuang, that the beginners should know. To understand the ZZ concept, one should know something about muscle contraction. Doing without knowing is less advantageous. If one knew why is doing, then it would be more appreciative and effective.
  11. Five Elements or Four Elements?

    That is only the difference in the thinking of the minds. The same terms do not have the same meaning on the other parts of the territory. It the descriptive method is the same for the two maps, then why should they be treated differently due to stubbornness.
  12. The Soul Vs Immortal

    Taoists believe in "immortal". An immortal goes to heaven. Buddhists believe in "soul". A soul stays on earth as being a ghost. A ghost is a soul of a dead body which caused by an accident or murdered. However, the soul will stay with the body if it was by natural death.
  13. Do you know how to apply pressure to your ear drums internally...??? If you do, you should be able to feel the pressure and hear some sound. This feature can be used to equalize the pressure to avoid or cancel out the external loud noise.
  14. Home Taoist Altar

    My take. The display objects should not be taller or bigger than the deities.
  15. It seems as there is an imbalance of pressure in the air passage of your hearing system.
  16. It is from the heart and artery, but not from the brain. Is that what you meant.....???
  17. The phrase in red need to be looked into more closely, please....... Are you saying that the oxygen is coming directly from the brain or it was meant something else....??? Hint: How do the muscle and brain cells get their oxygen.....???
  18. Contraction Exercise

    The yin-yang thing is the theory from the intuition from the exercise of the masters. Without any intuition from the practice, there is no chance for advancement of comprehension. The movies are just for looks to capture the audiences. There maybe just a little theory to catch. The Concept of Yin-Yang is really for those who are dedicated to the practice of Tai Ji. I don't think it was for a novice. When someone reach to a deeper level will realize that is the theory behind the art. BTW Thank you for your advice. What I will do is to exercise in lieu with the concept in mind.
  19. Contraction Exercise

    Applying the concept of Yin-yang. Considering the two types of motions: breathing and muscle movements Yin vs Yang: Internal vs Eternal -------------------------------------------------- Breathing vs Muscle movements Inhale(Yang) vs Relax(Yin) Exhale(Yin) vs Contract(Yang) Internal and external movements are in harmony 1. Internal inhalation(Yang) vs external muscle relaxation(Yin). 2. Internal exhalation(Yin) vs external muscle contraction(Yang). The pattern of Yin-Yang must be seen within the system, in order, to be considered the system is in harmony. Internal and external movements are not in harmony 1. Internal inhalation(Yang) vs external muscle contraction(Yang). 2. Internal exhalation(Yin) vs external muscle relaxation(Yin). The pattern of Yin-Yang are not seen within the system. The Yang-Yang and Yin-Yin are repelling each other; therefore, the systems were considered to be not in harmony. This is the deeper level of understanding about the Concept of Yin-Yang. That is how Tai Ji Chuan was developed by utilized the concept. There is a saying by the Tai Ji practitioners: ιœε¦‚ε±±(Still like a mountain); 動如桷(Moving like an ocean); Still is Yin Moving is Yang This is a good example to show how the Concept of Yin-Yang was applied in a combat situation. Yin defeats the Yang. Scenario #1 for Tai Ji practitioner. While one is standing still(Yin) and the opponent is moving(Yang), thus one is in the Yin state reserving the energy while the opponent is wasting energy by moving which is in the Yang state. As soon they make contact, one will move swiftly as the raging waves of the ocean with all the reserved energy. The Yin state became the Yang state. While the Yang state of the opponent became the Yin state due to the loss of energy from moving, here we are again, the Concept or Yin-yang was in effect. This gives a less chance for the opponent to succeed. Scenario #2 for Kung Fu practitioner. One might have noticed that, when tow kung fu fighters they are moving and jumping around before an attack. Both opponents had put themselves in a Yang state at the beginning. Thus by the time they make contact; they had already put themselves in the Yin state due to the waste of energy with a bad start. Hence, the Concept of Yin-Yang did not apply, here, which gives a less chance for both opponents to succeed.
  20. 5 elements in the real world

    It did't sound like the Chinese styles of Chi Kung medition. So far, only you have described them as such types in this forum. Where did you learn all the different types of meditation for each organ....???
  21. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Are you saying that you are not getting any smarter from these....??? That's why this thread was created....???
  22. Training the Energy Body: Books

    If you think that is how it works, then play it.......
  23. Training the Energy Body: Books

    1. "to mentally activate acupoints and reflexology areas" will make acupuncture and acupressure useless.....!? 2. All the things are given and come within the practice of Tai Ji. No other specialties are needed. 3. Nei Gong is the practice for internal organs, not merdians.
  24. Yin yang?

  25. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Please go back to Post #93 and read the part about ATP recycling.