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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Yes, you didn't. The TCM only mentioned two kinds of Jing, the pre-natal Jing and post-natal Jing and no other Jing as you had preferred as some kind of Jing. Since no other Jing was mentioned in the TCM, and it was stated that the Jing was transformed into qi, then, the "Jing" mentioned here has to be referred to as the "pre-natal Jing" from our parents. Even tough, one may assume that the Jing from other organs but it is still the essential unite of the body. Again, it is still aiming back to the body cell as the smallest unite of the body. PS..... I must admit that I made a mistake, in the above posts, actually what I meant about Jing should be "post-natal" instead of "pre-natal". I will cross it out to make the correction. Sorry, I was correct in the first place. I have made the correction once more.
  2. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    I'll say you have a poor memory. Please get the fact straight and handle the discussion in a non-gossip manner.
  3. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    ATP recycling Anyway, ATP cannot be stored as oppose to "pre-natal Jing" which is always there in a preexisted condition. This is the point I was trying to make. I repeat, based on this fact, ATP is not the Jing as you thought it might be.
  4. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Yessssssssssssssss. Unless you can stated otherwise.
  5. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    My books give me better reasons. What kind of reasons can you give me....???
  6. Emptiness Meditation

    The "Emptiness" for a Taoist is a goal to have the mind in a State of Serenity for complete stillness, quietness, or tranquility. So, the mind will be calm for body cultivation. Another words, no external disturbances or interruptions. The "Emptiness" for a Buddhist is a goal to have an empty heart to due away with mental suffering from striving for materialism. The Buddhists do not want to contrive in the rat race which was causing all the human suffering and emotional bitterness. As far as emotional concern, the Taoist has not initial problem to begin with. However, in Buddhism, the practitioner has an emotion problem due to family affair or personal conflict with society. Mentally, they cannot take it anymore, therefore they want to run away from all the turmoil and become a Buddhist. PS.... These are only the general and basic phylosophy between the two religions. However, there are lot more issues to it for those who want to go in deeper.
  7. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    How can ATP is coming from the western as opposed to eastern point of view pinning it down can be a bit ambiguous...??? The western view of ATP was described down to a microscopic level. ATP was described as a form of biochemical energy which was generated by decomposing the glucose by the oxygen in the muscle cells; and only lasted for few second if it was not utilized. The ATP energy is not a form of substance. In TCM, Jing is an essence which is the basic unite of the body. The basic unite of the body is the pre -natal Jing. The vitalization of pre-natal Jing must be maintained by post-natal Jing. In western science, the basic unite of the body is the body cell. The vitalization of the body cells is also maintained by the glucose and the oxygen. Hence, I would say that a "pre-natal Jing" is analogous to a "body cell". Since ATP is not a substance, therefore, it cannot be equivalent to a body cell or Jing. There is another contradiction, the ATP was generated within the body cells by "Cell Respiration". Therefore, one may not and cannot conclude by stating that the ATP is analogous to "pre-natal Jing" or "body cell". Added to edit: Replace "pre" with "post" for the natal jing.
  8. Contraction Exercise

    Well, you did mention on a "deeper level" of intuition.... Yes, "follows the thought" is the yi(意) which is the intent of the mind.
  9. Yin yang?

    The concept of Yin-yang came from the source of light. The light is active which is Yang, while the shadow is passive which is Yin. Yin-yang becomes two categories of duality. To answer your question in regarding to good and evil. In this case, good would be considered as Yang, and evil as Yin. Doing something is active which Yang and doing nothing is passive which Yin. Just keep in mind how to determine which is Yin or Yang by thinking which is active and which is passive. Yang is active and Yin is passive.
  10. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    If so, I wouldn't say that ATP as JIng. Do you want to give it second try.......???
  11. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    If you read about it online, just google "ATP", it may change your mind about it for being "jing"
  12. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Anybody can said anything. It is up to the reader to accept it or not. I do understand how my body works by some reliable sources, but not just by going what I had been told. Perhaps, you may understand how the body works based on somebody else's understanding. I know the body energy will be diminished in seconds when it was not used. The kind of body energy I am talking about is adenosine triphosphate(ATP).
  13. The Tao of Dying

    So far, I see that sree is not looking for anything nor hope for anything. He just put some white words on a piece of white paper..... Hopefully, we'll see something black and white pretty soon. Perhaps a black eagle standing on a top of snow mountain.
  14. Contraction Exercise

    It is a known fact to all knowledgeable Tai Ji practitioners.
  15. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Both NAB and RAB will massage your internal organs. The qi is never store anywhere, the RAB is only tighten up the abdominal muscle to protect the internal organs during a combat situation. For example, you can see the Chi Kung performers tightened the abdominal muscles to take a stick blow to the abdomen. When the abdominal muscles and other muscles are tightened, they act like a shield for the whole body. That is why it was called the iron shirt.
  16. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    Is that a fact.....??? PS.... This is only a curiosity, not a challenge.......!!!
  17. The Tao of Dying

    What do see when a white phoenix is standing on top of a snow mountain......???
  18. 5 elements in the real world

    Grok its quale.
  19. The Tao of Dying

    sree... I have another one for you to translate....!!! 雪山白鳳凰
  20. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    Yes, that may be. However, but not in this case.
  21. Contraction Exercise

    I would prefer this method as the proper way for both normal and reverse breathing. It is because that is the most effective way to utilize the body energy. I think this is called the "anal lock".
  22. The practice of Kung Fu requires to consume energy. Thus by the time you are finished, you will be exhausted due to the lactate build up in the muscles. Until you rested up and pay back the oxygen debt to the muscles, then your body will be recuperated and back to normal condition. Since all the energy were used up during practice, there was no more energy left over to build the Jing. In Chi Kung practice, you will breathe more oxygen into the body and the slow movements do not consume energy but built more than you can handle. That is why all Chi Kung practitioners are so energetic all the time. Any form of Kung Fu may not be considered as Chi Kung. They are independent of each other. That is why we have two different names given to them. Note: There is a difference between Jing(精) and Jin(勁).
  23. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    Actrually, the "heart" doesn't mean as the physical organ. The ancients were referring the heart as "mind". That is where enlightenment comes in which was to enlighten the mind.
  24. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    I think it was a misinterpretation of 無極(Wu Ji). Wu(無): none Ji(極): extreme 無極 is none to extreme; a state of none to none to the extreme of nothing. 太極(Tai Ji): the ultimate extreme; the fullness; it is the complement of 無極(Wu Ji)
  25. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    In Buddhism, there is a difference in life about suffering. The philosophy behind Buddhism is that there is suffering in an ordinary life. In order to get out of the suffering in the ordinary life is go into Buddhism. It is belief of "emptiness" in Buddhism to rid of all the suffering by stay out of contact with the ordinary way of living. In the mean time, Buddhists were trying to help others to stop from being suffering by easing their mind. Once a person have realized how to rid of suffering and become a Buddhist, it was considered that the person has been enlightened.