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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. 5 elements in the real world

    Thank you. That was the reason within no reason. I will reserve my comments on the healing sound and the inner smile color of the spleen. In the mean time, I will search for the yellow energy and make it to smile at my spleen.....
  2. 5 elements in the real world

    IMHO I don't think one can distinguish meditation to pin point to a particular organ. It is really hard to justify by claiming a particular meditation which was aiming at a particular organ. The things we breathe in only goes into the lungs and circulated by the blood. The function of the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems are always the same. Since the role of the Five Elements represent five major organs, therefore, we may come to a conclusion that meditation will effect all the internal organs in the interaction looping cycle.
  3. The Spleen

    Both TCM and Western medicine are trial and error. If one pill doesn't work try another. If one herb doesn't work, changed to another. The only merit about the TCM is there was no side effects.
  4. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    Than we have problem, don't we......??? In that case, don't deal with it at all or following it blindly until the discovery of falsehood..... Eventually, the truth will come out. If one cannot detect the truth, then, I am very sorry for that person.
  5. What is the secret of being ultra smart ?

    What is the secret of being ultra smart ? Just get the facts straight. Isolate the facts from the fallacies.
  6. 5 elements in the real world

    How did you know it was a meditation for the spleen but not for the heart......???
  7. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    Well, muscles are not make for stretching but for contraction. I have not encountered any moves in Tai Ji that was stretched. If one pay close enough attention to all Tai Ji practitioners, one will see all the arms and legs were bent and never have stretched out. That is the principle of Yin-yang. The Yin is within Yang and Yang is within Yin. If the arms or legs were fully extended, then, we cannot be held accountable for this condition.
  8. Taoist Immortals

    Yes, I wouldn't be concerned with the dates in particularity. This is enough confusion to deal with already.
  9. The Spleen

    I am glad that we have some people have knowledge of both TCM and Western Science. IMO When it comes to the exact science, I tend to lean toward the western side of the story. On the TCM, it is not as reliable is because all the conceptual thoughts were based on the presumption of the interaction between the elements in the Five Element System with no substantial facts.
  10. Taoist Immortals

    I wouldn't say that too loud in China if I were you. .....
  11. Taoist Immortals

    Yes, I know. The realm of Enlightenment to a Buddhist is more focus and significant to attain. As compared to a Taoist, the mind and body are more important than attaining the State of Enlightenment. That's all I was saying. Cultivation of the mind to a Taoist is more like to have a state of serenity rather than Enlightenment. However, enlightenment may come with the territory but not mandated to a Taoist.
  12. Taoist Immortals

    "But don't you suppose the Sage is an enlightened one?" Everybody made it sound so easy to attain a state of enlightenment by doing some kind of Taoist practice. What I'm trying to say was not anybody can attain to such a state by just performing meditation.
  13. The Tao of Dying

    I am sure that you will be laying comfortably on a Western street........ :D
  14. A few words on Tai Ji Quan

    I have practiced Tai Ji for thirty-eight years. I do recognize all the health benefits and I feel like having a strong body as a tiger. My breaths are able to go deep down to the LDT. My muscles are strong and all my moves are swift. My nerves are sensitive which increase awareness. The sensitive nerves which give me fast reflexes to respond in any adverse situations. Like the other day, when I was watering my plants, a lizard ran out close to my left foot. At that instance, without any hesitation, I jumped up and stumped on the ground. I could have had killed the lizard instantly but I didn't. The lizard turned around and went back the way where it came from, two seconds, after my left foot landed on the ground. If I hear a sound behind my back within my reach, I swear I will turn around with a Tai Ji move and put somebody in an awkward position before we both realize what happened.
  15. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    FYI..... In the Tai Ji Quan society, "Tai Ji" is short for Tai Ji Quan. Those who practice Tai Ji Quan, may either say: "I am practicing Tai Ji or Tai Ji Quan". Thus it was understood to most of the practitioners
  16. Anybody can learn Neigong(內功). However, one must understand the basic principle behind the system instead of learning it blindly.
  17. Mental Retardation

    I would stop the continuous undesirable activities first and practice a simple form of Tai Ji or Chi Kung to correct the breathing problem to begin with. Breathing is a must and vital for the body to function efficiently. If you can breathe sufficiently, the body will heal itself. Now, it is your determination and patience on your own. PM me if so desire....
  18. I believe, in Taoism, the mind, body and breathing are cultivated at the same time. For example, Chi Kung.
  19. Taoist Immortals

    "Enlightenment" is a too ambiguous term. It should have never applied to Taoism.
  20. does smoking increase or decrease chi flow

    You guys have said it all......
  21. Bumps on the Cultivation Path

    The Buddhist term "emptiness" means to cleanse the mind and purify the body. The body suffering comes from desire. Thus cleansing the mind requires to rid of all desires.
  22. Mental Retardation

    It is kinda early for all these happening to a young man. Do you exercise beside sitting all day to do your writing. Is there any continuous sexual activities on your own....??? The reason I ask is because those are the common causes for the young people to have this kind of symptoms. "golfball is rolling around inside my brain and nasal cavitity/throat." Does this bother your breathing....???
  23. Taoist Immortals

    Perhaps, those who practice Alchemy may be just for health and longevity rather than immortality. What is "return to Tao" mean.....???
  24. The Tao of Dying

    Let's be late before one die of exhaustion in looking for it.