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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Mental Retardation

    How old are you......??? How is your breathing....???
  2. Is "zero" greater than one?

    Only Zero can balance out everything, thus Zero is above all.
  3. The Tao of Dying

    Being born is only the beginning of death. Dying is only approaching the end of being born. Being alive is only an interim of a process between being born and being dead. Since it is only a process, I will live through it from the beginning to the end of my life. I am not dead yet, why should I concern about death while I'm still living. How will I die, how the hell I know....??? When I go, do I care where I'll be after death.....??? No, that is least worry while I am still living. ....!!! Therefore, the Tao of Dying is to enjoy life while still being alive. Perhaps, prolong life as a Taoist does.
  4. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    gong and te(功德)   It should read "gong te", no "and" in between. 功德: the virtue of merits. It is the "given credit" to honor someone.
  5. grammar in 民莫之令而自均 from DDJ32?

    Just take one step back, from "self equal", you will end up "naturally equal". 自均 = 自然均勻
  6. Controlling sexual desire

    hmmm.....Electromagnetic fields and electrochemical energy....!!! Sounds like the Six Million Dollar Man again......
  7. The Tao of Dying

    Please do just stop here. Period. This thread is not going to die, isn't it.....???
  8. This is not enough info to give you an evaluation. It must be more precise......!!! What was meant by bad sensations...??? In dantienS.....???
  9. What are you practicing right now....??? How long have been doing it and what kind of sensations in the dan tiens....??? The significance of the sensations depend on what stage/level of your practice is.
  10. Taoist Philosophy

    Welcome back......MH hehehehe........I would like to think the mind does not even exist so that there are no longer any thoughts which I'm not even part of One. Just no thoughts in result as no One neither. Nothing was there but emptiness; and I called that a State of Serenity.
  11. Taoist Philosophy

    Nowadays, for the Chinese scholars, the Philosophical Taoism is straightly studying the principles of Tao, the pure logical reasoning of the principles in the Tao Te Ching. Another words, it is the study of Lao Tze's philosophy in a non-religious manner.
  12. Book for learning Classical Chinese?

    It is advisable to learn the modern meanings of all the characters before attempt to do any translations of the Classic text. Translating classic text word for word without knowing the classic grammar will thrown the original meaning off completely.
  13. Controlling sexual desire

    Well, as a general rule, it was advised not to practice meditation(Chi Kung) under hunger to avoid any adverse effects. However, it is alright to practice it under emotion distress to calm oneself down.
  14. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    FYI Tai Chi is a form of Chi Kung. BTW It is the best form of Chi Kung. It is a combination of hidden forms of Chi Kung and Kung Fu. It takes the inner intuition of the practitioner to realize them. Practicing Tai Ji is quite awake and alert, thus it is not just meditation at all.
  15. Controlling sexual desire

    That didn't sound right....!!! Did you do it correctly.
  16. qigong for kidney yang deficiency ?

    OK. What is the possibility of the Wood sucking up all the Water. Well, under normal conditions, it is not possible because the Metal is constantly feeds the Water, and so on, one element feeds another in the Five Elements Cycle. Therefore, the Insulting sequence defeats the feeding cycle which made it invalid. If one of the elements does not feed or accept the Chi from another, then, it is an indication that an organ is dysfunctional.
  17. Controlling sexual desire

  18. How to translate 夫?

    "凡夫": ordinary man, Copy 凡夫 and paste it into the window in the site below. Chinese translation into English
  19. Bumps on the Cultivation Path

    The key to Chi Kung or meditation is not to fight anything in your thoughts. I recall that you do practice breathing in your meditation. Just remember, even if you see a naked woman teasing in front of you; when you inhaling you just concentrate your inhale; when you exhale, you just exhale. Then you will see nothing and hearing nothing. That is what mind cultivation is all about as part of Chi Kung practice. PS.... This sound so simple, but no one knew how power that was....!!!
  20. Taoist Philosophy

  21. qigong for kidney yang deficiency ?

    Since we know something about the yin and the yang, here is one way to interpret what is kidney yin & yang deficiencies. Each organ has its characteristic or function, in general, they are referred as "Chi". When the kidney is in the ultimate state, it was said to be it is in the extreme Yang state. The kidney must be maintained in a state of balance. In the initial state of the kidney, the Yang Chi is in the fullest state. When the kidney starts to provide some Yang Chi for the liver, at the moment, the Yin Chi state becomes active and comes into the picture. At the point, when the Yang Chi and Yin Chi are 50/50, it was said to be that the two chi are in balance. However, when the Yang Chi becomes less than 50%, then, there is more Yin Chi than Yang Chi. Hence, it was considered to be that the kidney is Yang deficiency. In other words, knowingly, that the liver chi must be maintained in the 50/50 balance state. If the Yin chi is too high, then, it was considered to be "Yang deficiency". Hence, the kidney must provide more Yang chi for the liver to offset the Yin Chi. Furthermore, for the confusion, when the liver Yin Chi is less than 50%, it was said to be that the liver is Yin deficiency or the Yang Chi is too high. Therefore, some of the Yang Chi has to be withdrawn to offset the Yin Chi deficiency and put the liver back into balance again. PS..... This is the scenario for explaining how the concept of yin-yang was applied in the TCM.
  22. Is "zero" greater than one?

    Tao is Zero(Wu) to begin with. Then, Tao engenders One(You) .
  23. Brain orgasm

    hmmm..........brain orgasm...!!! If not brain orgasm, then, what else could it be....??? Without the brain, can one still gain an orgasm....???
  24. Is "zero" greater than one?

    When the mind is in the "State of Serenity" which is "emptiness". Emptiness is "at the Zero state".......
  25. Is "zero" greater than one?

    If it was said that the "creation of the creator" I would be able to totally agree.......