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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How do you personally meditate?

    I am glad to help you to give it a try. Behind your right wrist, have your palm facing upward. Press all over the lower right arm and see if you feel any soreness. After you find the sore spot, just press down in place and rub it with circular motion.
  2. How do you personally meditate?

    Do you think that there is a difference between acupressure and TCM acupressure? FYI There is no difference. Anyone can apply pressure to any spot on the body.
  3. How do you personally meditate?

    Come to think of it, most or all Chinese martial artists hurt themselves doing practice. Most of them do have some knowledge on massage and acupressure to cure their pain. It doesn't need special skill to perform acupressure. Besides, if it does no good, then, it does no harm either. The basic treatment to not the treat the area in pain but the reflexopoint. The reflxopoint is a sore spot that is related to the pain spot. One massage the sore spot with a little pressure until the soreness is gone. Then, the pain should have gone away. It works for me every time. I have cured my neck pain that had have been bothering me for two years. IMO By applying acupressure to the reflexopoint, it covers more area than with an acupuncture needle does. In another case, I was working on an experiment in my workshop that involves with lots of screwing and unscrewing. It caused lots of pain on the muscle below the thumb. There is sore spot on wrist where the radial nerve is located. I applied acupressure on it the pain had gone instantly. As a matter of fact, I had just done it in the last moment as I type.
  4. How do you personally meditate?

    I like to refer meditation as Zazen. It is because it's more meaningful to me. Either in the lotus position or sitting on a chair, I do mainly focus on my breathing. I do it in open space with plenty of fresh air. My mind is empty with no distraction but I do aware what's around the environment. I hear every little sound, like birds, the wind moves and the siren of a fire truck or ambulance. I don't think about them but just aware of them do exist. I do feel that I am oneself inspired with my slow, deep, and long breathing. Spiritually, I felt there is nothing but space all around me. All the distractions seems to have nothing to do with me. I am just in the center of space. In doing Taiji, I focus on breathing and movements. I sink chi to my dantian meaning breathing slow, long and deep down to my abdomen. I coordinate the breathing with the movements and coordinate the movements with the breathing. One move I inhale and exhale on the next move. That is the purpose of exercising in Taiji. Hence, breathing gives the biological effect inside the body; and the movements give the physical effect of the body. How/where the energies move within the meridians? Well, the body will take care by itself. In your terms, the energy will move, spontaneously, in the meridians. What took place inside the body is ineffable but only by self intuition.
  5. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    Yes, you are right. Models do not represent the physical human body but they are only imaginary models. They are really meaningless. The human body function the same way biologically unless it was malfunction.
  6. Daoist meditation: water and fire methods

    The function of the human body is always the same. Do you think by changing the name of meditation would change how the body function?
  7. Hello there nice To meet u im Federico

    Welcome! I am glad to be at your service.
  8. deleted

    One's own translation is very dangerous to mislead those who took it for granted. Look what happened to "Dantian". People totally lost its true meaning. IMO It is very sad!
  9. deleted

    The name is correct which fits its description.
  10. Which Lièzǐ English translation

    You have to find some books on your own. I don't have any in particular.
  11. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    胃 is where the foods are digested. 子宫 is the Uterus or womb where fetus is developed in.
  12. Which Lièzǐ English translation

    I don't think that there is one translation or interpretation is better than the other. It is best to read a few books to get the general theme of the philosopher to form your own conclusion. It is not wise to have someone tell you which is good or not.
  13. deleted

    You almost got it. 名不正 The name is incorrect 言不順 It cannot be described to fit as what it is. It was actually says: An incorrect name will not fit the description.
  14. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    Don't you think there should be an universal definition of lower dantian. Rather than making up stories from those who don't know as they please? Don't you think it's sad that they are selling false information to those who are naive enough to buy them? Peace! P.S. Doesn't "lower" has any meaning at all? Why does someone wants to move it above the navel. BTW The dantian above the navel is called the middle dantian. Is that the way we are cultivating our minds to degrade our wisdom? It's definitely not for me. @Cobie This is called 名不正 言不順
  15. What style did you teach? I have people asked me to teach the Yang style sword.
  16. LDT Breathing techniques

    I believe that all martial artists use reverse abdominal breathing. It will make the person to be the most powerful at the moment. It will help one to exert most of the muscle power. It can withstand a punch blow from the opponent. An experienced fighter will attack the abdomen of the opponent first. It will make the opponent loses it breath and lost all the power. The opponent will be at the weakest point at that moment.
  17. Do you need to learn Chinese

    It is better to know the language of one culture to understand it. There is always something got lost in the translation from a non-native. Also, there are always misinterpretations from a native speaker too. If one knows the language, then at least, it is one step closer to comprehend the material of interest.
  18. How to build Qi?

    Off topic again?
  19. How to build Qi?

    The tiles are coarse. They are just regular stepping cement blocks. I wear rubber sole kung fu shoes. So, it doesn't restrict my foot movements. Sometimes, there are one or two mosquitos flying around my arms. I also killed one of them once awhile. They bothered my wife more than I do.
  20. Yes, it was interesting. After I mount the blade on a pole stick, I was standing at a bow stand holding the pole with my hands. Instead of moving my hands, I locked my hands in one position and just move my body back and forth. I saw lots of the sawdust falling off the tree on each stroke. That is what I had learned from Taiji by appalling fajin(發勁). I have just learned the real definition of fajin. There is a big difference between fali(發力) and fajin (發勁). Fali(發力) is using only one part of the body, like a hand, to exert a force. Fajin (發勁) is using the whole body to execute the inner strength. It was discover it is a very powerful move. I can imaging how to defend myself during combat. Of course, that will never happen. P.S. It makes the cuts much easier and use less energy and it does not cause fatigue.
  21. deleted

    I have no idea where do I go when I am dead.
  22. deleted

    Then, it is 出生入死, the end of our life cycle.
  23. How to build Qi?

    The OP says How to Building Qi? In Taiji term, it is how to build jin(勁). To build jin is by practicing Taiji diligently.
  24. New user

    Welcome to TDB. You might be interested going to the Personal Practice Discussion section and look for me over there!
  25. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    It seems to me the use of language in describing the datian, here, is not very appropriate for the following reasons. 1. The lower dantian is already existed below the navel. 2. Dantian is not to be cultivated but to be used for cultivation by Chi Kung. 3. The purpose of dantian is to have an aiding tool for building energy rather than losing energy. So to speak! IMMHO There are lots of masters do not know what dantian is all about but just make up some stories to satisfy someone's question.