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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Violence and Peace

    That is ultimate solution was spelled out by Sun Tze in his Arts of War, but the worse solution is yet to come.
  2. How to translate 夫?

    sifudao.... What you have referenced is a Taoist classic which is so esoteric. It may be ineffable to us ordinary human beings. Original: 註:夫,人神好清者,一陰一陽乃為人,人得一為大,大得一為天,超出天外,方為夫字。 Interpretation: 解:人在後天本是陰陽混合之體,此色身得一,即得先天氣,就是大,大仍是人,只是色身日壯,陰氣日消,陽氣日長,大又得一先天氣,即小天地與大天地之元始始氣合為一體,若是煉神還虛,煉虛合道,就能超出三界外,不在五行中,就是超出天外,就是夫。 Translation of the interpretation: The human body, in the post-natal phase, was the combination of the yin-yang, thus the body was said to be obtained "unity" which is the pre-natal Chi. It is great, great then it is human, but the body is getting strong everyday, the Yin Chi was diminishing, and the Yang Chi is increasing, great(human) also gained the pre-natal Chi, which are the combination of the original chi of the little and big universes integrated as one body. If one practice the "shen return to the void", practice "void united with Tao", then one can transcend beyond the three realms, not within the Five Elements, thus it was transcended beyond Heaven, thus this is a man.
  3. How to translate 夫?

    In classic, 夫 was used as an auxiliary word at the beginning of a sentence or phrase to make the phrase sound better or to draw someone's attention. "夫道者" is similar to "ah! a virtuous person.....". When "夫" was place at the end of a phrase or sentence, it is equivalent to an exclamation "!" mark.
  4. Violence and Peace

    ME... Your presentation of Chapter 30 was suggesting not to invade, but how about defense....??? There is one chapter in the TTC was suggesting to kill the bad guys. I have to go find it....!!!
  5. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    不笑不足以為道 If he didn't laugh, then, it is not good enough to be Tao.
  6. Effectiveness of Mudras

    Tai Ji Chuan will strengthen your body. It has a combination of muscle and breathing exercise. As a matter of fact, initially, you'll start with muscles exercise by the slow movements; then the breathing will be guided by the movement after a prolong practice. The effect of Tai Ji Chuan will give you 勁(Jin) which is your body strength that you wanted.
  7. An Altar for Sree

    1. 可與之言而不與之言,失人 2. 不可與之言而與之言,失言 1. The one who may be spoken to but not spoken to, lost the valuable one.  2. The one who may not be spoken to but spoken to, wasted the valuable words. Translation in more comprehensive English: 1. Someone you could talk to but you did not, thus you loose that person. 2. Someone you should not talk to but you did, thus you had wasted your breath. Interpretation: 1. There was this knowledgeable person that you could have asked questions; but you didn't. Now, you have lose a valuable teacher. 2. There was this person which has no knowledge that you shouldn't be talking to him; but you did. Thus you were wasting your time and effort by talking to him.
  8. Letting Go in Action: the Practice of Zazen

    Lao Tze riding on a buffalo empty handed:
  9. Letting Go in Action: the Practice of Zazen

    The poem is just an ordinary poetic description of a farmer with a buffalo in the scenery of a village. It has no significant philosophical value whatsoever.
  10. Forsake knowledge

    In according the Lao Tze's wisdom and due to the paradoxical classic writing, "forsake wisdom" is more like "forsake cunning wisdom". The logic will fall within context with the phrase "People benefited hundredfold." 1. .........forsake cunning wisdom 2. People benefited hundredfold.
  11. Recycling Anger.

    Both; it is because the liver meridians are symmetrical on both legs.
  12. Forsake knowledge

    Only if one interprets those lines as follow: "Forsake holiness! Reject wisdom! ........................ Forsake benevolence! Reject righteousness! .......................... Forsake indigenousness! Reject vantage! ...........................? Might as well, throw the Tao Te Ching out of the window. Furthermore, the interpreter should jump out the window too.
  13. Looking for a book that explain the I Ching

    I saw some of the notions are his biased opinion. However, the Chinese scholars had given him some credit for translating the Yi JIng to a certain degree of accuracy, but still is not the best translation. As compared to Legg's translation, Wilhelm is much closer.
  14. Recycling Anger.

    Well, let's not abuse the system.....shall we...!!! :D
  15. Recycling Anger.

    That might work most of the time.....
  16. Forsake knowledge

    無有: have not 盜賊無有: have no bandits nor thieves.
  17. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    I did want to mention by practice Chi Kung, daily, for a healthier body in my last post. However, I wanted to wait for your response. You see, Chi Kung will help you to build up the excess of energy for a healthier body, thus one can eliminate the abnormal practice of semen retention.
  18. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    One who has excess of physical energy, not sexual energy, will not be tired after sex. It is because only part of the physical body energy was used for sex. A healthy body will have enough energy to rejuvenate the body, immediately, by replenishing the energy that was consumed during sex.
  19. Effectiveness of Mudras

    I think I had excluded in my statement above.
  20. Effectiveness of Mudras

    It doesn't matter what one does, nothing has any effect without breathing in meditation. All focus shall be on the breathing.
  21. Horse stance

    Yes, I just realized that your legs are very very weak. You have a long way too go yet.
  22. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    Water is not Tao but only symbolized Tao.
  23. Letting Go in Action: the Practice of Zazen

    空手把鋤頭, 步行騎水牛 人從橋上過, 橋流水不流 Holding a hoe with my bare hands. Ridden on a buffalo as my walking steps. I am crossing the bridge, The bridge flows instead of the water.
  24. An Altar for Sree

    可與之言而不與之言,失人 不可與之言而與之言,失言 The one who may be spoken to but not spoken to, lost the valuable one.  The one who may not be spoken to but spoken to, wasted the valuable words.
  25. Looking for a book that explain the I Ching

    The commentaries was written by Wen Wang(文王) when he was under house arrest. King Wen of Zhou