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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Is enjoying food important?

    To me, to live a simple life as Semi-Taoist, the significance of eating is to nourish the body. I do enjoy what I eat but enjoyment is only secondary. What is good for the body is good enough for me on a daily basis. Therefore, I will not go hunt for a steak in a fancy restaurant. I'll eat it, only, when it was presented in front of me. Without it, I am fine too but I will not depend for one. At the present, my basic diet are veggies, chicken, fish, turkey, rice, fruit, and nuts. I do drink tea and coffee. In addition, I take advantage of the foods that I ate and convert them into energy for a healthier body by practicing Tai Chi and Chi Kung.
  2. Help me understand

    I am glad that you are very conscientious. If you are looking for Tao, let's help you to find Tao first. "Tao" can be spelled with a capital "T" and small "t". Tao, with a capital "T", is invisible but observable only by intuition from its manifestation to grok its quale. The tao, with a small "t", is a principle that one follows to cultivate to be a Taoist. The next thing is to do something physically to cultivate and how to become a Taoist as per your OP. As you have it "let things just be" is the key to the whole philosophy for the cultivation of being a Taoist. "Let things just be" doesn't mean "just do nothing but let it be". It is because one cannot do anything but let it be. Rather, it means let it happen like it supposed to be in a natural way. A natural way means "let Nature take its course" without human interference. Anything that is uncontrollable by human is considered to be "natural". For example, a forest was burnt down by lightning and thunder. It was out of control by human. Therefore, it was considered to be the course of Nature. I hope that make sense so far....!!! We stop here for now, just in case you have a question....!!! 道 (Tao or tao), that is the way it is.
  3. Home Taoist Altar

    Traditional ways of setting up a Taoist Altar 神台的颜色, The colors of the altar table, 一般以红色的为主,黄色也可。 1. Normally in red, but yellow is OK. 二、神台宜静不宜动。 2. The altar table should be in a quiet environment rather than a busy one. 三、神台忌犯门冲武财神除外。 3. TBD(to be determined). 神台附近不宜放置有异味的物品和食物。 Do not place any objects or food with odors around the altar table. 神台不宜于放在厨房 内, Do not palce the altar table in the kitchen. 不宜在有神台的房间杀生和放有异味的物品和食物, Do not slaughter or place objects or foods with odors inside the room where the altar table was located. 特别是荤腥的食物更要注意。 Especially, pay close attention to the non-veggie foods. 不可在神台的上下和旁边放置鱼缸, Do not place any gold fish bowl on top, bottom or beside the altar table. 因为神台经常有香火且属于阳,水属于 阴,水火相克相冲。 一般神仙的神台都是坐北朝南,佛、菩萨的神台坐西朝东。 A Taoist altar table, always, should have the front facing South, while the back is facing North. A Buddhist altar table, always, have the front facing East while the back is facing West. 但神台不可以放在窗户的位置,原理同对门的原理。 Do not place the altar table where the window is, and for the same reason not to have the altar table facing the door. These are the basic rules to protect and respect the altar to begin with.
  4. Home Taoist Altar

    I believe that was only a figure of speech on sree's part. I am sure that he was not being sarcastic. Rather, he was stood up for me by taken a natural position and being just. BTW For being in a state of serenity, It didn't bother me a bit. I do appreciate both for your concern and kindness......
  5. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    It sounds like you had pulled your back muscles. We know that muscles are made to be contracted but not to be pulled. It is very painful when they were pulled and take longer to heal. That is why you are having such pain for sometime. What you need to do is go to an acupuncturist do deactivate the pain, so to speak. "Are there any qigong movements I could do?" This is one of the questions in your OP. Yes, you can do Static Qigong(Chi Kung) by breathing slowly and deepest to point where you can. You may do this by sitting up straight in a comfortable position but do not lean back. What it will be doing is to increase the oxygen intake to speed up the metabolism for self healing in your body. I don't know how is your breathing situation. However, don't force yourself to breathe too deep but only as deep as you can. This is at least you can do for yourself right now. If you need some more information about breathing, please send me a PM. Thank you.
  6. Home Taoist Altar

    I'm sure that you are waiting for me over there.......... :D "Ignore" means not even cast any disparaging remarks for any aggravation.
  7. HELP: Upper Back Pain much for that. How did you get hurt anyway......???
  8. Home Taoist Altar

    Perhaps, did you miss one of the newTaoist's posts....???
  9. Home Taoist Altar

    I think there is a little misunderstanding on your part about the difference between the religious vs. philosophical distinction in Taoism. FYI A philosophical person who study the Taoist philosophy is not religious at all.
  10. Home Taoist Altar

    "Fenxiang means to divide the incense.".......??? 奉香(Fenxiang) means place burning incense on the altar in the morning and evening to show respect to the Taoist deities.
  11. Home Taoist Altar

    The first rule is never place an altar in your bedroom to invite any unwanted spirits.
  12. The Unchanging Truth

    Sometimes, two, the most.
  13. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    If that is the first time in 4 months, the quickness seems fine but the retrained part is in question. May I ask where were your hands during the release of your jing....??? I think acupuncture is not the solution to the sexual issue. Let's wait until I hear your response about the zinc supplement. I think qigong is the best solution for you. In the mean time, be sure you do not have any deficiency of sodium, calcium and potassium in your diet. These three elements will help you to relax your muscles after contraction.
  14. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    Universal..... In regarding to your severe tension in the upper back, it seems to be an occupational hazard which causing the tension from your sitting in a fixed position reading your ipad. I believe that the tension and healing are two separate issues. I believe that the tension was mainly from your constant sitting position rather than from your injury. Furthermore, typing make it worse. The reason I said that is because my wife was a data entry operator. She had the same problems as you had described. As a matter of fact, it happened to her last night after reading her email from the computer. She had tension and pain in her upper back and shoulder occasionally. Every time when that happens, what I did was massaged her on some acupuncture points on her upper back and shoulder blades to release her tension. The effect to release her tension takes about 10 to 15 minutes of massaging. Then, she feels like a different person afterward.
  15. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    Universal... I would like to address your problems one at a time. 1. Based on your input, it seems that your injury had been recovered. Regarding to your nocturnal emissions, every two weeks seems normal. If that happens every other two days, that it would be a problem. You have indicated that you have been taken zinc supplements, is that an indication that you are having sexual malfunction problems....??? 2. The stress from your promotion might have caused your sexual performance with a woman.
  16. The Unchanging Truth

    Here is a more sanitized example..... The rotations of the planets are constantly changing in their positions, but their orbits around the sun are almost ever change.
  17. Home Taoist Altar

    OK, I understand that you have been a Philosophical Taoist, for about 10 years, but you are not into the Taoist Religion. The Taoist Religion is completely different than the Taoist philosophy. Why do you think that the religious Taoist altar will help you to understand more on the philosophical side.....??? As I'd said before, "Second thought, if you are not a real Taoist in the religion, it was not recommended to have an altar in your home." There are too many Fengshui restrictions in setting up the altar in a house that you must be aware of. It will be too costly for you to hire a Fengshui master for the set up of the altar.
  18. Home Taoist Altar

    Second thought, if you are not a real Taoist in the religion, it was not recommended to have an altar in your home.
  19. Home Taoist Altar

    Why don't you do a google search on "Taoist Altar"....???
  20. Wisdom from Scientists

    Experience is not the teacher. It depends on the ability of the student; how much can one be absorbed and digested by intuition.
  21. Help me understand

    No, no, no. It was pertaining to the post of your counterpart regarding to metaphor. I thought you can read!!! I believe sub-subject means that subjects are outside of this thread.
  22. Tongue Postion

    As far as I know, there is no drawbacks other than discomfort.
  23. silas.... This is your thread, you may ask anyone anything. Please do not get intimidated....
  24. Laozi versus the logicians

    No problem....!!! Nothing can bother a Taoist.... "I worked in the garden" 1. 我在花園工作。 1. I am working in the garden. 2. 我在花園工作過。 2. I worked in the garden. 3. 我會在花園工作。 3. I will work in the garden. Please note that the characters in bold which will change the tense of the sentence....
  25. Tongue Postion

    IMMHO Its purpose is to keep the mouth from drying. It makes no difference as long as the tongue is up there somewhere.