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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    It could be a proper name; but most lightly not in this case. Your MDGB dictionary is in err.....

    Not a chance, Cantonese will never die....??? There are lots on Cantonese songs which the Putongwa speakers are eager to sing but with an mandarin accent. Jason.... Thanks....
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Which one is first........???
  4. A Poem : "TAO"

  5. Looking for that documentary...

    They don't call it the "one finger stand" for nothing........ :D
  6. A Poem : "TAO"

  7. Smoking and Lung Damage causes depression

    Under normal breathing, most lightly, there is less chance of getting hyperventilation. Unless, it was artificial by forcing oxygen into the lungs like they do in the hospitals.
  8. Smoking and Lung Damage causes depression

    Smoking causing the lungs to be blocked up from breathing. It is the lack of oxygen in your brain which caused your depression.
  9. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    What can be more ultimate than Tao....???
  10. Looking for that documentary...

    One finger standing upside down:
  11. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    How do you compare the Topmost and the Ultimate Tao; are there more than two Tao.....????
  12. Yoga & Qigong - Compared (by you)

    There are many discussions about the subject already in the past posts. It would be a tedious repetition to go over it again and again. If you have the time, you may scroll through the Taoist Discussion and General Discussion sections. I had posted lots of posts about the subject of Chi Kung.
  13. Tao v. Wade

    How and what do you mean by that....??? I didn't see a time element which involved with that....!!!
  14. Tao v. Wade

    I agree...!!! However, due to the limitation of words, only one principle can be placed per chapter. We wouldn't want to clutter all the thoughts in one place. Do we......??? PS.... Lao Tze had arranged only one thought per Chapter for easy understanding. This is why the Tao Te Ching has eighty-one simple chapters. Some chapters are interrelated. Some are independent but was referred by later Chapters.
  15. What is wrong with me?

    Do you have any beliefs or religion....??? It seems that you are aware of what is going on and putting yourself together. At least, you are concentrating in your school work and doing good. Hence, it will be your triumph to success.
  16. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    oops....I lost my head when I said that. I didn't think of what the word meant...... I thought it was the word "hesitant".
  17. Tao v. Wade

    Yes, gladly...!!! Chapter 5 01. Heaven and Earth have no mercy, 02. Treating all things as straw dogs. 03. Sages have no mercy, 04. Treating people as straw dogs. 05. In-between-Heaven-and-Earth 06. Is like a wind box, 07. Vacuous but inexhaustible, 08. When in motion, it produces more yet. 09. Excessive words accelerate failure. 10. Prefer to stay with vacuous quietness. Annotation: Line 1. No mercy implies "being impartial". Line 2. Straw dog was used, in the ancient time, for ritual offering. It was significant, only, when it was placed at the altar. Otherwise, it may be placed in storage, tossed away, burnt, or stepped on. Thus Lao Tze used straw dog as a symbol of neutrality. Straw dog is not analogous to human rather it was used only to show impartiality. Impartiality is to have no mercy when a ruler has to make a judgement in a judicial matter. The metaphor here was to treat the people impartially with justice at all times. Line 6. A Chinese "wind box" is similar to a bellows but much bigger and able to produce much more air going into a kiln. Connotation: Lao Tze said Heaven and Earth have no mercy by treating all things as straw dogs to indicate that Nature is impartial. Another words, when Nature strikes, lightning will strike any spot on Earth with no hesitation, flood will flush anything in its path. Nature will have no special favor for anything nor has feeling toward the good or the ugly. Hence, it was suggested that a ruler should follow the same principle in treating all the people equally as a government was concerned.
  18. Tao v. Wade

    Okay, I have to take your word for it......
  19. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    Isn't the purpose of cultivating life is hastening death.....???
  20. Tao v. Wade

    Hi, all I am straightly speaking from a philosophical view by the thoughts laid out in the Tao Te Ching. You see, Lao Tze had observed Nature and came up with the principles of the Universe. No one has his wisdom of thinking by trying to apply the universal principles to the human level. However, if some humans are not familiar with the principles of the Tao Te Ching will think otherwise.
  21. ChiForce..... What is your own definition of enlightenment....???
  22. Tao v. Wade

    Humans do abide by a different set of standard. Human has to deal with Nature. All animals are part of Nature. Anything is not controllable by humans is considered to be the course of Nature. The concept of Wu Wei has no intent. Abortion has an intent to rid of a possible living being. Thus that is not Wu Wei. If the mother bird wants to abandon a chick, it is out of the control of human. Thus, be definition, it is the course of Nature as far as human is concern. By the definitions of the Tao Te Ching, humans are the observer of Nature and learn to deal with Nature. Anything they do on earth will be effecting the Universe as a whole.
  23. MT

    Yes, act according to the will is intentional. Wu Wei is unintentional. A sailboat driven by the wind reflects action in line with nature; but the destination is still the will of the human mind.
  24. MT

    The people in this forum are not practicing the Art of War. They do get upset most of the time. It is not the customary style of practice in the west anyway.
  25. Tao v. Wade

    I am following the principles of Tao which made me to think this way.