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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    It seems to me the use of language in describing the datian, here, is not very appropriate for the following reasons. 1. The lower dantian is already existed below the navel. 2. Dantian is not to be cultivated but to be used for cultivation by Chi Kung. 3. The purpose of dantian is to have an aiding tool for building energy rather than losing energy. So to speak! IMMHO There are lots of masters do not know what dantian is all about but just make up some stories to satisfy someone's question.
  2. How to build Qi?

    I don't think I can justify all that except what's in bold. Tai Chi is to condition the body for combat by cultivation. Tai Chi practitioners may never encounter in combat. However, at the right time, the internal energy(jin or 勁) in the body is ready for action as required. Jin or 勁 is the internal strength acquired from the diligent practice of Tai Chi. It is called Qigong is because abdominal breathing was involved. BTW I believe that human body coordination depends muscle and bone to stand up for balance. P.S. If you want to see what the ability of a 75 year old can do, please go to my PPD.
  3. How to build Qi?

    You will never master either one of them.
  4. How to build Qi?

    Normally, one practice one style will stay with it until it reaches perfection. I would not mix it with any other styles as a thumb of rule. One must one style at a time, then, go to learn another. I would not mix it with the TCM theory to understand the style neither.
  5. I used a little ingenuity. I took the blade off the small handle and mounted on a longer staff. With proper strength applied, it works the same way as the design of the tool was intended. The cut was smooth too. PS It seems to me that has something to do with Neigong(內功), body and mind control.
  6. I had just used this tool recently to cut up a tree in no time. It should help to cut faster and more accurate with less energy if one knows how to apply chi properly.
  7. Yes, what you said is all true. I don't need to quote the rest. Qigong gives you the internal strength to make your daily chores a lot easier. With the inner strength, one can chop woods in one blow. Cut up a chicken in 5 minutes. Nowadays, the meat market do not cut spareribs into small pieces anymore. So, I have experience in chopping them into small piece with a chopping knife in one blow. Thanks to the chi that I acquired from Tai Chi practice.
  8. How to build Qi?

    Movement gongs(動功), like Tai chi is a form of Qigong as well as an internal practice(Neigong). Tai Chi is always practiced at a moderate speed that will not consume more energy than it was produced. The movements of the muscles at moderate speed will continue to activate the body cells in generating chi. Likewise, ZZ has the same effect when the muscles are slightly contracted. The more experienced practitioners, at low stance, it indicates more muscle tone and stronger legs. Please note that both Tai Chi and ZZ will have the condition of slight contraction in the muscles. That is the key to all martial arts practices. PS Static sitting with abdominal breathing will help to generate chi to keep the body function better and healthier.
  9. deleted

    世界: the world.
  10. How to build Qi?

    Ok I found my sabre demo video.
  11. How to build Qi?

    Yes, Qigong will help your body to generate energy to replace the energy that was consumed. So, your body energy won't be depleted. Please, it is the mitochondria in the body cells that generate the energy. The more mitochondria in your body, the more energy your body can be generated. To have more mitochondria in the muscles is to do exercise at a moderate speed not to exceed what the body is capable of. Qigong like Taiji is a good slow exercise with the coordination of breathing and movements. Here is a good example how the body works and mind control with continuous energetic movements.
  12. LDT Breathing techniques

    Hi, both are safe to practice without a teacher. You should start with natural abdominal breathing. I could give you the special instructions to begin with. You must follow this instructions, so you won't suffocate yourself and breathe smoothly until your breath is deep down to your abdomen. BTW. I had written the instructions here many times already. I had practiced for years. It gives me an excellent health. The reverse breathing comes after you are familiar with the normal abdominal breathing. I will put the instructions in my PPD.
  13. Happy New Year everyone

    Happy New Year : 新 年 快 樂 Let's follow the advice from a Taoist and Buddhist: 與世無爭: No dispute with the world
  14. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    @Cobie No one ask him to practice zifagong. It was very popular in Taiwan I believe. It has a very serious mental side effect for those who cannot control their minds to stop it at the end of the practice. Peace! PS How do you define natural breathing? How deep or shallow do you breathe is considered to be natural breathing? Since it doesn't involve with abdominal breathing, by definition, I do not considered that it is a form of Qigong.
  15. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Don't think about it, just breathing. PS Why don't you move this to the Delete thread before someone get upset again here?
  16. Flowing zen, good for beginners?

    The course involves Taiji(太極) and Baduanjin(八段錦, eight brocade). Yes, It would be good for beginners.
  17. Flowing zen, good for beginners?

    Okay! I had glance at the site. The founder knows about the secret of breathing and body moments. Breathing coordinates with the body moments and vice versa as in Taiji which I am very fond of. It has a tremendous biological effect and health benefits in the human body. Especially in healing. Thus that is what Qigong is all about.
  18. Flowing zen, good for beginners?

    If you are experienced in (Buddhist) meditation already, then, why are you still questioning about Qigong and Zen? Qigong and Zen are already within the practice of Buddhist meditation. Perhaps you might want to look into the definitions of both Qigong and Zen. At least get to understand a little about Qigong before start looking for it? It is a confusing world out there about Qigong. Different people will tell you different things about it. However, if you are lucky, you might hit the jackpot. Peace!
  19. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    I practice chi kung. Actually practice chi kung is a universal term for all forms of breathing exercise. People just like to call it something else to claim some credit. Neidan and Taiji are good examples of cih kung. What I am saying is if practice any breathing method, then it is actually practicing chi kung. You call it something else if you like. Also explain any way you want. You will have the same health effect.
  20. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Yes. It is. It was performed by the ancient Chinese Taoist doing the internal Alchemy.
  21. Ask an acupuncturist

    The first two items TCM cannnot cure. Perhaps there are TCM specialists who is specialized in this area, but is very seldom now-a-day. Acupressure is like replacing the acupuncture method. Instead of using a needle, it is by applying adequate pressure with fingers or an object to stimulate the acupoints indirectly. In acupuncture, a needle is actually goes into the acupoint directly. There is another method called moxibustion by using sufficient heat to stimulate the acupoints. PS The amount of pressure or heat to be applied is determined by the depth of the acupoints.
  22. Use cannabis to build Chi

    I think if you follow the definition of external alchemy it would be saying something else. The subject has been gone over and over. Everybody should know, by now, what is the difference between "external" and "internal" alchemy.
  23. Use cannabis to build Chi

    I believe that the external alchemy was discontinued long time ago. Internal alchemy is in effective by the tu na breathing method without any external means. Why should we still wasting our time to pursuit the external alchemy.
  24. Sticking power in Tai chi

    It is just a point of interest. Your school called it sticking power (na jin). Is the character of na jin, 拿勁? I would like to point out the purpose of na jin. It's purpose is to lock the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints of the opponent. At the same time to keep the opponent off center, so, the opponent can be manipulated by the other. I see there are lots of grabbing by both practitioners at different occasions. Thus the basic principle is the same. The joints are locked and the body is off-center while the opponent is off balance. PS There is one thing that I should mention is that sticking hand should be no grabbing involved but na jin does.