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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Why Taoism?

    So, you didn't understand it neither......... PS...... Like you said, I couldn't help it. Just got to give it to you.......???
  2. I am, myself, not you, no beginner. I can say this much. It is not the correct posture that determines the hurting sensation. At the beginning, even the posture is correct but it's inevitable for the leg muscles not to be painful. There is a painful period for the practitioner to be getting over the hurdle. Some take longer for the endurance which depends on the physiological condition of the practitioner. Finally, what it mounts to is the amount of time and effort that one puts into the practice for a stronger leg foundation.
  3. Why Taoism?

    It is a linguistic problem to begin with. I am not against anything else.
  4. Why Taoism?

    Are you kidding me......???
  5. Why Taoism?

    What is the character for "jiu"...??? “living longer" is not = (chang sheng 長生) (chang sheng 長生) = living forever. "living longer" doesn't mean live forever. I see there is an indication that something will die eventually.
  6. simplify

  7. Ultimate Goal

    Okay, so what? It still didn't make any sense.
  8. simplify

  9. Ultimate Goal

    It seems to me there is something wrong with the logic. How can a formless called the real person. Let me make it real simple to understand by comparing with two religions, Buddhism and Taoism. In reality, 1. The ultimate goal of a living Buddhist monk is to become a Buddha. 2. The ultimate goal of a living Taoist priest is to become a Zhanren(a real person). A Zhanren is a living person who tries to keep his body in good health with no sicknesses from Taoist cultivation. By Taoist cultivation, it means that Taoists are in celibacy, eating special diet, and practice chi kung to preserve their bodies for longevity. In reality, if a Zhanren can live over 100 years, may be considered to be an immortal. In mythology, an immortal is when the soul left the body and rose to heaven. Note: This is only my understanding gathered through out the years for my own interest. It may not be used as facts for research.
  10. Why Taoism?

    3. 無,名天地之始。 3. Invisible, it was named as the origin of heaven and earth. 4. Visible, it was named as the mother of all things. 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary. 7. These two come from one origin but differ in name, 8. Both are regarded as profound. Profound and more profound, Annotations: Line 3. At the beginning of heaven and earth, Tao was given a name as "Invisible(Wu)". Line 4. After all things were created and manifested, Tao was given a name as "Visible(You)". Line 5. When Tao is always invisible, one would observe its characteristic of obscurity. Line 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its limitations. Line 7. Both of them with names, Invisible(無) and Visible(有), are describing Tao in its two states of appearance. The two states were formless and manifested. Line 8. Both names are obscure and profound.
  11. Why Taoism?

    Here are some of the possible definitions: (1)长久;固定。(forever; definite) (2)恒心。(perseverance; determination) (3)寻常;普通。(frequent; common) (4)规律;法则。(routine; principle) (5)伦常。(ethical tradition) (6)副词。经常;常常。(adverb: frequently, always) (7)副词。犹尝,曾。(adverb: tested; not long after)
  12. Wow, the other member did come forward. Welcome back! 宁......
  13. Why Taoism?

    The quote of Qinqie (James) Wang is a bit ambiguous. My understanding are as follow: 1. Heng is eternal. Thus "heng" is only apply to the "eternal Tao" which does not focus more on "living longer" of the myriad creatures. 2. 長生 means "living forever", it doesn't mean "living longer". 3. The eternal Tao is not cyclical. It is true that Tao has no beginning or ending. Thus it is not cyclical. 4. Tao is not like a substance nor an energy which can be used or used up. 5. The word "living" seems not quite appropriate to be applies for the eternal Tao. Tao is obscure with some potential power to create but Tao is not a living being. Hence, Tao does not need to strive for living a longer life.
  14. Ultimate Goal

    ME..... I don't know what to say. It is a bit confusing. I know you are eager to learn. Perhaps, If you want to learn the meaning of the characters from that site, it is better for you to have a tutor by your side to sort out the misleading information for you to have better comprehension. It seems to me it would be better off just look up the character, in the Chinese Etymology for you, instead of learning it by pictorial. Etymology
  15. Ultimate Goal

    HE.... Please don't take this as not an insult. I just have to bring things to reality. You have to becareful with the pin yin. 眞(zhen1): real, genuine 珍(zhen1): delicacy
  16. Ultimate Goal

    This is not a personal attack. I am trying to bring everything to reality. This is not the first time people are doing this character breakdown. It was really not necessary. And I know dawai had been doing this for a long time. I need to let him know at least once. I want this to be a personal advice rather than a personal attack. I hope was I treated as a friend.
  17. Ultimate Goal

    Well, Dawai... You're always have a tendency to break down the characters to the radicals when a term was discussed. I am amazed how much you are familiar with the composition of the individual characters. However, this is not a pictographic contest. I had passed that stage long time ago and advanced to a higher level of comprehension already. The reason I didn't go into too much details is because I don't want to make things too complicate to loose the interest of the readers.
  18. Ultimate Goal

    I am a born native, I just picked up the knowledge throughout my life time within my own society.
  19. Why Taoism?

    BTW All tangible things have a boundary which can be described as the limitation of Tao. Well, let's put it this way. If Tao doesn't put a pause(limitation) somewhere, then we wouldn't be able to detect its presence. Isn't it...???
  20. Why Taoism?

    .......but you are always feeling good though.....!!!
  21. Definitions are nice to know. I tend to not stick with one definition. It is better to understand all the definitions because they are very confusing. We must learn to distinguish them and filter out the unwanted notion. BTW This is part of the cultivation of the mind. Let others be confused but not oneself. We must make ourselves to live in an environment with high standards to provide a better means of communicate to avoid any linguistic and personal conflicts. Cultivation of the mind is to keeping it in a state of emptiness. Emptiness means to have the mind clear and conscious to be aware what is going on internally and externally. Internal is the intellectual mentality. External is must remain vigilant in our adverse environment. Thus this is what cultivation of the mind is all about.
  22. Okay fair enough...!!! Would you settle with 站椿(Zhan Zhuang) = 扎馬步(zha1 ma bu) is getting to the horse stance....??? 站椿(Zhan Zhuang) is the name of the method. 扎馬步(zha1 ma bu) is another name for Zhan Zhunag. ma bu is the name given to "standing position" in Zhan Zhuang. If someone wants to do Zhan Zhuang, he'll say I am going to do 扎馬步(zha1 ma bu). Commonly known, for short, as 扎馬(zha1 ma). For English speaking people, it sounds better to say "I am going to do 馬步(ma bu)".
  23. Why Taoism?

    5. 故恒無,欲以觀其妙。 6. 恒有,欲以觀其徼。 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary. There is no doubt that the picture is still dualistic. However, when you see the "Invisible" but it is visible only by grokking its illusiveness. Illusiveness is when Tao was hidden but has the high potential power to create. Another words, you can only see the Invisible by intuition to sense the presence of Tao. When you sees the Visible but Tao is still invisible. One can only see the Visible by the manifestation of Tao. By the manifestation of Tao, it means when all thing are created by Tao and become tangible. BTW All tangible things have a boundary which can be described as the limitation of Tao.