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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What defines a Daoist?

    chenping..... Thank you...!!! I'll take you word for it.......................
  2. Why Taoism?

    May be you would like to take a look at this about how the character 恆(heng) came about: Heng(恆) and chang(常)
  3. Horse stance

    Do you think it was innate or nurtured....???
  4. Estuary... To save you some time, here are some discussions which took place in this forum. Please ignore all the nasty remarks; they just come with the package.... Zhan Zhuang Jin related to Zhan Zhuang
  5. What defines a Daoist?

    It is true but, at that time, the "Dao" was referred as "morality". That was the teaching of Confucius before the "Tao" that was mentioned in the Tao Te Ching. “Family of the Dao”, 道家, this is where your western mind kicks in which causing some misunderstanding. The 家, in this case and in the Chinese language, it is equivalent to "". For example, a scientist. Therefore, 道家 is Tao + ist = Taoist. 道家 means those who study the principles of Tao. All depends who you are talking to. To a Confucian, it is the "morality of conduct"; to the Tao scholar who studies the Tao Te Ching, it is the principles in the Tao Te Ching. Since we are in the TTB forum, it was understood that 道家, Taojia is referring to those who study the principles of the Tao Te Ching. Please keep this in mind, at all times, as long we are discussing the Tao in the TTB forum to avoid repeating ourselves with the unnecessary challenges, we are definitely not talking about the Dao that was referred to the Confucian philosophy. Indeed, this will save us lots of time for discussing something else. Well, of course, there is room for additional explanations for you....!!!
  6. What defines a Daoist?

    First of all, a true Taoist is one who dedicate his full life by seclusion in a Taoist shrine(道觀), up in the mountain, where there is close to Nature. The highest realm for a true Taoist is to be an immortal. It may be considered integrating oneself with Nature. To be an immortal, a Taoist will practice Chi Kung to preserve his life for longevity. The highest form of Chi Kung, in the Taoist world, is the alchemy or neidan. The reason that Taoist called it neidan is a long story. Did you miss something I said....???
  7. Greetings!

    The keyword notorious in "a notorious threat to my privacy." was a dead give away..... In the Chinese cultural philosophy, if one admits something bad to degrade oneself one level below another, then the one was considered to be modest.
  8. Why Taoism?

    Why are you picking on this character with special interest....??? I think I know what you are talking about but can you elaborate on that. Let's see if we are coping with the same idea.....???
  9. What defines a Daoist?

    dawei... You should have asked a scholar instead of the Taoists from the temples. The Taoists in the Taoist religion do not pay much attention to the definitions of the terms. They tend to claim anything that is relating to Tao into their beliefs. These terms are still holding now and the past. Here are two good references.
  10. Taoism and Sacred Art/Music

    The sounds of Nature to the ear of the Taoists are the sacred art of music. The whisper of the winds, the sound of the waterfalls, the birds calls, and etc. All these sounds have a peaceful touch added to the tranquil mind of a Taoist while observing the natural beauty of the universe.
  11. What defines a Daoist?

    Stosh..... Please don't take it the wrong way. I know where you stand; and I know you are trying to be impartial and objective since we have begun to discuss the subject. However, one just cant see things in any other way without crossing the other side of the line.
  12. Greetings!

    Welcome...!!! My modest one.....
  13. Why Taoism?

    Yes, I agree. Your translation do agree with 陳鼓應. You have probably heard of him because he is one of the professors in Taiwan who is very familiar with the classic Tao Te Ching. All my translations are the reflections of his book. Edited to correct the name from 陳鼓感 to 陳鼓應.
  14. Metaphorical Qi

    It won't change anything but only we'll have a better understanding. That's all. BTW I am not picking on its effect or it's real or not. I just wanted to justify why it works.
  15. Can there be such a thing as a Nazi Dao?

    I thank you...!!! I don't know why and how this thread was created, in the first place, to have such a relationship associated with Tao.
  16. Ascension thru inner power

    Yes, "virtue" has a different meaning in Taoism. For those who follow the principles in the Tao Te Ching was considered to be having the "virtue of Tao". However, it is different from the virtue of Confucian as the "moral of conduct".
  17. Metaphorical Qi

    I like the title of the OP. So, all types of chi described by the ancient Taoists are metaphorical chi. It is because all of them are set in our minds with no substantial evidence. Thus we just took it as is. However, there is no reason why that we couldn't link it to modern science; at least to make some sense out of it.
  18. Why Taoism?

    I believe that the moral of the story was: Chuang Tzu was an optimist. He felt why should he be bothering with the worries and problems of others. He would rather be wandering and live as a free individual.
  19. New here too....and have many questions...

    ChiForce.... You already have enough "chi force" to go on by having the name. Namaste....!!!
  20. There are many posts on the same subject. It would be advisable to go back to find them in the earlier pages. IMMHO There is no distraction. I do zhan zhuang every night while watching TV for years. I have no drawbacks. PS.... I think most people are complicating the practice of zhan zhuang. It is really a very simple method for all martial arts.
  21. Why Taoism?

    Have you translated Chapter One of the Tao Te Ching, into English, in your own words...??? If you have, then I would like to read it. It might be interesting from you....!!!
  22. What defines a Daoist?

    Dynamictao..... The Chinese has a big distinction in the Tao terminology between 道家 and 道教. There is also another term called 道學 which is "Taology", the study of Tao; but there is no such word as "Taology" in English. A Chinese has no problem distinguishing the terms 道家 and 道教. 道家 are scholars who are mainly concerned with the study the true meanings of the principles of the Tao Te Ching, and 道教 is a religion. Based what I have gathered from the internet, It is the westerners that do not wish to separate the two by summing them up as Taoism. They make the definition of the term "Taoism" is very broad. Thus one must explain which side one is on, 道家 and 道教. Hence, that falls into the dilemma in the last part of your post. If you think like a Chinese, a Taoist can be a 道士, one who practice the Tao religion. From the term 道士, right away, a Chinese has no problem with that. However, the meaning of "Taoist" to a westerner is very broad and inclusive. Like you said, it would be a big frustration for a Chinese to communicate with a westerner because the same old thing has to be repeated over and over. Indeed, It was frustrating.
  23. Horse stance

    Yes, somebody will. Someone did ask me to post it and I did.
  24. 南怀瑾武术演示 Nan Huai Chin wushu demo

    I think those are Tai Chi moves in the demo . At first, he did the basic moves of cloud hands of Tai Ji quan. BTW I do have couple of his books in the Chinese language.