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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Orgasmic Mundanity

    IMO, the energy has to be generated rather than have it stored. I would change this phrase to read as follows: "use it or lose it" is what im thinking, but at the same time, the LDT should be able to store it all generate it. Yes, this would mean constantly meditating. My definition of meditation is that one must include abdominal breathing in the practice.
  2. An Altar for Sree

    Well, I am a Chinese-American Did you know a western mind is equal to the Chinese heart. In the ancient time, the Chinese once thought that the heart was the central point of the body. Thus they thought the heart was the center of the body which does all the thinking. However, even though people still say I used my heart to think, but it was still understood that the brain was doing all the thinking.
  3. Nocturnal Emission Prevention Techniques

    Hi Universal.... According to what you are telling me, you are completely normal. "I always dream about the opposite sex in my sleep when this happens." As a matter of fact, I think you are a very healthy man. I think you have mentioned that you had broke up with your gf in another thread. Please keep in mind, when your reservoir was full, it will spill since you have no place for drainage. IMO It is very natural to have nocturnal emissions in your case for most males. "I would say my sexual urges have decreased since this started." Your urges have decreased is because your energy was used up at night. Therefore, it decreases your normal urges in the regular basis. If you want to keep the libido in tact and to compensate the energy from the nocturnal emissions, what you can do is practice static Chi Kung. I know someone is feeding you a lot of information that you might not be able to grasp. Actually, all the names had given for Chi Kung are just fancy names. Believe it or not, the basic principle is the same and has the same effect on your body internally. I think I had given you an offer to assist with the Chi Kung practice, but you had declined because you were interested in the "Spring Forest Qi Gong". Indeed, it is fine as long as you practice it diligently. If you have any question I am glad to assist you through PM....... Here is my advice. If you have decided to practice Chi Kung and learn it form someone, then stay with one style and one instructor. So, you won't be confused with the flooded information that someone was given you.
  4. Nocturnal Emission Prevention Techniques

    May I ask you this...??? Maybe it'll give me a rough idea about your health condition. Are you easily aroused....??? Do you consider that your body has a great urge for sexual activity...??? Do you think about the opposite sex in your sleep when that happens....???
  5. The Principle and Logic of Tao Philosophy

    The way I understand it, the duality are two things which are complementary to each other. I can understand that "dual/non-dual" as complements by themselves, logic wise. However, the term "Wu & non-dual" does not register in my logical mind. In addition, what is "Yu/You", is it 有...??? Why do you think that Dual is in connection with them, I see no correlation between them. Finally, what's duality to me, in Chapter One, are Wu(無) and You(有). The diagram looks good, it resembles the duality of Wu and You in Chapter One which correspond the Concept of Yin-Yang in the Yi Jing. However, I would prefer to replace "Mystery" with "Wu" and replace "Manifest" with "You" to have a much clear picture.
  6. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    "These three cultivated conditions are the ultimate realm for a person to attain as an immortal." The key word is "immortal". Immortal is not human nor the dead. PS.... The philosophy was only from the ancient Taoists with a religious point of view. It was all conceptual from the past. There is no physical evidence of proofs.
  7. Taoist proof that we can't ignore

    "精足不思欲 , 氣足不思食 , 神足不思睡" The abundance of Jing will not cause one to think about desire. The abundance of Chi will not cause one to think about eating. The abundance of Shen will not cause one to think about sleep. These three cultivated conditions are the ultimate realm for a person to attain as an immortal.
  8. The Principle and Logic of Tao Philosophy

    In the Tao Te Ching, the are Tao and tao. Tao is a proper noun; and tao is a principle. The use "Wu and Yu as well-defined concepts to describe how Tao works" It seems to me Chapter one use Wu and You to describe the appearance of Tao instead of how Tao works. Based on your thinking, how does Tao work to you.....???
  9. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    I know what you are saying, that was what the westerner translators had been telling me. I just I wish I can accept that but it's still doesn't hold water in logical thinking nor in a scholarly manner. I don't think it was a matter who read it but what was the original meaning of the text regardless what language was written in nor who to you read it to. 故 善 人 者 , 1. Therefore, those people who are kind, 2. Therefore men who seek to live by perfection I cannot accept that line 2 is a translation of the classic text because it is not what it says. Now, what is wrong by telling to all what it means. What should I tell the Chinese one thing; and then tell the westerners something else or tell them what they want to hear instead of the true meaning. It just doesn't make sense at all.
  10. The Tao of Dying

    Sorry, to be so late to ask the question at this point in time. "The Tao of Dying" Did you mean "The way of dying" or "The principle of dying"......???
  11. An Altar for Sree

    Now, the orange is an oil lamp......
  12. The Principle and Logic of Tao Philosophy

    "The Oneness or Nonduality of Tao appears as a pair of Dualistic Realities in the world." I still cannot get over your idea of "Oneness or Nonduality of Tao". Then, you've contradicted yourself with "Nonduality of Tao appears as a pair of Dualistic Realities in the world."
  13. An Altar for Sree

    "Mainland Chinese have been sending gifts from this world by burning paper replicas of cars, houses, iPads and iPhones." Yes, I do aware of that. It is not just the Mainland Chinese but it is all the Chinese around the world. "I am still thinking. I see no concept of Hell, an immaterial soul or the afterlife from my reading of the Tao Te Ching. What about you?" Likewise, btw, I am an atheist too. Thus, as a philosophical Taoist, I don't need an altar to be set in my home.
  14. qigong for kidney yang deficiency ?

    This is my only basic understanding of Chi Kung. Chi Kung cultivates three things. They are the body, mind and breathing which will provide the body to a state of homeostasis. It is to ultimate goal for longevity to the Taoists. We can see that all the styles of Chi Kung do breathe with slow movements in synchronized with breathing. However, we must note that without breathing is not Chi Kung at all. It is because Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. Please keep the fundamental concept in mind if you want your Chi Kung practice to be effective.
  15. An Altar for Sree

    Okay, it is a long story with the hell in Taoism. Let's not go into that right now. But the ghost money part is the best seller to make real money. Why not change the religion beliefs for that.... I will worship your Philosophical Taoist altar of the West if, and only if, you tell me what it is........
  16. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    No, it is only translate the meaning of the characters. FYI Most modern dictionaries do not indicate the characters are classic or not. It is up to the obligation of the reader to determine for their meanings and applications within context. If I put a space in between 善 人, then you will get "good man". A good man PS.... A good man may not be kind. But A kind man is always good.
  17. An Altar for Sree

    You are right, the Tao Te Ching had never mentioned Tai Ji Chuan. The one you had read probably somebody misinterpreted.
  18. An Altar for Sree

    FYI.... The is no hell in the Taoist religion; only the immortals raise to Heaven. There are hell and heaven in the Buddhist religion.
  19. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    善人: kind person; Philanthropis Ref: 善人
  20. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    故: therefor 善: kind 人: person 者,those who 故 善 人 者 ,不 善 人 之 師 ﹔ Therefore, those people who are kind, can be the model/teacher of the unkind people.
  21. An Altar for Sree

    Let's put it this way, if you could think of these kind of things, thus that is exactly what the people believe in the Buddhist religion too.
  22. An Altar for Sree

  23. Would not be sufficient cause for the path to exist

    http://故 善 人 者 , Therefore men who seek to live by perfection It seems to me this line need to look into more deeply for an accurate translation.....!!!
  24. A haunting-please help

    I don't think that her little cousin haunted her. Otherwise, he would come to her initially. Since he is like a little brother to her, she was only communicating with him through her meditation is because she couldn't let go of him. Thus she is not the one to tell him to let go but herself. IMHMO.
  25. An Altar for Sree

    FYI: "ghost money" It is only for the ancestors in the under world to spend.