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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Liver qi stagnation

    Liver problem is a matter of life and death. TCM or Chi Kung takes awhile to take care of the problem. BTW The acupuncturists might not have the same training as TCM doctors have. It is better to see a western doctor to get a blood test for a more accurate diagnostic analysis.
  2. A Matter of Respect.

    Yes, to me, "respect" does mean to respect the mentality of a person and all. Thus I had learned not to expect more than what a person can offer.
  3. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    We all knew that soon or later.....???
  4. Macrocosmic Circle Question

    Hi, Jimmerino... You welcome....!!! If you are asking the Macrocosmic circle, then, I think you are asking about Macroorbit. I don't know that your mind is scientifically or metaphorically oriented. Metaphorically, Macroorbit is expressed in terms of directions rather than path. Anyway, if you're metaphorically oriented, then, I am sorry that cannot offer you any help. It is because I am too scientifically oriented. I see someone is already offering you some help in that regard while I am writing my response. Good luck...!!! I hope you will find your answer.
  5. A Matter of Respect.

    Yes, you are right in that regard. If you follow the whole thread, then you will see that each individual has different idea. Each post will reflect the personality of the poster. Sometimes, I was only responding to the post above without quoting anyone as a matter of respect. Thanks...!!!
  6. Macrocosmic Circle Question

    Hi, Jimmerino.... Some say clockwise, the others say counterclockwise. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to your question. Even the Chinese masters couldn't make up their minds. Sorry....
  7. A Matter of Respect.

    A sense of balance: Receiving before giving....!!!
  8. A Matter of Respect.

    One can learn from "respect" to respect others and their opinion, beliefs, system, training. It's there to start with. Thus we'll learn from the people and their personalities to see why they think that way or behave such way. Even though we might not agree with all or any of it, but there was nothing that we should be getting upset about. Regardless, no matter we like it or not, at least we did learn something new. It gives us a chance to see things in another way. I believe a Taoist would look at it this way as part of the Taoist cultivation.
  9. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    IMO Based on what you have said, you didn't miss anything. You have reach the bottom of things as you've indicated in your avatar.... PS... It seems to me that the astral world is macroscopic and the scientific world is microscopic.
  10. The Question, The Purpose, The Way

    Remember that was yor welcome in the Lobby. Yes, I hear you. That was what I have been advocating all along. If you keep your eyes open, then, you won't be surprised to find some of the posts with "the scientific method" approach by some members....... However, for some reason, those members do not stay here too long and left.......
  11. I was requested by one of the members here to establish some references for the Received Version of the Tao Te Ching. In order to due so, I must do it bilingually using the original classic as basis with no other external influences. To the best of my knowledge, this section was sat up leaned for the people who are familiar with the Chinese cultural heritage. So, they can express themselves more freely with a little dignity and some linguistic authority for some say so within their heritage. In order to keep the fundamental literature to the purest with no contaminant, all the characters, terms, thoughts and philosophies will be discussed in accordance with the Chinese native scholarship as a standard to avoid intermingle with the other ideas. Therefore, may I ask all the members to give us some lead room with respect; so we can proceed with the unprecedented event in searching for the closest meaning of the Tao Te Ching in the eyes of the native Chinese. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
  12. I hope this will help to clear the air. Definition of Received Version
  13. Vinegar for Long Life

    My other half put garlic in vinegar for a week than take one teaspoon, diluted with water, a day. I didn't need it because I practice Chi Kung.
  14. MM

    Does inflatable one give you a good balance of the body weight....??? Doesn't it tend to shift the weight as you move...??? Just couple of curious questions.
  15. It sounds like something was said in Chapters 16 and 25.
  16. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    These articles are very thorough, thanks. Yes, "that might be your definitions of Jin etc" but it is within the Tai Ji definition in the cited articles. The articles talk about Wai Jin was in the external martial arts more than Tai Ji. The article did specified that Tai Ji Quan has more distinctive definition about Nei Jin which I was referring to as I speak. Like the articles said, in Tai Ji, the definitions are more refine and not to be confused with other types of martial arts. The Jin I was referring to is the nurtured Jin from the practice of Tai Ji. In general, any internal strength used by Tai Ji practitioners was considered as Jin. However, different names had given to them was due to the different applications of Jin. Even though with movements, Jin was applied in all cases as far as Tai Ji was concerned. For my personal understanding as a Tai Ji practitioner, I would like to keep it simple by only using the Li and Jin for the distinction in my explanation to avoid any confusion.
  17. Are storms evil?

    Storm is part of Nature. Yes, you are being paranoid because you did not recognize that you are dealing with Nature as a natural thing.
  18. Learn Tai Chi Online eBook Project

    Stigwear... Based on your movements in the video, I do see some Jin in you. Are you still in doubt about Jin from the practice of Tai Ji...???
  19. A Matter of Respect.

    @sinansencer................. @taijistudent....I am a Libra too.....
  20. $1.5million Fajin Challenge

    I don't quite agree with the two definitions above. This is the best to my knowledge.... 1. Jin(勁) is always internal and Li(力) is somewhat external but still has to be come from internal. Li(力) is the normal human strength without practicing any martial arts at all. I would not use "Wai Jin(外勁)" in relationship with Li(力). I believe the proper term should be "Wai Li(外力)". 2. Nei means inside or internal. To be inside means it is something that cannot be seen, only felt. The external movement is so minimal and subtle that it escapes the eye. So Nei Jin is internal or hidden power. Things like sensitivity, adhering, sinking, following are pragmatic examples of Nei Jin. Nei Jin(內勁) does not restrict to the movement to a minimal and subtle that it escapes the eye. It only depends on the magnitude of the Jin that was being generated by the practitioner. What I am saying is, for the purpose of distinction, that Jin(勁) always understood as internal and Li(力) is always external. Jin(勁) is much more power than Li(力) due to the extensive practice of Tai Ji. The more practice in time, the more Jin are developed in the muscles.
  21. A Matter of Respect.

    sinansencer.... Wu Wei is the way to go as the Tao Te Ching suggested. Not doing anything to interfere someone's thinking. Perhaps, keep yourself neutral.
  22. What defines a Daoist?

    So, by the "practice of listening" which is the intuition to monitor your body, in order, to take action to maintain yourself in the state of homeostasis. Practice of listening is only a procedural action, but performing different methods to maintaining the state of homeostasis is the actual practice. No.....???
  23. A Matter of Respect.

    Yes, "respect" is there to start with. However, at the end, it maybe ended up with like taijistudent says. That would be the full extent in regard with this respect.
  24. A Matter of Respect.

    You had mentioned your own value system; what is your own value system then....???
  25. A Matter of Respect.

    If your instructors are really good, then it would be self explanatory. Is there really a need to defend them....???