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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Recycling Anger.

    Well, let's not abuse the system.....shall we...!!! :D
  2. Recycling Anger.

    That might work most of the time.....
  3. Forsake knowledge

    無有: have not 盜賊無有: have no bandits nor thieves.
  4. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    I did want to mention by practice Chi Kung, daily, for a healthier body in my last post. However, I wanted to wait for your response. You see, Chi Kung will help you to build up the excess of energy for a healthier body, thus one can eliminate the abnormal practice of semen retention.
  5. Feeling fantastic after ejaculating. Why?

    One who has excess of physical energy, not sexual energy, will not be tired after sex. It is because only part of the physical body energy was used for sex. A healthy body will have enough energy to rejuvenate the body, immediately, by replenishing the energy that was consumed during sex.
  6. Effectiveness of Mudras

    I think I had excluded in my statement above.
  7. Effectiveness of Mudras

    It doesn't matter what one does, nothing has any effect without breathing in meditation. All focus shall be on the breathing.
  8. Horse stance

    Yes, I just realized that your legs are very very weak. You have a long way too go yet.
  9. The Ultimate Tao, In One Simple Statement

    Water is not Tao but only symbolized Tao.
  10. Letting Go in Action: the Practice of Zazen

    空手把鋤頭, 步行騎水牛 人從橋上過, 橋流水不流 Holding a hoe with my bare hands. Ridden on a buffalo as my walking steps. I am crossing the bridge, The bridge flows instead of the water.
  11. An Altar for Sree

    可與之言而不與之言,失人 不可與之言而與之言,失言 The one who may be spoken to but not spoken to, lost the valuable one.  The one who may not be spoken to but spoken to, wasted the valuable words.
  12. Looking for a book that explain the I Ching

    The commentaries was written by Wen Wang(文王) when he was under house arrest. King Wen of Zhou
  13. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    Yes, the original idea of qi stagnation was induced for the explanation of stagnation along any point of the meridian by the TCM practitioners. However, I would be taken the definition of the former more literally than the latter. Is fair to say that the dysfunction of the organs can cause, along any point of the meridian, all sorts of other symptoms such as pain, heat, phlegm, ect....??? Based on your understanding, would you say that the meridians are located along the nerves of the nervous system....???
  14. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    The 5 elements only tell you about the interrelationship between organs. What helps what and what oppose what. The state of stagnation is the malfunction of an organ which will not be giving aid or helping the next organ as its counterpart. It depends on the magnitude in the state of stagnation, the function of an organ may be partially or fully dysfunctional. Liver qi deficiency simply means the lack of ability for the liver to perform its function.
  15. An Altar for Sree

    To find the wind and catch her shadow are not an easy thing to do.
  16. Struggling with Life

    Yes, it will, only Chi Kung will bring you to the place of mental clarity that you are looking for. The anxiety will go away and bring you to a place of peace and harmony. If you do it only one way and go by my definition of Chi Kung. If you're really interested, PM me.
  17. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    Muscle/tendon pains are involved with the nerves in the muscles. It is more physical then internal. The best way is to have acupuncture or acupressure treatments. Normally, there are some points of reflection away from the pain area. I think they are called the reflexo-points. I have found this on the internet sometime ago: Theory of Reflexology
  18. Upper abdominal area in spasm, prevents me from breathing.

    I know what that means by deprived of Co2 but do you....??? What kind of breathing do you have in mind......??? And what is the Buteyko breathing method.....???
  19. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    This not more than I want. I heard what you had said, already, all the time. It seems to me that we are living in a world with double standard. There is a thing about "qi stagnation". The latest official definition of "qi stagnation" in the modern Chinese literature is this: One of the definitions of "Qi" is the function of an organ. "qi stagnation" was defined as the function of the organ is not functioning normally. Thus when the liver qi was at its state of stagnation, it was considered to be that the organ is malfunction. Have you ever heard of this definition in your TCM school.....???
  20. Violence and Peace

    You have answered your own question before you ask....???
  21. Grounding queries

    Thank you very much for responding. Good, I have noticed that you had said "qi and energy". Are qi and energy two separate entities to you....??? Thnx.
  22. Forsake knowledge

    lienshan... Forsake knowledge Forget wisdom Forsake wisdom Forget knowledge For that being said, then how do you justify the following statement.....??? 2. People benefited hundredfold.
  23. An Altar for Sree

    Very good, Stosh. I am glad that you are really reading into the thoughts. Also, I am glad that it doesn't make sense to you. It is because the message was there for your to grok but you just did not have to proper knowledge to comprehend it. You are right about the "Te" is not equating to our 'virtue' (trait of goodness). The TTC has a different definition. "Te" means those who follow the Principles of Tao was considered to have the "Virtue of Tao", 道德(Tao Te). Just Like you said, it should have anything to do with Confucius. The Virtue of Tao is different from the "trait of goodness". In following your proper thinking, The tile of the 道德經(Tao Te Ching) should be translated as "The Classic of Tao and Te" It is because the Tao Te Ching comprise of two part. One part talks about Tao and the other is Te. Thus the native scholars called the original Lao Tze as 道德經(Tao Te Ching). However, it must not be confused with the Tao Te in the philosophy of Confucius. PS.... Again, Stosh, you are a respectable scholar and a gentleman in my book......
  24. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    Thank you very much for your time and explanation. Sorry, I am picking your brain. I just curious how the TCM is understood in the west. I have one more question for you. Just by the description of the liver, alone, has a big contradiction with the western science. Without treating the liver in the meridian system, what is your understanding about the function of the liver from your TCM study.....???
  25. HELP: Upper Back Pain

    dmattwads..... I have a question for you. Have you ever compared the discrepancy in the functional descriptions of the internal organs between the TCM and the western science.......??? If you have, do you see any contradiction which might affect your thinking in the practice of TCM....???