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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. A Matter of Respect.

    Yes, that was the end of that and it was a Taoist approach. Nice...!!! Now, let me ask you this. Based on your own value system, what do you find in an individual that will gain your respect....???
  2. Yes, good idea. I think the OP is indicating that the author is not familiar with the DDJ yet.
  3. What defines a Daoist?

    What kind of practice can you do to find oneself....???
  4. A Matter of Respect.

    If a person insisted upon one's own value system is the best and yours is the worse by attacking you with disparaging remarks, how would you respond to that....???
  5. simplify

  6. What defines a Daoist?

    Back to the OP... How does a Taoist should behave....??? May be this will have to define what a Taoist is....!!!
  7. connection between semen and the brain ?

    Free testosterone what-are-the-functions-of-free-testosterone More magnesium, more free testosterone FYI This might be helpful for this thread.
  8. Why Taoism?

    Thou shalt not commit suicide....???
  9. Cousin Marriages

    I would have a blood test before go on any further. I under that if the blood types are too closely related in the family; the offspring are most lightly deformed and retarded.
  10. Can there be such a thing as a Nazi Dao?

    If people really spend more time to comprehend the Tao Te Ching, then, I don't see why that the question would have arose in the OP....!!! The claim, in post #97, was written by a group of people who like to claim lots of fallacies and has a tendency to change the facts of history. Thus I'll not consider to take any part in their beliefs.
  11. Horse stance

    Yes, please don't forget about the decrement of the angle between the upper and lower legs. From the Wu Ji position(180 degrees), perhaps, do it at a decrement of 5 to 10 degree at a time and do it progressively. Do it without having the knees pass the toes.
  12. Hey all

    Please don't forget to exhale.... Namaste...!!
  13. What defines a Daoist?

    Tao engenders One. One engenders Two. Two engender Three. Three engender all things. Chapter 42 indicates that Tao(道) is invisible and formless before anything else. Then, Tao made itself visible becomes the One. One splits into Two become yin and yang. The combination of yin and yang to form chi. Chi is the primordial natural force. Chi has a tremendous potential power to create and vitalize all things. All things comprise of the Three which are the yin/yang and chi, in order, to be vitalized.
  14. BTW First, I had the same problem with the term "Received Version". Yes, it has been edited for consistency (which would be revised)? However, the revised version is called the "Received Version".
  15. The Chi Kung practitioners and others are all breathing the same air. Why are they healthier and stronger than others....??? What have the Chi Kung practitioners done differently....???
  16. Missing posts?

    teknix... I think this is it.....
  17. Missing posts?

    teknix... Is this is what you are looking for...???
  18. Hello From The Next Dimension of Rational Spiritualism

    AussieFrog... I see the depth of wisdom in your avatar. Namaste....!!!
  19. Cultivating Chi vs. Jing (beginner questions)

    For clarification, one must understand the distinction of these three characters before going into deep details about Tai Ji Quan. Qi(氣) Jin(勁) Jing(精) In Tai Ji Quan, Jin(勁) is a physical strength to be developed from the practice of Tai Ji. According to the Chinese Taoists, Jing(精) is something to be refined in alchemy.
  20. For those who study the Tao Te Ching, here is a good reference of the text with corrections. Notes: 1. The missing characters are in []. 2. The corrections of the characters are in ().
  21. The first character, in Chapter One, started with 道(Tao). Where is Tao came from...??? Did LaoTze create Tao by given it a name...??? Lao Tze said: "a name can be named is not an eternal name." Lao Tze also had gaven us an impression that Tao is eternal in Chapter One. Then, why did he given a name to Tao...??? Maybe if we study Chapter 25 close enough might find a clue. Original classic Chapter 25 1. 有物混成 2. 先天地生 3. 寂兮寥兮 4. 獨立而不改 5. 周行而不殆 6. 可以為天地母 7. 吾不知其名 8. 強字之曰道 9. 強為之名曰大 10. 大曰逝 11. 逝曰遠 12. 遠曰反 13. 故道大 14. 天大 15. 地大 16. 人亦大 17. 域中有四大 18. 而人居其一焉 19. 人法地 20. 地法天 21. 天法道 22. 道法自然
  22. My apologies..... Correction: 彊(qiang2) is a homonym and synonym of 強(qiang2). These two characters are interchangeable. I was mistakenly thought that 彊(qiang) was 疆(jiang, boundary).
  23. What defines a Daoist?

    @Zerostao............ @Stosh....... I had changed the punctuations in lines 11 and 12 and revised lines 16 and 17. Is that what you had in mind.....??? If not, please be more explicit or specific. Perhaps show me the corrections. Thanks.
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Updated with the Received Version of the Tao Te Ching Chapter 16 1. 致虛極 2. 守靜篤。 3. 萬物並作, 4. 吾以觀復。 5. 夫物芸芸 6. 各復歸其根。 7. 歸根曰靜, 8. 是曰復命; 9. 復命曰常, 10. 知常曰明。 11. 不知常, 12. 妄作凶。 13. 知常容, 14. 容乃公, 15. 公乃全, 16. 全乃天, 17. 天乃道, 18. 道乃久, 19. 沒身不殆。 Chapter 16 1. Reaching vacuousness to its extremity, 2. Maintaining stillness ultimately. 3. All things are being vitalized, 4. I observed that they are reciprocating. 5. Therefore, all things are flourishing, 6. Each returns to its root, 7. Returns to its root means stillness. 8. Stillness means returns to its essential. 9. Returns to essential is called the basic routine. 10. Knowing the routine is called comprehension. 11. Not knowing the basic routine, 12. Will act rashly become chaotic. 13. Knowing the basic routine is encompassing. 14. Encompassing will serve with justice. 15. Justice will be impartial. 16. Impartial will be natural. 17. Natural will be in accord with Tao. 18. Then, Tao will be eternal, 19. And the eternal Tao will be exempted from all danger.
  25. takaaki............ Come on back....!!! Please don't get discouraged. We have started a fruitful discussion here already....