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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Interpretations of Wu Wei?

    Who is asking you....MH.............??? You never spell Ziren correctly........
  2. What defines a Daoist?

    A Taoist do not research for Tao but to learn and follow the principles of tao from the TTC. The TTC will tell you what Tao is. Tao has mult-idefinition. If you have learnt all the definitions of Tao. Then you will know Tao and its principles. When you are following and practicing the principles of Tao, then you will become a Taoist.
  3. Interpretations of Wu Wei?

    Have you come up with the definition of Wu Wei or Zi ran yet......???
  4. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    We go find out as much as we can what are out there.
  5. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    We have written history precisely recorded by impartial scholars.
  6. Takaaki's "American Taoism"

    MH.... Correction: takaaki is Chinese, perhaps with a Japanese name.....
  7. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Interpreting classic is not by just knowing the definition of each character but by logic. For example, let use Line 5 from Chapter 7. 7. 是以聖人後其身而身先, 7. Therefore, a sage placed himself behind but ended up in front. Annotation: A virtuous person does not put himself before the people for vainglorious reasons. By hiding in the background in a low profile and get things done without claiming credit, he will be recognized and appraised by the people. Perhaps, may be that was why we don't have enough to study about Loa Tze because he always puts himself behind. In reverse thinking, it's very important in classic interpretation; if a person do something up front and wants recognition, then he will be ended up disregarded and forgotten.
  8. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    My apologies. It was a little too hasty on my part......
  9. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    Could you be more subjective than that...??? I will disregard this unprovoked comment. Please respect the wisdom of the section. "Chinese language forum where a community of Daoists talk to each other and learn from each other, resulting in a new body of knowledge that is connected to but not limited by the old traditions."
  10. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    FYI........ It is/will be a scholarly thread without further interruption. Have we make any derogatory remarks to offend anyone or you since post #46. May I ask kindly please do not attempt to derail this thread. BTW I do not wish to dedicate all my time in defending the thread.
  11. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    Yes, there are many undeniable evidence of 道 coming across as a proper noun anywhere in the 81 Chapters of this Classic. I'll start a new thread to go over the chapters where 道 was shown as a proper noun for your curiosity. At first, before I open up the Tao Te Ching, I have no idea what 道 was all about until I've read the annotions and connotation in Chapter One. As you've said, it is inconsistent with traditional Chinese scholarship because it is a piece of a standing alone document written by a Wise man called Lao Tze. Your question was ".....Is this a wise thing to do....???" With LoaTze's incomparable wisdom, indeed, I think he had done such a wise thing.
  12. I am not too please with his choice of words; perhaps, he just want to make his point across. It may have some merits to some but not others. It is only in the eyes of the beholder. Anyway, I would pay my attention to the thought rather than the words. This is only my opinion. Hopefully, we do not throwing out any more opinions into this thread, continuously, beyond repair.
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 11 of The Tao Teh Ching

    I think the metaphor in Chapter 11 was saying exactly that. 10.Therefore, "solid" is its benefit; 11.Space is its function.
  14. I believe it was not too Taoist like on my part. That is why I classified myself as a Semi-Taoist. However, I will convert myself to a full Taoist from now on. BTW Since I have declared myself as a Taoist, then I will behave like one with great tolerance for anyone who has a tendency to have make offensive comments about me. I will consider those comments as unprovoked comments. I will remain Wu Wei about it and won't report any of them as insults to jeopardize the freedom of speech.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 11 of The Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 11 1. 三十幅共一轂, 2. 當其無, 3. 有車之用。 4. 埏埴以為器, 5. 當其無, 6. 有器之用。 7. 鑿戶牖以為室, 8. 當其無, 9. 有室之用。 10.故有之以為利, 11.無之以為用。 1. Thirty spokes with one hub, 2. Where there is space, 3. It has the function of a carriage. Interpretation for lines 1 to 3: It is not the spokes are useful, but the the space between the hub and the wheel is. 4. Knead clay to make a utensil, 5. Where there is space, 6. It has the function as a utensil. Interpretation for lines 4 to 6: It is not the wall of the utensil is useful. but it is the space inside is. 7. Chisel a door and window, 8. Where there is space, 9. It has the function as a room. Interpretation for lines 7 to 9: It is not the door and window are useful, but it is the empty space that made the room useful. 10.Therefore, "solid" is its benefit; 11.Space is its function. If we look at lines, 2, 5, 8, and 11, I believe that Lao Tze was putting the emphasis on Wu to be the "functional" rather than Yu.
  16. I return to the Forum as DynamicTao

    Welcome back....!!! May I please hear your comment on my recent post about the Yu and Wu on post #53 in the thread below: Please make your comment on this thread, thanks
  17. The Importance of Sunlight

    The speed of light, its value is 299,792,458 meters per second. Isn't meter a distance and second is time......???
  18. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Clarification.... I did not mention such thing as the shaman wearing deer antlers as in the character of Tao(道). As a matter of fact, I do not believe that the Tao Te Ching was engaged in nor related to any shamanic notion.
  19. Candle is better than electric bulb.

    I believe the power frequecy in the US is 50 to 60 Hz. In the European countries are 400Hz.
  20. New member

    FYI.... Action has been taken else where.....
  21. According to my recollection, I believe that Dawei had told us he is not Chinese but married to a Chinese woman from Taiwan.
  22. What defines a Daoist?

    Let's say we all are confused.....
  23. What defines a Daoist?

    This is a free world. One can have one's own definition of Tao or borrow from someone else if one see fits. Let's hope for the best and the closest.
  24. Takaaki's "American Taoism"

    Yes, all that was done on one's own basis with the basic knowledge of the language other than a full understanding of the classic. You are a gentleman and a scholar.......
  25. What defines a Daoist?

    I see the potentiality in your wisdom to explore the Taoist concepts. Yes, there are fallacies very vague. The advisory in filtering out the unwanted is in effect.