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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Please don't worry, nobody will believe what it says. Everybody has a different definition of dan tian. Let them live with what they think that have! Peace!
  2. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Likewise to you too. Cobie. Are you having fun?
  3. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    If you don't know how to breathe, your body definitely don't. Why do people practice Chi Kung? It is because they had lost their ability to breathe normally. Chi Kung will help them to correct their bad breathing habits.
  4. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Yes, however, you must observe the tu na(吐納) breathing procedure as laid out by the ancient Taoists.
  5. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Yes, It is the whole circumference of the abdomen below the navel.
  6. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Dan Tian is the abdomen. I am sorry that the Taoist called it Dan Tian to confuse the whole world. Dan Tian breathing is the same as abdominal breathing.
  7. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Energetic body is a physical thing. Is your body imaginary?
  8. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    The Dan Tien is an actual objective "thing" that exists only in the mind of the beholder. Might as will make good use of it.
  9. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Perhaps 吐納 (tu na ) was the original 气功 (chi kung) in China.
  10. Breath % in BFP meditations

    IMO Breathing should be just inhale and exhale with a little gap in between. It is a matter of the amount of oxygen intake that affects the human body. Alternating the breathing sequences should not have any beneficial influences. It might do less more harm than good. Why make it so complicated to distract oneself in focus?
  11. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Based on what I have read the definitions online, I disagree with the former but agree with the latter. The latter is more like acupressure.
  12. Ask an acupuncturist

    I think it is. Ref:
  13. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    FYI The radicals make up the characters. Each character has its meanings depends on context. The compound character has different meanings completely as oppose to the individual character. Many non-natives do make this kind of mistakes by interpreting them separately.
  14. Ask an acupuncturist

    What layer of skin is nerves? dermis The dermis houses blood vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, and glands. There are many cell types found within the connective tissue of the dermis, including fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes, mast cells, Schwann cells, and stem cells. Ref:
  15. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    I believe that is your understanding and opinion. I will not argue about that. I can only tell what it is, other than what it is not. Peace!
  16. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    There is no argument that. 氣海(sea of qi) is just a name of an acupoint. It has happens to be located below the navel. I wouldn't translate the name to make something out of it. The nomenclature 氣海 is just pointing out where the location of the acupoint is. It really has no significant meaning. PS That applies to all of the nomenclatures. They are just names of the acupoints.
  17. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Déjà vu: 似曾相识 丹田 is compound character and is one term. We do not translate it separately. It is just a description for a place holder in the human body. If the interpretation was done separately, then, its original meaning will be lost. Peace to all!
  18. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    The native scholars do not ignore the compound characters like the non-natives do.
  19. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    If you believe that Qigong is about breathing, yes. Somehow, I had an impression that when Dharma went to China, he introduced Yoga to the Shaolin monks. It seems that Qigong is the derivative of Yoga.
  20. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    Where is this idea come from? It makes me wonder! Now, this dantian thing is really tangent off to never-never-land.
  21. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    I don't think people in India ever practiced Taoism. There would be a greater chance to find a Buddhist in India. I think!
  22. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Don't you know what IF mean?
  23. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Should he go to China then. Other than seeking it within India? He could have done yoga breathing.