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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Chapter 41 上士聞道勤而行之。 中士聞道若存若亡。 下士聞道大笑之。 Those who are knowledgeable about principles of Tao; they cultivate these principles diligently. Those who are somewhat knowledgeable about the principles of Tao; they wonder the the validity of these principles. Those who have no knowledge about the principles of Tao; they gave it a big belly laugh.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    What have we learnt and didn't put it into application...??? (Chapter 81) 1. True words are not beautiful. 3. Beautiful words are not true. 3. One who is kind does not quarrel. 4. One who quarrels is not kind. 5. One who is profound is not broad. 6. One who is broad is not profound. 7. A Sage does not hoard. 8. Yet one who helps others ended up with more sufficed. 9. Yet one who gives to others ended up with more enriched. 10. The principle of nature benefits all with no harm. 11. The morality of human is to give but not to seize.
  3. Stillness Movement

    I knew I cannot be ignored......
  4. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    Oh. Yes, it came back to my memory. Thank you....!!! Wu Ji engender Tai Ji. I guess the 64 hexagrams ended up as Tai Ji......
  5. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    What did it say....??? Please enlighten me.... What did Tai Ji split into....???
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    BTW This is a Taoist environment after all; it can be putted in a nicer tone.....
  7. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    We sure do have a big difference in thinking. I thought it might be something like that. I don't know it is just you or it is between the thinking of the east and the west.
  8. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    According to your scenario about "when wuji split yin and yang manifested and so did myriad things". Does that given us a clue that Tai Ji can be split like Wu Ji. What will that be then.....???
  9. Stillness Movement

    I do appreciate that.... If I may add: Dynamic / stillness VS heartbeat / sitting; breathing / sitting Static / movement VS stillness / heartbeat; stillness / breathing Static/dynamic as: internal(static) VS external(dynamic): emptiness of the mind / body movement as in Spontaneous Chi Kung; external(static) VS internal(dynamic): zazen/breathing; zazen / all the vital activities takes place inside the body. @Ya Mu... Just ignore me....
  10. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Well, philosophically, a true Taoist is not materialistic. A materialist is not a Taoist. @HAJA...Please explain....
  11. Stillness Movement

    The term "Stillness Movement" has been bothering me quite sometime. IMO It would be more appropriate to look at 'stillness' as 'static' and 'movement' as 'dynamic'. Static and dynamic are more of an adjective rather than putting two nouns together such as "Stillness Movement" as proper term. After all, it has less confusion.
  12. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    MH... So, are you a materialist or a Taoist....??? You cannot be both, you know....!!!
  13. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    So, then Valley Spirit is Dao. Yes....!!! Wuji has no center. Wu ji is the opposite of Tai Ji. Where Tai Ji is the positive infinity and Wu Ji is the negative infinity. Hence, zero is the center between Wu Ji and Tai ji.
  14. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Sorry, there was an error on my part. Received - "朡作" should be corrected to 朘作. It would be funny if we say 朡作(crazy act).....
  15. Is Valley Spirit the femine aspect & Dao the male aspect?

    I think you are the closest when it comes to the description of Tao. The yin-yang symbol was derived from the Yi Jing; and LaoTze was very familiar with the Yi Jing. I believe that he got the idea about Tao was from the Yi Jing. Confucius wrote the Ten Wings about Yi Jing. He defines that Tao is Yin-yang. If we look at the dynamic Yin-yang circle, with some imaginations, the spinning circle can have the yin go stronger than the yang and vice versa. Hence, Tao can be manifested sometimes as a female or male. In the TTC, I believe LaoTze portray Tao as female most of the time. "There was the void, the mystic female, the valley spirit, or Tao. " Yes, the word "or" will make Tao as the "valley spirit". Thus Tao is the mystic female.
  16. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    BTW May I ask what version of the TTC are you looking at. The received version has been corrected "全作" to "朡朘作". "朘作" means the sexual organ of an innocent child has been fully extended. I know what you are getting at. It would be incorrect if we try to interpret this terms with modern meanings. 8. 精之至也: The 精 does not mean "sperm" here. It means 精氣充足(full of energy). 精之至也 精: 精氣; 精力(body energy) 至: to the extreme Thus 精之至也 means the body energy has been reached to the extreme (causing an innocent child to have an erection). Anyway, that is what the intention of the meaning for 朘作 in this chapter. Edited to correct "朡作" to 朘作. It was an error on my part.
  17. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Okay. I will accept and live with your distinctive definitions. Even though, I was thinking that our discussion was restricted to religious matters.
  18. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    1. To encompass the deep virtue of Tao, 2. Is comparable to a new born infant. 3. Not stung by poisonous insects, 4. Not clawed by wild animals, 5. Not grabbed by big birds, 6. Weak bones and soft muscles but with tight fists, 7. Not knowing the copulation of male and female but self erected. 8. Because of the tremendous energy, 9. The infant cries all day and the voice doesn't become hoarse, 10. It was the sign of harmony. Lines 7 and 8 were an illustration of the innocence of an infant. Again, your attempt for the usage of these lines was out of context.
  19. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Isn't the practice of celibacy which is a commitment to avoid having sex.....??? Isn't celibacy deliberate and willful act on the part of the practitioner messing around with his mind and/or body....??? Isn't celibacy a deliberate/natural absence of sexual activity....???
  20. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    It seems to me that this scenario is kind of specious. Practicing semen retention is not celibate is very contradicting in my logical mind. Tigers are not like human. Buddhist and Taoists do have the mentality and ability to practice celibacy. They have a choice to retain semen or not but the tigers don't. Don't you think it is kind of awkward to compare the wisdom of higher intelligence with the animals like the tigers....???
  21. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Under normal circumstance, having sex means ejaculation will occur which semen also will be released. Can this be considered that semen retention did not take place......???
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    It is in the Chinese philosophy anyway. I hope speaking the truth won't cause any fire....
  23. Some questions about exercises

    JB.... Can you tell me something about your wife of what she knows....???
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think you had picked the wrong person and section to talk about the "third eye".