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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Some questions about exercises

    How many kinds are there...??? The only kind that I know is "Chi sink to the dan tian(氣沈丹田)." Breathe deeply into the abdomen slowly and constantly. Constantly means all the time, every minute, when I am awake. The time I do not do deep breathing is only when I go to sleep. It is because I want to relax by not generating to much heat and energy so my body can rest. Here is my ultimate method of breathing:
  2. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    I want his words not mine. He may understand differently than mine.
  3. Some questions about exercises

    Good, I will challenge all your open loops......!!!
  4. JB..... I do wonder how much do you know about Chi Kung all the time but not sometimes.....
  5. "You ask about energy; be aware some "qigong" systems do not much for cultivating energy and are more oriented as health exercises." If a gigong system does not much for cultivation energy, then nothing does. A healthy body requires more energy; how do we expect to have a better health without cultivating energy....???
  6. Some questions about exercises

    The sine and cosine waves showing voltage and current in respect with time is very impressive. If you all, here, are pretending knowing what is that all means and accepted as is. I'll give you all the credit. It does not convince me anything.
  7. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    My previous post quote: "Now, it is time to say that any practice for the enhancement of sexual energy was considered to be an illegitimate practice. For those who are under the pursuit of sexual energy enhancement, please consider to have a second thought before the occurrence of any internal bodily injuries or running over fire and entering the devilish path(走火入魔). However, semen retention may be excluded because it does no body harm nor does any enhancement." Please read the last line in bold. Semen retention is like not having sex at all. Do you consider not having sex violates the natural function of the body....??? Can you tell that to the Buddhist monks or some Taoist priests...???
  8. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Sorry, you did not fall into this category: "Bodily harm was applied to internal damage causing by any practice." Causing "Internal injury" is the keyword to the "illegitimate practice".
  9. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Is considered. Sorry for the bad English. I am having trouble with the tense in English due to English is my second language. But I am learning from you all in all aspects. Thanks.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Good thing you are asking questions; I thought no one ever ask....!!! It was the most peculiar and confusing about Chinese classic because it was written in metaphors. 9. 天門開闔, 10.能為雌乎﹖ 9. Opening and closing the heavenly gate, 10.Can it be feminized? Annotation: 9. Using the five natural senses to communication with the outside world. 10. 雌(yin or female): Females are known to be soft and quiet which give the yin characteristic. Thus the femininity, here, represent the yin characteristics of softness and quietness. Using the five senses to communication with the outside world, can it give me peace and quiet for understanding what is going on in the world....??? In the contrary, people get perturb and insecure if they don't know what is going on in their environment.
  11. Some questions about exercises

    Sure, but I will not be misled by anyone......
  12. Offline and or updating?

    It seems the site was being updated. I'm living in California having the same situation.
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    takaaki Yep............................... You've noticed the difference too.....!!!
  14. ...

    Eat them nuts are rich in minerals which are good for the muscles: 1. almond 2. walnut 3. Brazilian nut 4. pecan 5. cashew nut 6. macadamia nut.
  15. Some questions about exercises

    What are you talking about...??? Either way, the abdomen goes inward or outward first depends on the method of the NB or RB. The internal organs are being massaged physically during the contraction or expansion of the abdominal muscles. Thus it makes no difference to qi channels, marrow and wei qi. The body will take care itself.
  16. Some questions about exercises

    To answer your question more specifically... Reverse breathing will massage the internal organs to activate and increases the rate of metabolism. RB also cause the abdominal muscles to be tightened to protect the internal organs in a defensive situation. In additon, RB will allow the body to generate the maximum strength to resist any external aggression. The muscle contraction can withstand any impact caused by any external strike against the muscles as you can see in many demonstrations by the Shaolin monks.
  17. Some questions about exercises

    Reverse Breathing(RB) is the highest level of achievement in Chi Kung. For martial application, it allows the muscles in the body to be contracted, holistically, to generate the maximum body strength to go against any external aggressive force. However, prior to the RB which can be done effectively, the practice of Normal Breathing(NB) must be accomplished first. However, you don't want to start RB in the reverse order. Otherwise, you will never succeed in accomplishing the purpose of Chi Kung. Besides, you will have health problems if you do it in the reverse order. To see the RB in action is best to watch the Shaolin monks in performing their acts. You will see that they are going through a ritual of RB and contracting all their muscles before doing the actual performance. Pay close attention to the RB ritual at 17:39, 29:40, 30:50, and 31:50 in the video.
  18. Starting on Qigong...But Where?

    Try here....
  19. Hello Tao Bums - Sexual Manifestation

    Oh no....!!! Some more of this illegitimate practices.....
  20. I think Scottk's intention was to learn meditation rather than masturbation. Please don't read my post mistakenly to mislead him. I was only making the statement as an illustration to respond to joeblast's comment. Thanks.....
  21. Some questions about exercises

    This post was edited and moved forward....
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Mr. Takaaki... From a scholastic point of view, you had said it precisely. BTW We were in sync to begin with.
  23. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Now, it is time to say that any practice for the enhancement of sexual energy was is considered to be an illegitimate practice. For those who are under the pursuit of sexual energy enhancement, please consider to have a second thought before the occurrence of any internal bodily injuries or running over fire and entering the devilish path(走火入魔). However, semen retention may be excluded because it does no body harm nor does any enhancement.