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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Are babies born with their energy channels open?

    The reason Taoists are zazen near to a tree is because the tree recycles the carbon dioxide, from the exhalation of human, into oxygen. Then, the human breathes the oxygen and comes out with the carbon dioxide; and the cycle repeats itself continuously. This is what the Taoists called "integrating oneself with Nature."
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    What is your idea of a village idiot? We need to define this silly, little bugger, needn't we?
  3. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Marblehead is a good guy. His American Taoist is kosher......
  4. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    1. Please don't try to change the title. It applies to all martial arts. Especially, there are lots of offshoot methods of internal practice which are causing internal bodily harm. Thus we must not restrict this to Taoist practices only. 2. Bodily harm was applied to internal damage causing by any practice. 3. I would say that should be included. 5. The definition is too broad in the Wikipedia, I do not wish to pin it down. 6. It was forbidden in a more civilized society. I am sure that the Chinese Emperors do not want any pains inflicted to them in the palace.
  5. The Legitimacy of Martial Arts Practices.

    Now it comes to the question is the Mao Shan(茅山) shaman was considered to be 邪教(illegitimate cult). Let's examine the Mao Shan sect in this new thread to determine the truth about the deviant harmful derivative of the Dao De Jing. Based on the definition in the OP: An illegitimate practice which may cause body harm during the process of the practice. The practice can be easily engaged into "run over fire and enter the devilish path". Any immoral act or witchcraft in the practice was also considered to be an illegitimate practice. These kinds of practices are straightly forbidden to be practiced by the legitimate group. Mao Shan(茅山) Cult was well known to be a 邪派(illegitimate sect) in China. This is the only group which performs witchcraft. They may be hired by someone with sinister thought to perform a ritual service to harm a third person. They write down the birthday of the person on a woodoo doll to cast a spell by sticking pins onto the doll to inflict pains to that person. In addition, they also can perform other supernatural power like summon a deity into a person's body and act like the summoned deity with super strength. As far as the TTC was concern, it was a piece of a stand alone document. It has no connection with the shamanism; it was only a matter of interpretation by people who want to interpreted as they please.
  6. A good start for Chi Kung practitioners to know.

    If one can understand about cell respiration, then one will appreciate the practice of Chi Kung and know how does the body increase the energy level. The relationship between oxygen and ATP PS.... The reason Taoists are zazen near to a tree is because the tree recycles the carbon dioxide, from the exhalation of human, into oxygen. Then, the human breathes the oxygen and comes out with the carbon dioxide; and the cycle repeats itself continuously. This is what the Taoists called "integrating oneself with Nature."
  7. When we stepping in the philosophy of Confucius, we are step out of Taoism. "How does kindness fit into this?" Well, if someone is enticing or attempting to convince someone of something (and puposefully doing so with a gratifying face) this is a salesman. With that sneaky look and a gratifying face, don't you think it is kind of suspicious which he has malice in mind. As a salesman, that's all he has in mind was to take your money away from you. Even though after you told him that you needed the money to save your mother's life. You think he cares your mother lives or not....??? He wants to make a sale by all means. As the result of his intention, do you think there is kindness in the salesman's heart....???
  8. Some questions about exercises

    Eat less fats. Eat something that is good for the muscles. What is good for the muscles, we can determine by the chemicals that were required for muscle contraction and relaxation. The chemicals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and etc. The chemicals are found in a variety of nuts, fruits and vegetables. Edited to add: Eat them nuts are rich in minerals which are good for the muscles: 1. almond 2. walnut 3. Brazilian nut 4. pecan 5. cashew nut 6. macadamia nut.
  9. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    The key person of this thread is sree, another member, requested for me to start this thread for him. He was not able to do it himself at the time. If I have to put my first treasure to the test, then, it will require a brand new thread due to the profound sensitivity of the subject. I will do my best, per your request, in a new thread about the history of the legitimacy of a cult.....
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    By the individual idiocy, many people tried to interpret the TTC by the individual meaning of the characters rather than the definition that was defined within context from line-to-line and chapter-to-chapter.
  11. Spontaneous Suffocation

    I think that was an asthma attack rather than a side effect of some kind. @Sanzon... Good advice.......
  12. The Three Treasures

    manitou.... That is exactly what the philosophies of TTC was converged into. "The Art of War to the bone." Exactly, you are familiar with The Art of War too..........
  13. The Three Treasures

    Quote from Reed, Posted Today, 12:03 PM: 7. Cultivation will able one to be broaden. 7. Cultivation will able one to be broaden. In a Taoist view, cultivation is to strive for a better personality by staying close to Nature or to integrate oneself with Nature. Follow the natural path with the course of Nature. 3. The first is mercy. 4. The second is cultivation. 5. The third is not dare to dwell before the people. In relationship with the people, the three treasures were advices for the ruler to follow the cultivating qualities to treat the people with benevolence. Indeed, line 5 was suggesting that a ruler should not live before the people but for the people.
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 10 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Don't you think we can debug them here....???
  15. The Three Treasures

    Chapter 67 - The Three Treasures 1. I have three treasures. 2. I'll hold on to and well keep it. 3. The first is mercy. 4. The second is cultivation. 5. The third is not dare to dwell before the people. 6. Mercy will able one to be bold. 7. Cultivation will able one to be broaden. 8. If one is not dare to dwell before the people, then one is able to lead all things. 9. Now, one who disregard mercy to replace with boldness, 10. And disregard cultivation to replace with broadness, 12. One who disregard to stay behind instead striving to lead in the front, 12. Therefore, one is going toward demise indeed! 13. If one uses mercy in a war, then one will win. 14. If one uses defensive strategy, then one will be stable. 15. Whoever Heaven is willing to help, 16. It will protect them with mercy. Does this translation tell you a story or some kind......??? Ask me questions, I think I can justify them.
  16. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    takaaki.... I must praise you that you are a gentleman and a scholar. I love your line of questioning; you are impartial, precise, and straight to the point. Love to have you aboard... Since my opposing view has been contaminated this thread and being not very respectful to the key person of this thread, may I suggest to have you to start a new thread to continue with our discussion about the legitimacy of Mao Shan Taoist Cult. Thank you....!!!
  17. ba

    I think the proper term is focus(意守) instead of forcing. When you focus on your dan tian, your chi(breath) will go straight down to it as you inhale.
  18. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Correction: Mao Shan was considered to be illegitimate(not illegal) by all, centuries ago, even before the PRC.
  19. Greetings + Question, the 1st serious post!

    "Question: are taoists in control of they're lives or it's just natural way of being an order of chaos manifested in way of the way?" The answer is the latter part of your question........
  20. The basic principles for Chi Kung are simply cultivating in breathing, mind and body. Breathing is the primary cultivating factor; and the rest like the slow movements and the mind cultivation done spontaneously are secondary. The combination of all these three factors are considered as an integral part of the Chi Kung practice. Anything else mentioned are just cosmetics. Please keep in mind as the basic fundamental, breathing is a must for Chi Kung practice. Indeed, without performing breathing, then it was considered not to be Chi Kung. It is because Chi Kung is to ultimate method of breathing. In the video, you're kept on hearing gathering chi into your body; in other words, you are actually breathing air(空氣) or oxygen(氧氣) into your body.
  21. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Wudang(武當) was considered to be 正派(legitimate cult). Mao Shan(茅山) shaman was considered to be 邪教(illegitimate cult) as the CCP classified Falun Gong as an illegitimate cult.
  22. Some TTB members were jumping the gun in learning "sexual energy"; the first they do were starting to masturbate and have internal pain problems. Yes, how much can one tell them before it was too late.
  23. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    We all are not Buddhas but it was asked to be treated like one. It is only a matter of respect as the intention of the title.
  24. Sorry, I should have said: As a beginner, one should start with something simple for easy understanding and disregard all other expert's advanced advices for now. BTW I had edited my original comment to this:
  25. Treating everyone as a Buddha

    Please do what the title says....