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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Are babies born with their energy channels open?

    Yes, there is a difference between oxygenated and polluted air in the environmental atmosphere. The purest fresh air always keep the mind clear.
  2. Are babies born with their energy channels open?

    "Spend time in the natural environment, do mountain hikes, meditate near old trees or waterfalls." That is where a place has abundance of oxygen.
  3. Are babies born with their energy channels open?

    All humans are born normal. As they age they lose their healthy qualities by their bad habits. However, those problems can be corrected. In the later days, if they want to correct their health problems, they have to find means to do it. It can be either using medicines or practice Chinese ancient healing method such as Chi Kung, the ultimate breathing method.
  4. As a beginner, use common sense, one should start with something simple for easy understanding and disregard all other expert's opinions from being getting confused.
  5. When one breathes normally and deeply, what will be taken place inside the body will be taken place. It just happens spontaneously. There is no special skill was needed for the movement of the diaphragm but the ultimate breathing technique. As a beginner, one should start with something simple for easy understanding and disregard all other expert's opinions and get confused.
  6. As a beginner, one should start with something simple for easy understanding and disregard all other expert's opinions.
  7. Taiji Push Hand Vids

    I think they are blocked by the Chinese government.
  8. Here is a good place to start in breathing for Chu Kung
  9. Statue ... who is it?

    Yes, it says: 觀世音(Guan Yin), the Goddess of mercy, in the front.
  10. 斯明磊: 光明磊落......... This is good enough for good start. At least, you know how to breathe.....
  11. Some questions about exercises

    Yes, you got the right idea.
  12. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Cing Chapter 3

    I thought that was enough said already.
  13. Class Room For Classic Chinese

    Let's discuss anything regarding to the terms or phrases in classic Chinese, here, in this thread. All questions are welcome.
  14. Some questions about exercises

    I am waiting to see who is brave enough to come forward and say "yes".....!!!
  15. Class Room For Classic Chinese

    炁 Yes, the pictograph of this Chi character with two radicals, 旡(none) and 火(fire), indicating "no fire"
  16. Class Room For Classic Chinese

    Did you get the "fire" idea from 着火....???
  17. [TTC Study] Approaches to Tao

    ShenLung......... Well said, I agree with you 100%........
  18. Class Room For Classic Chinese

    Harold.... You're welcome and thank you very much. I wish you well too. It can be either past or present tense. It was the thought that counts. The reason I chose the word was because, the character 着, was implicating 着迷(spellbound). Thus if there was nothing serious in the mind to be occupied, then, the other minor things are insignificant as compared to all. Finally, that will let you to attain the state of 静.
  19. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Based on the English sentence structure, lines 8 and 9 are one complete sentence, thus we have: When these two together do no harm, then, virtue (and ethics) return (and dispatched off) to? My original translation: 8. 夫兩不相傷, 9. 故德交歸焉. 8. Since both do no mutual harm to each other, 9. Then, the virtue of peace was returned to the people. Since both do no mutual harm to each other, then, the virtue of peace was returned to the people. Annotation: Since no harm was done to all, then(there was no question about it), it was the people who were ended up with the benefits of peace.
  20. Class Room For Classic Chinese

    心中一无所着,一念一无所思 There was not a spellbound in the heart, There was nothing to be considered in the thoughts.
  21. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Let's look at the "two", in line 1, were referred to the ghost(鬼) and human(人). Since the ghost and human do no harm, (2.)then, the virtue are credited(归) to them mutually(交). 2. Then, virtue (and ethics) return (and dispatched off) to who? The character 誰(who) was not in the phrase. However, if the "who" was there, then, the phrase would become: 故德交歸誰焉? In this scenario, the character 焉 would have been used as a question mark.
  22. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    In classic, there were no punctuations. There are some special characters were used as punctuations. Sometimes, there are auxiliary characters were used at the end to make the sentence sound better. You are right, this is not a question. Normally, the character was used as a question mark. However, it was used as an auxiliary character in this case.
  23. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    It takes to understand the whole Tao Te Ching in order to deny the Tao Te Ching is not a shamanic document. Based on the mistranslation and misinterpretation of one chapter, unfortunately, it cannot represent the Tao Te Ching as a whole as a shamanic document. Line 1. Why do you use "frying" for 烹 and fish for 鲜? 海鲜: in classic, it was understood as the fresh catch from the sea or fish. There are two way to cook a fish. One way is to steam it; another way is to pan fry it. Steaming a fish does not required careful handling. However, when the fish was being fried, it take a special care to turn it over in the pan. The metaphor in line 1 was implicating that a ruler has to run a country with special care as analogous to pan frying a small fish. The character 焉, in classic, was to be placed at the end of a sentence as a "question mark".
  24. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Here is: 1. 治大國,若烹小魚. 2. 以道莅天下, 3. 其鬼不神; 4. 非其鬼不神, 5. 其神不傷人; 6. 非其神不傷人, 7. 聖人亦不傷人. 8. 夫兩不相傷, 9. 故德交歸焉.
  25. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    The original characters were 7. 聖人亦不傷人. Throughout the study of the TTC, sometime ago, it was established that 聖人 can be interpreted as gentleman, sage, a virtuous person or a ruler. You seem to be very forgetful and have a tendency with fluctuation in your thinking. If I have to remind you the definitions that had been established every time, when the argument comes up, then it is very cumbersome. Based on line 1. Ruling a big nation is like frying a small fish. To answer your question with justification, the first line was a dead give away that the sage is a ruler.