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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    I had tried to clarified it but people already have their mind made up that the Dao De Jing is a shamanistic "treatise". I'll let you read my translation: 1. Ruling a big nation is like frying a small fish. 2. With the presence of Tao beneath heaven, 3. The ghosts cannot extent their power. 4. It's not only that the ghosts cannot extent their power, 5. But its power cannot harm anyone. 6. It was not even that their power cannot harm anyone, 7. A ruler also does no harm to anyone. 8. Since both do no mutual harm to each other, 9. Then, the virtue of peace was returned to the people.
  2. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    It was bothering me too, but I was afraid to ask which might divert to further confusion and out of context.
  3. Well, I don't have to live like a monk to get all the chi ever. Some Taoists do live like a monk and some don't. It happens to be that I don't and still getting lots of chi from practicing Chi Kung and Tai Ji. I can release my energy anytime and get them back anytime. People have a great urge to build up their sexual energy in a hurry but there was no need for me to do so. It just comes with the package in my cultivation.
  4. It is much better than learning from a modern radio book to be a ham radio operator......... :D :D FYI Did you know that all the dusty old books from the Shaolin temple are sold for thousands of dollars; and people are very hungry for them. However, they still might learn something from them with a half-ass translation. Hopefully, they will not be 走火入魔: Running over fire and enter a devilish path.
  5. A word about choosing a method to practice. There are a conventional and non-conventional way of practice. The non-conventional way was considered to be 旁門左道; it will get one into 走火入魔. 旁門左道: Taken the side door and the left side of the road. Normally, people will take to front door to enter a house in the open with nothing to hide. Those who take the side door were something fishy and sneaky about them. The left side was considered to be the wrong path. 走火入魔: Running over fire and enter a devilish path. It was a result describing one from practicing some non-conventional methods which causing internal body injury. It is wise and important for one to study a method thoroughly and determine its category before practicing. The conventional methods will be benefited for the health of the body, definitely. In the contrary, a non-conventional method maybe good in a short run but it will cause health problems and get worsen more seriously along the path.
  6. Sorry about that...!!! Is there anything you've posted that I'd missed and should cast my humble opinion upon....???
  7. Some questions about exercises

    All the sexual energy talks were from fiction stories. I read those stories throughout my life. "send jing up the spine to nourish the brain" How much truth can anyone see in that....??? Who can prove or disprove of that....??? The purpose of Chi Kung(with breathing) was to rejuvenate the body after the energy was consumed or to heal a damaged part of the body by mitosis. Preserving your energy was not by not using it. You energy will be diminished if you don't use it. If you've used it, then it will be regenerated. Another words, if you don't use any energy in the body, the energy generator was less active, so to speak. Based on the yin-yang concept, when the yang energy was too high, it will start releasing the energy to go to a yin-state. After the yin-state was reached, then the energy will start building up to a yang-sate. The yin-yang cycle repeats itself constantly. BTW In the fallacy case about retaining semen, it violates the yin-yang concept by some offshoot Taoists. "Just ignore ChiDragon and test it for yourself. Once your qigong practice has been in place a few months, simply go 2-3 weeks without ejaculation and see how you feel during qigong. When I do that, I definitely feel the qi grow stronger day by day." The reason "I definitely feel the qi grow stronger day by day" was not because of the celibacy but it was the Chi Kung practice itself. I know someone who ejaculated twice in one day, after a nap and a short session of Chi Kung practice, feels like a brand new man and mow a good size lawn still feels very energetic. What is happening was that after the energy was used up, the Chi Kung will rejuvenate the body to replace the energy that was consumed. After the energy was resumed, the body will be continued to pick up where it was left before the sexual activity. If one thinks that celibacy help to preserve energy in the body, then one was really under estimate the efficacy of Chi Kung. FYI All the confusion about jing was misled by the two jing's. The jing in "jing, chi, shen" was misinterpreted by some ancient Taoists as the 精子(jing zi), sperm. It was worse, somehow, it was mistranslated as "semen" in the west. Unfortunately, this jing was getting more misleading, misunderstood and confusing from person-to-person day-by-day.
  8. Cold Body After Practice

    "My night practice is dedicated to Chinese Qigong..." What is Chinese Qigong in your own words, please....???
  9. meditation - not contriving the breath

    You will never hear from this person.........
  10. Some questions about exercises

    Just pay attention to the breathing and ignore the semen retention part.
  11. First of all, I want to make myself clear that this is straightly from my point of view based on my empirical experience. As a Chinese, my practice has no external influence whatsoever. I had leaned all the ideas from the Chinese traditional way. I was only try to stay pure with one, and only one, system to reach the ultimate goal of a particular system. I will explain how I understood it without any other influence. I had talked many times about the subject of Chi Kung throughout this forum. Therefore, I wish this will be my last time to repeat myself again. 1. It is not stupid rather its unwise to practice two systems at the same time as a beginner. You should just stick with one system and be familiar with it before go to another system. 2. I want to answer your question very seriously and hope someone will follow my advice, so, this will be my final words on this subject matter. NO, it is not possible to discover and work with chi through the mind and meditation without Chi Kung(qigong). The Chinese definition for Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. Another words, without breathing, then you will not have any Chi sensation which means no energy will be built up in your body. Here was my recommendation for all beginners:
  12. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Cing Chapter 3

  13. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Cing Chapter 3

    Now, do you see why I'd said that you are not a Taoist......???
  14. My advice is to stick with one definition which make sense or works for you; and stay with it but disregard all the others' understanding to avoid confusion.
  15. By the Chinese definition of Chi Kung. It cultivates in breathing, the mind and the body, three-in-one. If anyone of the three was left out will be considered to be incomplete and less effective; especially, when the breathing was left out. It is because breathing was the major factor that give the body a better physical health. Finally, cultivating the mind was for concentration.
  16. What is Falun Gong?

    To the best of my knowledge. Falun Gong is practiced by a Buddhist Cult. It is a form of healing Chi Kung which had cured many people with chronic diseases. The reason that the Chinese government was against them is because the sect is getting too large and they have tremendous assembly power. The government was afraided that they might get overthrown by the cult.
  17. Some Thoughts

    They felt their "porn practice" was not only harmless, but beneficial. They felt they were tapping and transmuting large amounts of jing to qi with this practice. Yes, this was the worse misleading fallacy for all. It's advisable not the believe such nonsense. However, for those who had done the damage already may practice Chi Kung, the ultimate method of breathing, to cure it.
  18. I cannot find a Chinese version which is correlated to the English translation. Does anyone has a copy of the Chinese classic....???
  19. Sleep meditation technique

    What did you hear from people about focus your mind.....??? Can you give me some ideas what you'd learnt from others. I am curious to hear them. Thanks....!!!
  20. meditation - not contriving the breath

    Okay,....!!! Then, why did you relate breathing into your meditation in the first place as stated in the title of this thread......???
  21. My first full lotus experiences

    Please keep in mind that not everyone can do the full lotus. There is one thing about yoga which can hurt somebody starting from a cold practice. One cannot just jump into doing it. Please don't force yourself to doing anything that your are not capable of doing. I heard lots of people had to quit the class on the first day because they got hurt. Use common sense. Consider your physical being before doing anything foolish because someone says it was ok to do it.
  22. Sleep meditation technique

    Mind is one. West is moot. No one here is discussing "method", mr Chi. "sleep meditation techniques" The word "techniques" does imply some kind of method.....???
  23. Yuan Chi and the Spiritual Body

    No, what I am saying was that the spiritual body was only a temporary body shell for the immortal. An immortal does not need a body to reside in nor need to breathe.
  24. Yuan Chi and the Spiritual Body

    It was nice that we had established a good start. Let's take one step back, a physical body requires yuan chi to sustain its life. One must cultivate to a point that the physical body which does not require yuan chi to sustain. During the cultivation process, the physical body will be taken less food causing the yuan chi to become less and less. Now, the physical body becomes a spiritual body while the soul is still remain. To answer your last question. The notion about great virtue was only for the mortals. During the cultivation processing period to become an immortal, all human contacts were ceased. The diet was strictly vegetarian and taken foods from hot to cold. In the last few day before becoming an immortal, no foods were needed to nourish the body. After the physical body takes the last breath, then, the soul of the body was ascended and the body is no longer needed. The ascended soul was considered to be the immortal and rise to heaven.
  25. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    天人合一 is humans in harmony with all in a natural friendly environment. "Harmony" is the keyword here which one does not take the initiative to provoke an international incidence. One can use nicer words to present an unpleasant situation in a friendly gesture.