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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    My point is if he did the Buddhist meditation, then, he had already done the same as the Taoist meditation. What he wants is readily available, then, why should he be asking for something else.
  2. Ask an acupuncturist

    Why should one be alarmed. If one look at the diagram of human body meridians. One will see that all the acu-points are aligned with the nerves. Modern science speaks the truth. The book says where the point is and how fall down in the muscles. To me that says all. However, please don't argue this with acupuncturists. Sorry Maddie! There is one thing for sure. I couldn't believe that the human body has two systems. One denies the other. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. By saying no, and it has noting to do with each other, I just can't buy it. With the scientific method, I am definitely can relate the two systems are the same. Remember the old saying: "These two come from one origin but differ in name."
  3. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    What I am saying was that we all breathe the same way. It doesn't matter who we are.
  4. Use cannabis to build Chi

    IMO Different substances are only temporarily make someone high as a normal reaction. They will not sustain life for long but have an adverse effect. As you say, one shouldn't be relied upon.
  5. Let's Talk About Enlightenment(s)

    Are there different types of enlightenment? I think enlightenment should not be classified as types. Whatever one enlightened is just an enlightenment. Whatever category one is enlightened falls into is just an enlightenment. It doesn't specify a type of enlightenment. IMO Enlightenment is a ambiguous puzzle that was solved by wisdom in sorting things out through meditation. One needs a clear consciousness and mindfulness for such practice of cultivation.
  6. Reflecting on TDB

    Okay! I'll be wu wai(無為) about that and wait for the enlightened one to come ashore.
  7. Greetings from Bharat ( India)

    Welcome! Why can you not follow Buddhist meditation? They should be the same.
  8. Reflecting on TDB

    个人智慧 和自悟自覺 By personal wisdom, self-awareness and self-intuition. One must have these qualities to be enlightened. Otherwise, by following somebody else words that will not lead you into enlightenment. It is not just 1 + 1 = 2. Now we know 1 + 1 = 2, then, where do we go from here?
  9. Reflecting on TDB

    Yes, there should be no written formula to be followed for enlightenment. Otherwise, there is no enlightenment.
  10. Reflecting on TDB

    To be enlightened, one must go beyond all understandings besides understanding the trivial.
  11. Reflecting on TDB

    Discussing or knowing things do not lead to enlightenment. IMO Enlightenment is something that was realized all the sudden by an instant thought. It is something had never seen or heard before but it just came into the picture and make someone dismiss all the suffering, delusion, and bitterness.
  12. Clean up my thread

    May I ask the Adm to clean up this thread by removing the empty posts. Please! Thank you very much.
  13. Actual purpose of the dantian?

    In Taoist term, yes it is. Normally, it was addressed as dantian, 丹田. It was referred and understood as the lower dantian(LDT).
  14. Could anyone introduce me to the basics of daoism?

    This the duality principle of yin-yang. 陰中有陽 : There is yang within yin. 陽中有陰 : There is yin within yang. 陰極陽生 : At the extreme state of yin, it will return to the yang state and vice versa. 陽極生陰 : At the extreme state of yang, it will return to the yin state and vice versa. Most of the time, at the end state of yang always returns to the yin state. For example, when a moving(yang) object falls to the ground, it will rest in a static(yin) state. In addition, an automobile comes to a stop. It's state was from yang to yin. When it starts to move again, it is from yin to yang. From life to death, it was said from yang to yin. Thus everything begins with the perpetual principle of yin-yang.
  15. How empty is no emptiness meditation?

    I don't see what I see. I don't hear what I hear. That is the ultimate emptiness in meditation.
  16. Qi deviations

    I don't see how any non-physical practice system could hurt someone. IMO Those practices that could do damage to the physical body are the hard Qigong, iron shirt, iron fist, and etc.
  17. Ask an acupuncturist

    This is definitely will hit the radial nerve. You have no consideration of the this condition? Is this what you were told in TCM School or you just believe it just like that?
  18. Qi deviations

    I am not sure Qi deviations is the right term. I know there is a Chinese term called Qigong deviation(气功偏差). Here is that explanation of Qigong deviation: 气功偏差是指练功过程中出现生理心理功能紊乱,思维情绪、行为举止失常,影响正常的生活和工作,且不能自行缓解的身心状态。一般认为其发生原因大体可分为两类。一类是由于练功三调操作不当引起,另一类是精神病高危人群学练气功出现的偏差,此类偏差的练功者本人曾患过精神疾病,或有精神病家族史,或有人格缺陷。对于气功偏差应坚持预防为先的原则,气功偏差预防的一般原则和要领有:选择适合练功的人群;对气功树立正确认识;辩证选功,个体化选功;准确掌握功法要领;老师带功及查功;学员坚持写练功日记;及时报告咨询;早期及时干预等。 但发生偏差后及时正确的处理是保证练功安全的必要条件和关键要素。纠偏的一般原则和方法有:停止练功、辨证施治、心理疏导、放松训练、点穴拍打导引、针灸、中西药物等。 Google English translation: Qigong deviation refers to the physical and mental disorders that occur during the practice of Qigong, abnormal thinking, emotions, and behavior, which affect normal life and work, and cannot be alleviated on their own. The physical and mental state. It is generally believed that the causes of its occurrence can be roughly divided into two categories. One is caused by improper operation of the three-tone practice of Qigong, and the other is the deviation of qigong in people at high risk of mental illness. The practitioner of such deviation has suffered from mental illness, or has a family history of mental illness, or has personality defects.For Qigong deviations, we should adhere to the principle of prevention first. The general principles and essentials for the prevention of Qigong deviations are: choose people suitable for practicing Qigong; establish a correct understanding of Qigong; dialectical selection of exercises, individualized selection of exercises; accurately grasp the essentials of exercises; teachers take exercises and check exercises; students insist on writing practice diaries; timely report and consultation; early and timely intervention, etc. However, timely and correct handling after deviations is a necessary condition and key element to ensure the safety of practice.The general principles and methods of correction are: stop practicing, dialectical treatment, psychological counseling, relaxation training, acupuncture and moxibustion guidance, acupuncture and moxibustion, Chinese and Western medicines, etc.
  19. Ask an acupuncturist

    @Maddie In the English version of the book: Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion. For example: The Yuji, 魚際 (Ying-Spring Point, LU10) Location: The junction of the dorsum and palm of the hand Method: Puncture perpendicularly 0.5 - 0.8 inch. Innervation: The superficial ramus of the radial nerve. If we look at: The description of the depth(0.5 to 0.8 inch), and check the anatomy diagram. It leads me to think it is deep down into the radial nerve. What do you about this?
  20. deleted

    You mean the ugly part?
  21. deleted

    The way you like it may not bring you to the right place.