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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Don't you think, at least, that there should be an original that we can be looked. That's all I am asking.
  2. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    I am surprised that such a statement was made by someone who had been claimed himself as a scholar.
  3. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 1

    It is not the case. I don't want to see what I want to see. I want to see what it says for what it is.
  4. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    "The word Dao simply means 'way' or 'path'. It is made up of two characters; the shaman's head wearing deer antlers and the character to walk. So we have the word which means to walk in a wise and knowing way, to find one's path through the intracacies of life by wisdom and knowledge." Is that your finding for the root of the character Tao It is a pity for someone who has such a narrow view. I grant you that was the definition from the outside view of the TTC. It seems to me that you have not studied the main Chapters in the TTC with a close look.
  5. Hey everyone

    TCM is more like a supplement in the western world as natural foods. The TCM doctor listens to one's pulses to determine what is a certain organ lack or need. Then, he will come up with a prescription of herbs for the supplements.
  6. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 1

    I will, only if you play it right.......
  7. 四大 and 回光反照

    They're sure wanted to make it official, don't they.....???
  8. Song of No Inside, No Outside

    The language of Tao is stillness. Words that are not spoken come from its lips. The song it writes is sung by birds, clouds, trees and rivers. To hear its call is to share the One Voice. To perceive its name is to listen within. Rested and tranquil nothing is known. Here great wisdom is revealed. The language of Tao is silence. Words that are whispered come from its heart. The wisdom it shares is of ancient stars and babes. To be guided by it is to act from what is holy. To perceive its presence in the here and now is to be Awake. Clouds, trees, rivers and birds know no other. Rested and tranquil they do without realizing. Simple and quiet they realize without doing. Moving, flying, drifting, flowing are a single action. Through the original movement no movement occurs. That which appears still is Tao. That which appears moving is Tao. What seems to change remains unchanging. What was before and after has not altered. One who knows, knows only One. One who is still notices no difference. One who is silent hears the sacred whisper. One who is observant notices the subtle. Its message is clear. It never stops. Silent and still one begins to notice. The Tao is not hidden from view. Chapter One Invisible was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale.
  9. Song of No Inside, No Outside

    The Tao is not hidden from view. In wooded glades and mountain paths, city streets or busy roads, it resides. Nowhere being better or worse its face appears. What is settled is present everywhere. Observe what does not move, it may be noticed. Regard what is inanimate, it is revealed. Turn towards the still for what is common appears. A cloud is not a cloud, a tree not a tree, yet look to trees and clouds to read what is common. What makes them indistinct is Tao. Look beyond stillness and see how moving things are settled. Here it is revealed. This is what is ordinary. A tumbling river is not a tumbling river, a flying bird, not a flying bird but gaze at birds and rivers to notice what is ordinary. In the ordinary the sacred is unveiled. What makes them indifferent is Tao. A river is Tao appearing as a river, a bird is Tao arising as a bird. One who knows, knows only One. Yes, very nicely done. It corresponds with Chapter One. Visible was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary.
  10. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    You mean I have not done enough of that. oops..... Sorry, I was looking at the original classic rather than the various translations. The various translations may lead anybody to believe anything..........
  11. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Exactly. I couldn't agree more. It is the same with "Tao". If "way" was translated for "Tao", then the root is not recognized. PS.... You are a scholar and a gentleman.....
  12. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    "Dao is prior to Di". It was very cleared that Dao is prior and separated from Di which are not the same. BTW Lao Tze is an atheist. "Di" was known to the people; thus he uses the word character of "Di" was only a convenience for the explanation of Dao.
  13. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    帝(di): the highest ruler among a kingdom. 上(shang4): upper; above; high; supreme 上帝(shang4 di): it is the supreme ruler in the universe, in the Chinese language, which is God to the Chinese Christians. 商朝: Shang1 Dynasty. You are getting the shang4(上) and shang1(商) mixed up. BTW It's not your fault but the phonetics.
  14. Help with identification

    "Do you have an idea on why these poets would be in the centre of a display among deities/immortals?" I want to bring this to your attention. These two poets are on a structure built by humans which indicates that they are human. All the figures riding on the clouds are deities/immortals. All the deities were mentioned in the 化胡经(Hua Hu Ching), a fairy tale describes all the deities/immortals in the Taoist religion.
  15. Te Tao Ching...Theistic? A linguistic challenge...

    Hmmm.... Where and how did you get these vague and bogus ideas from reading the Tao Te Ching.....???
  16. [HHC Study] Hua Hu Ching Chapter 1

    Hi, folks..... Before we go too far, let me clarify that the 化胡经(Hua Hu Ching) is a fairy tale written by the Tao Cult. It was praised that Loa Tze as the supreme deity in the Taoist religion. 化胡经(Hua Hu Ching) does not reflect nor represent the principles in the Tao Te Ching because it was only a fairy tale.
  17. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    No, if people do not value for hard-to-get-goods, then they have no desire to obtain them by dealing. Indeed, there will be no thief in the world.
  18. Tonal & Nagual

    I didn't know that Lao Tze ever talked about religions in the TTC.
  19. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    (不贵难得之货) in Chapter 3. It says that not having possessions will avoid stealing. It should read as: Do not value(no desire for) the hard-to-get-goods will avoid stealing.
  20. Advantages of starting from No-mind

    It is because you know what "enlightened" really means........
  21. Advantages of starting from No-mind

    I believe 無心 should be read as "no intention" rather than "no-mind'.
  22. Tonal & Nagual

    Wise words of wisdom. If the people on TTB do not perceive these from here, then I don't know where.
  23. Hey

    I wouldn't start with MA. If one wants to learn a certain style, just stay pure within the style. At the beginning, try not to confuse yourself too much with the habits from others.
  24. There are many Chapters in the Tao Te Chine was describing Tao. Chapter 1 has a good start, what other chapters that have descriptions of Tao and would you like to quote them....??? Chapter 1: 1. Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. If you would like to call Tao as the "way", then what is your justification.....???
  25. 1. I am not quite sure what you are asking. 2. It takes one to know one....