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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. 1. Now, at this point in time, you are asking me for some quotes. I guess you have not follow this thread at all. 2. With this kind of attitude(unsatisfying), you will never have a satisfying explanation nor understand of the TTC. Based on your present insecure feeling about the TTC, I felt it wouldn't be advantageous to extend our inconclusive discussion to another forum page.
  2. Mr. Marblehead.... Shall we stop here or continue.....???? I think we had enough. Don't you....???
  3. I am on your side and cannot agree with you more but my post #141 is still holds.....
  4. Owledge..... "Didn't even Lao Tzu say that he just used that name to give it a name and that it's of no relevance?" If you took that literally, then, you had missed the whole point. I granted you that Loa Tze said Tao is indescribable in the first chapter. However, did you see what he did...??? He contradicted himself by trying to describe Tao in many chapters for the different meaning of Tao. Actually, he was trying to tell us that Tao cannot be described in one word due to its multiple meanings. He has to describe Tao separately. Indeed, the name itself has definite significant meaning each time when it was used. So far, nine pages are nothing as compared to eighty-one chapters in the Tao Te Ching. BTW Why does it bother you so much......??? Peace...!!!
  5. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Free Chinese lesson online
  6. Help with identification

    SUBHK..... You welcome and happy new year to you too........ I have no disagreement with the names in the first post. I think you did a great job better than me. Those five names are just names. I can do some research and get back to you on this one. "Do you have an idea on why these poets would be in the centre of a display among deities/immortals?" The most logical thing that I can think of is because humans are the center of all these imaginations about deities/immortals.
  7. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    Chapter 80 - A Peaceful Little Country 1. 小國寡民! 2. 有什伯之器 而不用, 3. 使民重死 而不遠徙。 4. 雖有舟輿 無所乘之, 5. 雖有甲兵 無所陳之。 6. 使民復結繩而用之。 7. 甘其食, 8. 美其服, 9. 安其居, 10.樂其俗。 11.鄰國相望, 12.雞犬之聲相聞, 13.民至老死, 14.不相往來。 Terse English 1. A small countries with few people! 2. Though there are many utensils but not in use. 3. Let the people feel rather die than migrate. 4. Though owning boats and wagons no need to ride them, 5. Though owning weapons no need to display them. 6. Let people return to era of using knots as reminder. 7. Give them food, 8. Offer them attire, 9. Provide them shelter, 10. Amuse them with entertainment. 11. Looking over the neighboring countries, 12. Hearing the sounds of chickens and dogs of each other, 13. People grew old until death, 14. Neither socialized with one another. sree........ Did you have Chapter 80 in mind.....???
  8. The Way (道 i.e.Tao) of Living

    This is a bad combination: "One is a Christian, one a Buddhist, and I an Atheist." How about One is a Christian, one a Buddhist, and I a Taoist....????
  9. Original Classic 1. 使我介然有知, 2. 行於大道, 3. 唯施是畏。 4. 大道甚夷, 5. 而人好徑。 . . . 13. 是謂盜夸。 14. 非道也哉。 CD's translation: 1. If I have a little bit of knowledge, 2. Then walking on a big road. 3. I'm afraid that I might be going into a wrong direction. 4. The big road is leveled; 5. But the people, still, would like to take a small trail. . . . 13. They are considered to be bandits. 14. This is not tao at all. Analysis: In lines 2 & 4, the proper translation for 大道(noun) is "big road" instead of the "big way". In lines 14, 道(tao, noun) is the "principles of Tao".
  10. I think most people do not understand why the Buddhists meditate(參禪). Anyway, the Buddhists mediate were for enlightenment to understand a particular philosophy by focusing on a single point to find its truth. The single point was referred as a subject which require a quiet state to contemplate profoundly until it was resolved mentally. After the accomplishment in finding the truth and enhanced their wisdom, hence, they were considered to be enlightened. When they had attained at a high level of wisdom, their minds are in a calmer state which reflecting their personality. Thus it was seemingly that their nature or behavior was revealed inwardly.
  11. Chapter 53 is a good one; 道(tao) has a different meaning.
  12. 2. 譬道之在天下,猶川谷之於江海。 2. If Tao was similized, in the world, then it is analogous to the streams and creeks flowing into a river and ocean. Since some of you are good English speakers, how would you simplify it without loosing the complete thought....???
  13. Chapter 32 道常無名。 樸雖小天下莫能臣也。 侯王若能守之, 萬物將自賓。 天地相合以降甘露, 民莫之令而自均。 始制有名, 名亦既有, 夫亦將知止, 知止可以不殆。 譬道之在天下, 猶川谷之於江海。 There are only two "Tao" in the original classic. 1. 道常無名。 2. 譬道之在天下,猶川谷之於江海。 John Wu 1. Tao is always nameless. 2. The Tao is to the world what a great river or an ocean is to the streams and brooks. English/Feng The Tao is forever undefined. Tao in the world is like a river flowing home to the sea. Robert Henricks 1. The Dao is constantly nameless. 2. All things end in the Tao (Noun) as rivers flow into the sea. CD 1. Tao is always nameless. 2. If Tao was similized, in the world, then it is analogous to the streams and creeks flowing into a river and ocean. Tao is a noun in these two lines and both are the same Tao with consistency.
  14. Breath Meditation Experience

    That's all it takes.......
  15. Mr. Marblehead... Would you like to try Chapter 32 with Michell's fabricated story....???
  16. Hello :) Some beginner questions

    I am a 22 year old engineering student. I came upon this site while researching about Qi and Qi gong. I have been experiencing anxiety and depression since my teenage years, I only realized it during my late teens though.( I remember being outraged when being told this, that seems so unfair, aren't anxiety and depression supposed to be opposite energy states? ) I came across mindfulness meditation a couple of years back, and it is has somewhat helped me deal with my emotions. A couple of problems with it though, although I was able to deal with my emotions better, the anxiety and depression didn't seem to go down by much. Another problem is that I feel drained every time I meditate for more than a few minutes, I see people saying that meditation is a perfect start for the day, I seem to require more sleep after meditating, and all I am doing is trying to be aware of my breath. A few days back I came across this book: way of energy I was really skeptical about it, but after trying it out, I am really impressed. I don't know whether this is the right place to ask these questions, but here I go anyway: 1. I have been doing the basic standing position and the holding the balloon position for the past couple of days, however I have been exceeding the recommended 5 minutes for the beginner because it feels so good. I also have been doing it for a couple of minutes here and there throughout the day, because it is so relaxing and energizing at the same time. Is this fine, or is it going to prove harmful further down the line? It is fine for you as long as it was not causing you any discomfort of any kind. 2. I suffer from Asthma, and the author recommends doing the 8 Pieces Of Brocade exercises to help dealing with the condition, but in another section he also says that one starts with these exercises after practicing the first two positions for a couple of months, in order to prepare the body for more energy. Should I wait for a couple of months or is it okay if I start doing the exercises now itself? As long as you learn to breathe, nothing else matters. Breathing exercises will help you to clear your breathing passages. Only breathing will give you energy. Just by doing the 8 Pieces of Brocade exercises will not. In your Asthma case, you must learn to breathe. 3. Is Zhan Zhuang as taught by the author in The Way Of Energy sufficient for maintaining Qi fitness(okay, I really don't know the right term for it), or do I need to supplement it with other exercises to obtain and maintain optimum mental and physical health? Are there any Qigong exercises that can help me with my anxiety and depression? I am at a stage where I would like to work really hard, but seem to lack the energy and focus. No, you do not need to supplement it with other exercises to obtain and maintain optimum mental and physical health. Any QiGong will do as long as you have the patience and confidence in yourself to practice with self discipline. 4. I have always been the skeptical type. Are there any forms of Qigong which can convince me of the existence of Qi, by providing fast, indisputable effects? I don't mind if there are side effects, any result would be nice. I have always wanted to believe in things like this, but my mind keeps shooting those ideas down. Any result, even if it is an unpleasant one would help me counter my bullish mind. Nothing will help you to speed up things but practice and practice on you own. Good luck to you.
  17. Here is my counter offer. 1. Those who were using the principles of Tao to assist a ruler, 2. It was said to be not conforming with the principles of Tao. 3. If it was not conforming with the principles of Tao, then, it will come to an early end. In the TTC, Lao Tze was emphasized on the principles of Tao rather than the process of Tao. Zi Ren(自然) was only a background in his Tao philosophy. If Zi Ren was applied to rule the people, then it means no action will be taken upon the people. As oppose to using the principles of Tao, it will lead the people to a certain ideal condition in an orderly manner; and Zi Ren will just let the people be. As a result, they may be disorganized and out of order.
  18. Help with identification

    Group of 5 is unknown to me Could be...... 五方谒谛: 1. 金光揭谛、 2. 银头揭谛、 3. 波罗揭谛、 4. 波罗僧揭谛、 5. 摩诃揭谛
  19. Help with identification

    Group of 4 with 雷公 [Lei Gong(Thunder God)] and 電母 [Dian Mu(Electric God)] and 2 unknown The 2 unknown are 風伯(Wind God) and 雨師(Rain God). Ref: Chinese legendary deities
  20. Mitchell as always unles otherwise indicated: Chapter 30, Line 1. 1. Whoever relies on the Tao in governing men 12. goes against the current of the Tao. Robert Henricks 1. Those who assist their rulers with the Way, 2. We called this "not the Way." 3. What is not the Way will come to an early end. Classic 1. 以道佐人主者, 2. 是謂不道, 3. 不道早已。 CD: 1. Those who were using the tao to assist a ruler, 2. It was said to be not conforming with the tao. 3. If it was not conforming with the tao, then, it will come to an early end. Note: 1. tao(n): the principles of Tao. 2. 不道(bu dao): not conforming with the principles of Tao. 3. These lines are individual translations for analysis only, thus they maybe out of context. 4. All definitions of compound characters require grokking to get to their finalize meanings.
  21. hehehehe......... Of course you are right, that was only my acceptance in silence.
  22. Dynamic vs still...

    As you wish......
  23. Dynamic vs still...

    jb..... You didn't see the conflict in the thoughts between sree and me. Please follow the thread and think carefully before you jump into any conclusion as you had done in the past.
  24. Where do I start my practice?

    Please explain....!!!