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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Dynamic vs still...

    However, there is a fallacy in your thought. Then, how would you ever get out of the meditation mode while you are under the unconscious mode....???
  2. Dynamic vs still...

    What you are saying is when you are meditating, you are not thinking about anything. Thus you are unconscious. When you are not meditating, then, you are conscious. Thus you will know that you're thinking.
  3. New + question :)

    I believe they are the two famous poets from the Tang dynasty, 李白(Li Po) and 杜甫(Du Fu).
  4. Where do I start my practice?

    Zyril.... Everything starts with by breathing down to the abdomen.
  5. Depression

    The synapse is a connection between two nerve cells. Don't you think that the nerves would be damaged other than the synapse....???
  6. New + question :)

    Subhk....... Welcome. Would you kindly move this to the 道家学说 section....??? Then we can go from there. Thanks..!!!
  7. The right idea was there; but it is not the closest translation. 1. 天下有道, 1. The world under benevolent ruling, The key in this phrase, we do not look at the character 道 individually but compounded with 有. Indeed, that is how we make Tao Into an adjective. BTW This is why I have selected this chapter because a comment made by Sinfest. Let's look at this compound characters..... 有道(adjective): has tao(lower case t); has principles(of Tao) The requires to apply a little logic in the thinking of the reader. Let's say someone who has 道(tao) which has the principles of Tao. The one who has the principles was regarded as a virtuous person. Finally, a virtuous person do virtuous things. If people wants a good ruler, then, most definitely they want a virtuous person to lead them. If a country was ruled by a virtuous person, then, most definitely the country was under benevolent ruling(有道). To put it into context, we have: 1. 天下有道, 1. The world(天下) was under benevolent ruling(有道),
  8. ME... I'll give you a freebee... 常言: the proverb 道 say "常言"道: the proverb says.
  9. Mr. Marblehead.... Are still with me before we get carried away again....????
  10. Sorry, you are just not familiar enough with the language that you are trying to learn. I speak the language more than sixty years; it is more funnier that you are laughing at me..... Am I getting the impression that you are more knowledgeable with the Classic before you really understand it. IMO If you cant get over the hurdle with the definitions of "Tao", then, you are 10,000+++ miles away from it. Edited to give you a freebee... 常言: the proverb 道 say "常言"道: the proverb says.
  11. I give up with your fixed mixture of thoughts. Sorry, I cannot help you anymore.
  12. 常言道: As they say Dao to mean spoken
  13. They are the words and samples were used for the explanation. They are classic. Just learn the meanings and keep them in mind. It takes a little time to digest. Something that you are not familiar with doesn't mean that don't exist.
  14. In line 1, Chapter 1. Tao was used as a noun twice and a verb once. 1. 道(n)可道(v),非常道(n)。 1. Tao(n) that can be spoken(v) is not the eternal Tao(n). The first and the last Tao are the same Tao.
  15. ME....Go there and see it make any sense to you. http://forum.daoisop...227&whichpage=1 http://forum.daoisop...230&whichpage=1 I know your frustration. However, It is a different subject matter here in this thread. I am glad to go the Tao Te Ching section to discuss Chapter One over there with you.
  16. If you really want to learn line 1 of Chapter 1, please read post # 22, it is the most scholastic explanation. It is the best source there is.
  17. HE.... I have a very thorough explanation in the discussion of Chapter 1. Perhaps you can read my response there. If you really want to learn line 1 of Chapter 1, please read post # 22, it is the most scholastic explanation. It is the best source there is.
  18. The usage of "Tao" seems changing its pace, completely, in Chapter 46 is very interesting.
  19. Yes, I thought that was the naughty side of you....
  20. Yes, but you have an open mind and open heart which make it a lot easier to communicate with. What have I done for not being nice....??? You may quote anybody's translation. It doesn't bother me. I love to analyze them.
  21. Sorry, no offense. I guess I failed to get my point across with a little stimulant. Yes, there are many paths in learning but all depend what path you wish to take. I am not try to win. Winning is meaningless to me. If you wish to continue with your path is fine with me. I do not wish to continue to provoke with anymore stimulants. I will stop here. Peace. PS.... In order to have a meaningful discussion, one has to give it all the best and able to take criticism and have room for correction. If self pride and winning were so important and discard what someone said sustained with reasons, then, it is not a good discussion. What was a good discussion to me is that there must be exchange in words with rebuttal within the context of the subject. Otherwise, if no one respond to your comments, then, you are just talking to yourself. BTW, all the personal stuffs are just minute feces which can be ignored or filter it out. Learning is use references from many sources, it is not a guessing game or one might thought what it is.
  22. Stress, Grieving, and the Tao

    I was in a same situation few years ago with my mother had a brain tumor. The thing to do is to have a peace of mind. It is a matter how strong your mind is to take such an adversity. It was from the knowledge of the Tao Te Ching which helped me gone to easy my mind. The whole concept in the Tao Te Ching is Wu Wei. Let Nature take its course; and that was exactly what my mother did by not having a brain surgery. She figured it will cause more pain and longer time to heal at her old age. She rather take it easy for rest of her times. Even though she did not study the Tao Te Ching, but she had the same thought of Wu Wei as laid by Lao Tze. It was a relief for me too because her thoughts coincided with what I had learnt from the TTC. So we had a experienced nurse by her side day by day. The nurse knew exactly when her time was due and told us. So, we are well prepared for. She left in peace and selected a nice funeral home for herself. I eulogized her with no tear in my eyes because I knew that was how Nature take its course. Zhuang Tze says: "From life to death is only a process that we have to go through. There was a beginning and there was an ending. All the suffering had been gone at the end of death. Thus there was nothing more to be felt sorrow for. The persons who are still living just continue with the normal routine. One passed away, it doesn't mean one will take everything away.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 7 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Okay. Fair enough. Thank you for your thoughts. Let's not get into that, here, in the Tao Te Ching section.
  24. It's an isolated non-scholastic thought, because the notion does not link to the rest of the logic in other chapters of the TTC. Why would a person with high wisdom like LaoTze making such an uneducated remark like that.....???
  25. 1. "Bad choice. Hehehe. The word "Tao" does not exist." This is a perfect choice to illustrate the language difference in Chinese and English. "Tao" does not exist in this translated chapter was because "way" is a perfect translation for Tao in this Chapter. It would be easy for a hardheaded person to grasp this one. Hehehe.... Most people weren't thinking about the meaning of Tao because the first thing that they ever thought of "Way" was the only translation of Tao. There are many meanings for "Tao" in the Tao Te Ching. It is a matter of finding and comprehension of the meanings. It is a common problem for both natives and non-natives without looking into it very closely. 2. "I personally thing that the "W" in (2) should have been a lower case" You are perfectly correct, even in (1) "the way of heaven" should be lower case. 天之道: the way of Heaven For the interpretation here, we are not looking at Tao nor Heaven but "the way of Heaven". Then it comes to a question what is the way of Heaven. In Chinese thinking, when 天(tian: Heaven) was mentioned, it was referred as "being natural"; it has to be it; cannot change the way it is. Therefore, the phrase "the way of Heaven" actually means the "natural way" or the "way of Nature". The character "tao" used in this chapter is not the same "Tao" used in Chapter 1.