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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    道德 = Morality of Confucius 道德 = Virtue of Tao(The definition becomes different since the principles of the Tao Te Ching was advocated) "Morality of Confucius" is different from the "Virtue of Tao". The Virtue of Tao is inclusive with the Morality of Confucius. So, when you are speaking of "morality", what did you really mean....???
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The main point of Chapter Five was to be impartial and do away with sentiments; and accept the way it is. That's NATURE. Period. If you are reading this Chapter with your sentimental feeling, then you are trying not to understand nor accepting the concept of Wu Wei. "Heaven and Earth are not partial. They do not kill living things out of cruelty or give them birth out of kindness." Do you see this is a man made statement. The words "cruelty" and "kindness" are human descriptive words. However, Nature has no such words, so to speak. Nature do give birth and kill for no reason. But, hey, that's Nature; let's accept it as is.
  3. 3 dantien breathing

    The name "third eye" is only an imaginary term from a non-scientific point of view which I am not very fond of.
  4. Move out of that apartment.
  5. 3 dantien breathing

    Yes, if I have a simple mind, then I would have been pretended that I know what was being said here. It could be as simple as that........
  6. Hey.... Speaking about someone banging on your wall. I use to live an apartment, this couple next door with their bed was just a wall between mine head to head. Every morning five o'clock am, their bed was banging on the wall and I kept on hearing the woman moaning: "Fuck me, Larry. Fuck me, Larry". So I lose lots of sleep then went to work. After work, I rushed to my apartment and tried to catch my sleep. At five o'clock in the afternoon, I heard the sound again: "Fuck me, Larry. Fuck me, Larry". On one Saturday morning, I saw the guy came out from his apartment. Guess what I said to the guy...??? I said: "Hi, Larry". Two week later, Larry offered me some fishes after his fishing trip.......
  7. 3 dantien breathing

    I believe that is how we breathe and they are the normal pathway for the air to travel inside the body....
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Heaven provide sun shine and rain for all things(萬物); and Earth provide shelter for all things. Earth rotates to provide the four seasons for farming to help humans to survive. Thus Heaven and Earth are exercising control the existence over all things. That was only the way suggested by LaoTze. However, people have the right not to follow his advice. We must look into this issue philosophically without any personal bias. If you read Chapter Five closely, then you probably would have second thought on this. LaoTze asked us to be Wu Wei by following the course of Nature with no interruption. Therefore, lions are wild animals was born free to be roamed in the wilderness. Besides, lions are scavengers rather than vegetarians, don't you think you have violated their natural habitat and interfered with Nature....??? LaoTze picked the straw dogs as impartial for a specific reason. The ancients use straw dogs to worship their deities. The straw dogs are only significant to them, at the time, when they were placed on the altar for worshiping. After that, it will be stored in storage, discarded, stepped on, or burnt. What LaoTze was suggesting is to let things be the way they are suppose to be and offer no special favor. Let's go back to the first four lines. 1. 天地不仁, 2. 以萬物為芻狗。 1. Heaven and Earth have no mercy. 2. Treats all things as straw dogs. The metaphor here was: When heaven strikes with lightning, it strikes whenever and wherever to whatever. It will not pick a specific place nor a specific person to strike. When it rains, heaven will drop it wherever randomly. When there was a flood on Earth, the flood will go through anything. Nature does not care who or what was in its path. Everything will be destroyed in her path. Indeed, the term 不仁(no mercy) reveals its true meaning, here, as being impartial. 3. 聖人不仁, 4. 以百姓為芻狗。 3. Sage(ruler) has no mercy. 4. Treats all people as straw dogs. The sage here was referred to someone who has the ability to serve the people with impartial justice. Let the people live the way that they wanted to be. Do not restrict their freedom. Do not levy heavy tax to burden them. Do not place them in a hard labor camp if they were good at farming. The first two lines was an example of the way of Nature which was sat up by LoaTze for human to follow. Lines 3 and 4 are what the human was doing exactly as the example was suggested in lines 1 and 2.
  9. 3 dantien breathing

    You welcome. Thank you. You had just described your level of breathing experience. What you are describing is completely normal. Thus it is exactly how I would expect it to happen. Anyway, if you are resonated with the "third eye" approach, then this is where I stop.......
  10. 3 dantien breathing

    Let's make it simple... 1. The first dan tian is you throat. 2. The second dan tian is the chest. 3. The third dan tian is the abdomen. The effects. 1. If one just breathe into the throat, one will be a very sick person with chronic disease due to the lack of oxygen circulation in the body. 2. If one breathes into the chest(lungs), one is somewhat healthy. Perhaps one may get sick occasionally. 3. If one breathes onto the abdomen constantly, one will be very healthy.
  11. Taoist Sexual Meditation

    People were talking about building up their sexual power with some kind of meditation. Lots of people without realizing that they were building the Jin(勁) in the body while performing Niegong practice. The Jin just came with the package without even know it. During erection, that is where the Jin comes in to prolong the extension of the family tool. Therefore, there is no need to look for special method for sexual enhancement.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    1. 不仁: no mercy; have no mercy 2. Humans and animals are part of the 萬物......???? If that is the case, then why did Lao Tze separated them in lines 2 and 4. In line 4, he could have said the same as in line 2; but why did he separated the 百姓 from 萬物. As I had said before, please keep this in mind. The TaoTe Ching has four entities: Human, Earth, Heaven, and Tao. With this indication, I don't thinking human was included in the 萬物. As far as the TTC was concern, Human was treated as an outsider looking into the universe, so, human can follow the principles of Nature. Lao Tze was setting up examples by the observations of Nature and using those examples as basic principles for Human to be followed. There is a phrase somewhere in the TTC suggesting that human to be blended in with Nature. 天人合一, Heave and Human are to be integrated as one. Isn't this suggesting that Human is not part of Nature, to begin with, in Lao Tze's thinking. 3. Why do you let the calf die and save the child? Humans have their own way to deal with themselves. Human did not let the calf die; but the lion ate the calf was beyond human control. By definition, anything that is beyond human control was considered to be a "natural cause" or " the course of Nature". BTW We are not straw dogs but only was treated impartially as straw dogs.
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    No, this is not what I mean. I have already stated that human is an entity separated from Nature as far as how Lao Tze defined. Animals are part of nature. Humans have to deal with Nature. Thus human dealing with animals is dealing with part of Nature. Please do not compare human to animals. Maybe some people in some societies are animals.
  14. the importance of posture during meditation

    Let's put it this way, posture is very significant under normal circumstance. It would be immaterial if a good posture causing you pain. However, in your situation, it doesn't matter what position that you are in, just do the normal Chi Kung breathing to heal yourself.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    sree... Nature has no way to tell what is right or wrong. It just happens that way, the way of Nature. Chapter Five: Earth and Heaven has no mercy. It treats all things like straw dogs. A sage has no mercy. It treats all people as straw dogs. From these first four lines, they tell us to be impartial. Leave it alone; let it be the way it should be. BTW That was what the photographer did. Instead of saving the calf, the video was taken as is.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Nature is Nature, anything set up by Nature is being natural. The Tao Te Ching had distinctively described four entities. Man, Earth, Heaven, and Tao. Human follows Earth; Earth follows Heaven; Heaven follows Tao and Tao follows Ziren(the natrual self) . What this was saying is in order for human to follow the universe(Earth and Heaven), then human follows the principles of Tao. Human is intelligent enough to go against Nature. Human may stop the calf from eaten by the lion. Then we must ask ourselves, can the lion survive from hunger without eating the calf.....??? Nature allows the calf to be eaten by the lion. Human may interrupt Nature by saving the calf and let the lion die of hunger. However, the lion may be survived by eating something else, like a goat. Now, the goat was meant to be killed by Nature. All this hunting game was part of the course of Nature. Can human interfere with Nature by changing its course....??? I don't think so....!!! This is why Lao Tze advocate people not to interfere with Nature by following the concept of Wu Wei. One might ask, is the killing done by the lion interfering with Nature...??? The answer is no because the lion is wild which is part of its nature. BTW Anything was beyond control by human was considered to be natural. Anything done by human harmful or good to Nature was considered to be interrupting the course of Nature by the definition of Wu Wei. Indeed, Lao Tze was more concern about the harm than the good to Nature by human.
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    "Why is life set up this way?" Shouldn't we ask why is nature set up this way.....????
  18. The Cori cycle was initiated under aerobic conditions the end product of glycolysis is pyruvic acid. Hence, Under aerobic conditions is not the actual process of ATP conversion. As a matter of fact, the ATP process stops here. Until the oxygen debt was paid back to the muscles, then the manufacture of ATP starts again. Under the Cori cycle, the pyruvic acid turns into lactic acid due to hypoxia. The lactic acid was converted back into glucose and stored in the liver for the next ATP conversion when the oxygen was readily available again. Edited to add the lactic acid into the process for clarity.
  19. Internal Cultivation Gradation

    Have you ever considered that the terms primordial Jing(先天之精), in modern terms, as the body cells; and the postnatal Jing(後天之精) as the glucose in the foods....??? Since Qi is partial to energy, by your definition, may we consider that Qi is oxygen in the air that we breathe.....???
  20. There are two states in Tai Ji, yin and yang. In general, they were referred to things related with Nature as attributes. This notation is very important to be used in Tai Ji Chuan. When things that are related with human, yin is softness and yang is hardness. BTW Tai Ji Chuan was totally depended on the concept of yin-yang. The terms are often used for the description in Tai Ji. Softness and hardness are interchangeable with yin and yang respectively. When the body muscles were relaxed, it was considered to be in a state of soft(yin) attribute; and at advance level, Fa Jin was considered to be in a state of hard(yang) attribute. A novice of Tai Ji practitioners was mandated to start with the soft state. It is because that the body did not have the required amount of exercise in the past. All the muscles are tight and the joints are not very flexible. For example, one standing on one leg which will not sustain for a durable period of time. That is why all the Tai Ji movements start with slow motions to let the muscle to work in to take a little stress at a time. Doing practice, the movements are causing the muscles to twist slowly, and the joints are swiveling also at a slow pace. At the beginning, those muscles and joints are having lot of pains. However, after few months of practice they will be gone. After years of practice, those muscles are transformed into fast twitch muscle. One will realize how fast can he/she move the whole body without any pain. The fingers tips are reaching the destination in no time with an incredible accuracy. In addition, the body strength from Fa Jin was never felt so power than before.
  21. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Now, I have some time to respond to this. FYI Yi(意) is the intend of the mind. Actually, Yi is your thinking which tells the body what to do.
  22. 四大 and 回光反照

    You're welcome anytime....
  23. Multi-Orgasmic Man - Am I Doin' It Right?

    Here is how I understand about orgasm. Orgasm is to reach a climax for having the ultimate sexual pleasure with or without ejaculation. Under this condition: "Now I can learn how to have non-ejaculatory orgasms, fuck indefinitely (at least for long times compared to 'normal'), have rock-solid erections." One must has the physical condition which is capable to generate the energy for a prolong rock-solid erection. It is not a thing that is suitable for every normal person. After an orgasm, there is a time gap which was needed to recuperate for the next round. Even though one may have the mental desire; but there may be a lack of energy for the performance. The key word here is energy. If the word "energy" need to be emphasized, then it would be the "internal" energy. Internal energy was obtained from Neigong practice. Neigong will give one the ability to generate the power within the body. Another words, one cannot have multi-orgasm efficiently without some kind of Neigong practice. It is not a thing for an ordinary person by just jumping into the act. Thus one must do some homework to enhance one's physical strength to have the prolong erection when the desire arose each time.
  24. Wet dreams

    If you are young and the cup was full, then it spills. You cant stop it because you are nice and healthy. So, let Nature take its course.