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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. 四大 and 回光反照

    一.四大不着而身斋。 四大: The "Four Greats" in the phrase is an esoteric term which was not to be understood by most people other than the Taoists themselves. It was written and interpreted as such: 一.四大不着而身斋。 The body fasting has the meet the four principal rules. The four principal rules are: 1. Do not expect something in return as reward. 2. Self- respect. 3. Be tolerable. 4. Be responsible. The 四大(Four Greats) are the four principal rules for the Taoists to follow as their daily cultivation practice when they are associating with people. These rules are mainly for their basic mental health to have a peace the mind(emptiness or desireless).
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    sree.... Most people outside of China were using the Wang Bi version of the Tao Ta Ching for translation. Wang Bi version The version was putted into his favor as dogma for the purposes of his Taoist religion. It is a legend that Wang Bi was a high cultivated Taoist but there was not much information about him. The contemporary Chinese scholars are using the Received Version. The Received Version The Received Version had been edited by the most knowledgeable scholar of the Tao Te Ching in the world. His name is 陳鼓應. He had been researching and collecting all the commentaries of the scholars from the past to present. He finalized the text by using the correct characters to reflect the logic within reason to put things into perspective.
  3. Internal Cultivation Gradation

    Thank you for taken your time to define these terms. Since this is the first attempt to work out a more refine definition of these terms, let's discuss it one at a time and get to the bottom of it. "Jing means subtle material which contains energy that a life body need, it is partial to materiality." By your definition, I have the following puzzling questions: 1. Jing is a subtle material, then where is this subtle material came from....??? 2. Jing ............ which contains energy, what is this energy and where did it come from....??? 3. If it is partial to materiality, then what is the other part which is not partial to materiality....??? What is the Chinese character for Shi....??? Is OK I rephrase it this way.... Jing is a subtle material which is a source of energy for a living body. PS..... May I ask you for a favor? Hereinafter, would you please include the characters for any special term for easy understand and to avoid any confusion. Thank you very much.
  4. 四大 and 回光反照

    一.四大不着而身斋。 二.诸虑具息而意斋。 三.回光反照而眼斋。 四.声音不入而耳斋。 五.香臭不到而鼻斋。 六.是非不动而舌斋。 Actually there are six fasting conditions. 一.身斋: body fasting。 二.意斋: mind fasting。 三.眼斋: eye fasting。 四.耳斋: ear fasting。 五.鼻斋: nose fasting。 六.舌斋: tongue fasting。 一.四大不着而身斋。 The body fasting has the meet the four principal rules. The four principal rules are: 1. Do not expect something in return as reward. 2. Self- respect. 3. Be tolerable. 4. Be responsible. 二.诸虑具息而意斋。 Put all the worries to rest is considered to be the mind fasting. 三.回光反照而眼斋。 Self-awareness(谓自我省察) with a clear vision is considered to be the eye fasting. 四.声音不入而耳斋。 Not hearing the licentious sounds is considered to be the ear fasting. 五.香臭不到而鼻斋。 Not smelling the luring fumes is considered to be the nose fasting. 六.是非不动而舌斋。 Not gossiping is considered to be the tongue fasting. 六斋已毕,复进而请曰:弟子斋矣。敢问其道? After the six fasting, the student returned and asked: "I(student) had fasted, is there any more fasting other than the six, may I ask my teacher to explain it to me?"
  5. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    My source for Chapter One
  6. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    It would be a very difficult task. Needless to explain why so. It just cant be done....
  7. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    There are many ways to place the punctuations. The meaning will change in context. However, the character "有" is very difficult to translate in English. In order to get to its real meaning, one can only use words to imply what it means. "有" means "to have". In the Chinese language, if something that exists, it must be a visible and tangible thing to have it in your hand. In the same token, the character "無" means "none". Both characters were used here as a NOUN to reveal the existing(visible) and non-existing(invisible) to describe "Tao" in its preexisting and the post-existing states. By the way, my translation was from the interpret by the most knowledgeable native scholar. With the phrase as shown, the logic flows within context from line to line in Chapter One of the Tao Te Ching.
  8. dissociation and healing

    Daojones.... "I was wondering if anyone here has successfully been able to heal and unify their psyche from dissociation. This is a huge issue I am facing and have made strides, but am currently attempting to stare it down " When you say "able to heal", what is exactly you are trying to heal. Anyway, regardless what you are trying to heal, there was an intend for you to heal something. "I am now trying mindfulness breathing meditation which has been very effective, but I just cant seem to get the core issue - the dissociation which has created the split and the barrier in my psyche." When you do breathing, it doesn't matter what it was called. Your body will be going through an internal change. It all depends what kind of unknown problems that your body has but it will heal itself. Anyhow, the body will heal itself by going through a healing process whether you like it or not, so to speak. During the healing process, one will have to face something like "cold turkey". In your case, you have to go through a mental state which is the most difficult thing to fight. Eventually, you will get over it just like those who are getting over the "cold turkey" in the process of cutting their drug habit.
  9. Is Jesus it that cannot be named in Tao?

    I don't know what kind of translation it is. The original classic Chinese texts say: 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 3. "Invisible" was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth. 4. "Visible" was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things.
  10. Dignified Discussions via Personal Practice Forum

    The best policy to follow is "a fallacy cannot win the truth" which means what is correct is always correct; and what is false is always false. A fallacy cannot hold water and always collapse on it own. So, why even bother to do a foolish thing by arguing with a fool; only a fool argues with a fool(dialogue from a movie "Gone with the Wind). PS..... Everyone has the right to defend the truth but shall not defend a fallacy.
  11. External + Internal Martial Arts

    Greetings.... Yes, practice Kung Fu, by the term itself was understood it was an external practice. Normally, people with a good physical body may bypass the internal practice. External practice normally use one own body strength in a violent manner to hurt oneself. As oppose to internal practice, there was no brutal force applied to dissipate one's own energy. Instead, it helps the body to generate more energy. For a good start, it is a better idea to begin with the internal practice to have a good physical fitness for the later external practice. The weakest of the external practice is consuming lots of one's own internal energy; and the advantage of internal practice is reserving energy, so to speak.
  12. Internal Cultivation Gradation

    Li Jiong....I am glad that we have a real Taoist on board. 以精化氣,以氣化神,以神化虛。 These phrases has been passed down from generation to generation in the Chinese Taoist society. It was easy to say them than to explain them. I really having a hard time to define these four terms: 精 氣 神 虛。It seems to me nobody could give a good solid definition for them. If they do, then it seems to me those definitions are very specious.
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Mr, sree. I had given you the scholastic interpretation. Most people would like to have their own personal interpretation which is fine. However, personal interpretation is not my expertise. Anyway, I will be glad to contribute my assistance in case you have encountered any difficulty with the meaning of the characters or phrase. You may use as reference in your own interpretation. If not, it's fine too. I have seen "Western science" was used often in your posts. May I ask what is the reason behind that...??? PS.... So, let nature take its course.......
  14. The purpose of this thread was to define Jin(勁) which I had done so already in my conclusion in Post #34. What is your definition of Jin in your own words.....??? "The brain may relay the signal, but where does the energy potential itself come from?" Anyway, it was assumed that the "action potential" was understood for granted. Based on your explanation, I don't think you have a full understanding of the "action potential". One may have to do some further investigate on one's own and get a full understanding outside of this thread. PS..... I do agree what is shown in bold but it seems to me that the distinction between Jin and ATP is still not too clear in your mind.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Mr. sree, I think the Tao Te Ching says how things come to be rather than how things work. Furthermore, it was not to more relevant to life's fulfillment but rather it is the opposite. Anyhow, I don't see how that was fit into the western science.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Direct translation is no body. However, please remember we are dealing with Classic Chinese. We must interpret its meaning in classic rather than modern Chinese.
  17. Chinese language forum question(s)

    It was not a joke. This is not just a Chinese issue. It applies to all other languages. One knowing the words or characters is only the beginning to step across into another culture. By knowing the writings without knowing the culture and philosophy from its origin, it would be meaningless if one try to interpret something by using one's own native cultural thinking and philosophy. Most importantly, I think most people would have problems with the application of the words or characters in communication. The worse in the Chinese language, most of the characters can be used as a verb or a noun depends on how it was phrased in context. Sometimes, two compound characters has a complete different meaning rather than their individual meaning. For example, the term 自然(Ziren), we all knew it means "natural" by now. However, if we break it down, then it is a different story. 自: self; auto 然: yes therefore... 自然: self yes; automatically yes. One has to do a mental conversion that anything is an "automatically yes" which will lead one to think that was being "natural".
  18. It was very clear that muscle contraction initiates the generation of ATP. BTW The brain issues a signal called the "action potential" to command the muscles to contract. As long the action potential was being fired, the muscles continue to contract. Thus, most importantly, the ATP were constantly being generated. Again, that leads to the idea about the breathing of oxygen. Without oxygen, the ATP cannot and will not be generated within the mitochondria in the muscles. However, the ATP production cycle is another issue has to be addressed elsewhere because it is not part of the scope of this thread(please read the title of this thread).
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    sree... 沒身 is a classic term. As a classic interpretation: 沒: the end 身: body; life 沒身; until the end of one's life; lifespan. 沒 身 不 殆 : no danger in one's lifespan or no danger throughout one's life. 沒身 cannot be interpreted as "no body".
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 16 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You welcome Mr. sree The knowledgeable native scholars interpreted this way. To follow the course of Nature, one need to have a peace of mind by surrender oneself to serenity. To be objective in all matters to observe the changes in the universe. One will see the reciprocating cycle from the vitalization of all things. From that, it will be the natural routine of all matters. The natural routine of all matters then become the basic principles to be followed. One with an open mind by understand the basic principles will see things clearly. If not, there will be chaos. Understand the basic principles, one will become encompass in all matters with great tolerance with no bias. Only, and only if, one with no bias may conform with the course of Nature(Ziren, 自然, natural); one who conform with Nature will conform with Tao. One may be long lasting by the cultivation of freeing the mind from distractions. Therefore, one who keeps the mind in a state of serenity and a clear heart with great wisdom will be free of danger.
  21. hahahaha....I still haven't heard a word from you yet. I don't want to contaminate this thread with some unnecessary arguments. Would you like to initiate your own thread if there is something you would like to discuss....???
  22. I glad to see you to start your own post that is more presentable. Thank you in advance. No more empty shells, please. I do not wish to continue with this nonsense implicating that "I know something that you don't." So, please....!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Human biochemical energy --- ATP For those who study martial arts should have some of this basic knowledge.
  24. Animation showing how ATP was released for muscle contraction: If the ATP was not released, then muscle contraction cannot be taken place.
  25. I think I had another thread on that long time ago. It is a general knowledge. Please go google it yourself and do your own homework. BTW Do you know what is an "action potential"......????