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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Asking for testimony about Neidan

    The coordination of movements and breathing was mentioned the same way by all Taiji practitioners. 3. Movements should be in harmony. No matter which internal martial art discipline, for it is common to all, that your movements should be natural and relaxed. In Sun Style Taijiquan practise, it is especially stressed that one's movements need to be well co-ordinated and smoothly connected like a flow of water. Crucial to the proper performance of the Taijiquan form is correct breathing. Correct breathing is abdominal breathing. Breathe naturally and deeply through the nose into the abdomen, neither holding your breath nor forcing the breath. Allow the pace of your breath to slow down. The mouth should be gently closed and your tongue should be lightly touching the upper palate inside the mouth.
  2. Heart chakra opening

    When you meditate, did you concentrate on your breathing. Since you do meditation and Taiji, both are involved with breathing. If you had done properly with breathing, then, it should help to release the pressure off the chest and head as well. As I recall, the head use about 20% of the oxygen from the breathing. The lack of oxygen, hypoxia, might cause problem in the head as you had described. Try to breathe slowly and deep while meditating. Use this as a guideline in your breathing.
  3. Ming Men

    May I jump into this. My good friend! Mingmen, 命門 is just an accupoint. It will do nothing while you are walking, either your are focusing on it or not. What you should be focusing on is the meaning of "focus(意守)". For example, I focus on you chest while I am breathing. It simply means I am paying close attention to breathe down to my chest. When I focus on my dantain while breathing. Thus my concentration is to breathe down to the abdomen. My advice to you is to stick to the right definition. Then, nothing will go wrong in your understanding. 意守丹田: focus on the dantian
  4. deleted

    No,Cobie, What you said is not related to anything we had discussed here. Ok, you have fun on your vacation.
  5. Uncontrollably smiling with women around

    Someone can stab you in the back with a smile.
  6. QiGong in public

    Bow stance with Taiji walk. Improper footing:
  7. QiGong in public

    Bow stance with Taiji walk. Proper way: His instruction for Taiji walk and bow stance are very good. I would use it as my standard in teaching. If you are ever in doubt, then, always come back for reference.
  8. QiGong in public

    Just for your amusement, most of the Taiji moves should ended up with a bow stand. The key to it was that there must be a gap between to heels to maintain balance. In other words, both leg should not be in a straight line. Let me see if I can find some examples online.
  9. QiGong in public

    Thank you! I see that he has been practiced for some time is because there is Jin in him. Do you have a video that show the lower part of his body. I would like to see how was he doing the stance?
  10. QiGong in public

    The same erroneous movement is in both exercises. Is that clear? It was the erroneous knee movement that makes the Taiji practice improper! It is also in the ZZ warm up exercise.
  11. QiGong in public

    In China, there were many people practicing Taiji improperly and damaged their knee joints. The swirl movement was causing the grinding of the bones in the knee caps. The proper way to exercise one leg is by moving both foot and knee together simultaneously. Just by moving the knees is causing to much stress at the knee joint.
  12. What is fajin, 發勁?

    Thank you very much for showing the videos. I didn't know which gentleman is you. However, I do see lots of Jin in the body of both partners. I think push-hand was performed. I only see push-push, none was push-pull. Therefore, I would not consider to classify that as a performance of push-hand. What I can say is that both partners are testing the body strength of each other. Now, I had seen your videos. May I have your permission to make a few comments with no offense? It is because I have a lot more to say.
  13. Uncontrollably smiling with women around

    😂 how long have you been practicing Qigong. If it was done properly, there will be a biological change in your body. It might change your personality a bit.
  14. Heart chakra opening

    @Rheor Based on your symptoms, may I ask you a question? What kind of activity were you involved when you are a teenager? Did you do something constantly and more often like most teenagers do with your five fingers?
  15. What is fajin, 發勁?

    No, Fajin is the highest form of martial arts in Taiji. Just one punch through the heart will kill someone. That Jin(explosive force) is so powerful, it will just go through one's body. My teacher once told us, just be careful who you touch and try not to push any kid around! The kid might flight off few feet away.
  16. QiGong in public

    Yes, at first, it was not too quite comfortable. You only can feel more comfortable if you get over the fear. I did the Taiji hand movements in the airplane while standing with people watch TV or me. After awhile, I feel relaxed when I pretend that nobody was there watching me. I was, also, feeling kind of proud that I am doing Taiji to show off.
  17. What is fajin, 發勁?

    BTW May I have the honor to see your demo? It's optional of course. Please do get me wrong. I am not asking for proof. I beleive you based on your words.
  18. What is fajin, 發勁?

    Thank Tao, we are almost become a Taoist. You are a quarter-Taoist and I am a semi-Taoist. At least, we can make some sense out of each other and communicate. It was nice that we can picked it up where we left off from OD. Otherwise, we would be boring to death. Anyway, Taoist talk makes thing to go in accordance with the way of Tao. It gives us a peace of mind. Isn't that wonderful!
  19. What is fajin, 發勁?

    Ofc not, your trolley has wheels.
  20. What is fajin, 發勁?

    There was another saying, 不到黃河心不息. I'll let Cobie handle this one. Please translate! @Cobie
  21. What is fajin, 發勁?

    I do not use a heavy bag, rather I used a lightweight bag stand up right on the floor. When push I feel the light weight of the bag to get the yang effect. On the pull, moving my hand away from the bag, I go song(松) on my hand and let the bag follow me to get the yin effect. When doing the push-pull motion, it meets the yin-yang concept which what Taiji goes by.
  22. HI to all

    Welcome! Please come to discuss about the mysterious Tao.
  23. What is fajin, 發勁?

    I wouldn't think this the way to end a valuable discussion. The ancient masters are always have humble talks about their knowledge before they going into the troublesome moves to prove their point.
  24. What is fajin, 發勁?

    Many people who have practiced for 40-50 years but still can't do it. It was because they did not incorporate the breathing into consideration. Okay, by the line of your questioning, you may assume that I know nothing about push-hand. However, I know enough to know how much you knew with all the basics. It takes one to know one. The words in bold are only the requirements help to know when to Fajin with a partner. However, if the body was conditioned from practice and done properly/correctly, one can be standing alone still able to Fajin without a partner. No?