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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 7 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Mr. sree... There is a difference in the word "gentleman" here between Taoist and Confucian. In Taoism, for being a gentleman was not displayed like the Confucians do. The action done by a Taoist gentleman was behind the scene. In the contrary, a Confucian gentleman has to go through a ritual to show that he is a gentleman by bowing to greet someone and said nice words. They have a tendency of showing superiority with their scholastic arrogance.
  2. Who say it was you....??? You are the best here....
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 7 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You are 100% correct. There is no Wu Wei in Confucian philosophy. As a matter of fact, the things they do in Confucian philosophy is the exact opposite of Wu Wei.
  4. Dynamic vs still...

    Mr sree... Let me put it this way. Sitting down is ๅไธ‹. Zazen is a term borrowed from India which is equivalent to ๆ‰“ๅ (da zuo). When we breathing, it was understood that we inhale and exhale. In the same token, ๆ‰“ๅ (da zuo) has its own definition. ๆ‰“ๅ (da zuo) is a term was given for practicing breathing by sitting down in a lotus position without any thinking nor meditation. There is a method do meditate or thinking which was performed by the Buddhists called ็ฆช(zen or chan) or ๅƒ็ฆช. I think the western public got the idea of meditation from here. In my opinion, I do not do meditation or ๅƒ็ฆช but I only do ๆ‰“ๅ (da zuo). I believe that I was doing ้œๆฐฃๅŠŸ(Still Chi Kung).
  5. I am well aware of that a bunch of amateurs will screw this up......
  6. Hey, we must allow room for corrections and use the best source there is. Mr. MH, please tell me what do you think about Chapter 41. What do you think Tao is here....???
  7. There is no Tao in this Chapter from the original classic. This chapter was mistranslated by Mitchell. It should read.... Heaven and Earth ................sides;
  8. @ anamatva.....I think the object here was for the responder to offer the info. @ disagreement. @ imperial.....It seems to me you are not responding correctly. Please use something from the TTC...!!!
  9. wow......we are really derailing this thread now. Please give it to me in Chinese.
  10. I remembered someone was telling me anything that I'd said was only my opinion. hmmm.............
  11. Do you know what is Wu Wei....??? Please don't cite anything but just say yes or no. If yes, then follow it..... If no, just continue with your fun.
  12. Sorry, you had not done it properly. Thus I have to give him the credit....
  13. You are not really responding to the OP. If you really understand, you probably would have followed Marblehead's trail.
  14. hey.......guys Please don't speak for others. Just speak for yourselves......!!!
  15. I can assure you that it is definitely not. I think that is where our cultural difference lies. I am glad that you are very opened-mind. It is very difficult for me to find a westerner to communicate my thoughts across. Indeed, it was very frustrating sometimes. Thank you for being patient with all my posts......
  16. Okay...we are still talking in thin air. OP: what other chapters that have descriptions of Tao and would you like to quote them....??? How come still no one goes into the TTC to cite some descriptions for Tao......??? "a noun that is NOT person, place, or thing" Who said a noun has to be a person, place, or thing...??? I believe the argument here was that Tao can be a noun or a verb as used in the TTC. Period.
  17. "Tzujan is the Way of Tao." Isn't Tao was used as a noun here. (Yes, I did see where you stated that Tao does not equal Way.) It is because there is no way that I could do it.........
  18. Xingๆ€ง and Mingๅ‘ฝ, Essence and Life, in the DDJ

    This is another one of those misleading from blind to blind. This is as far as I can go on this thread..... here is another link:
  19. Xingๆ€ง and Mingๅ‘ฝ, Essence and Life, in the DDJ

    This is definitely not the place to do it here. I believe this is the Tao Te Ching section.
  20. Very good, Steve, I like intelligent questions. You see most people fell into the trap in the first chapter which Tao is indescribable. If people really have studied the TTC, then they will know there are lots of chapters were describing what Tao is. Ref..... OP: "what other chapters that have descriptions of Tao and would you like to quote them....???" It is a pity that you had studied the TTC for a long time and still making statement as such..... PS... Please remember that any statement you've made will count against or reveal how much do you know about the TTC......
  21. Xingๆ€ง and Mingๅ‘ฝ, Essence and Life, in the DDJ

    Linguistic and religion are two different subjects. The OP is about two characters, they can appear in any literature. You just can't say that they are related somehow. If you want to talk about alchemy, then you should use the proper terms to begin with. I wouldn't force something to fit with a hammer. We have plenty of alchemy discussion elsewhere. This is definitely not the place to do it here. I believe this is the Tao Te Ching section.
  22. Xingๆ€ง and Mingๅ‘ฝ, Essence and Life, in the DDJ

    Well, I don't like to mix things up to confuse the issue like others. All the thoughts must be kept separate to avoid confusion. Why do you like to mix everything up where they don't belong....??? This is a linguistic discussion, why must you have a tendency to contaminate all the subjects with your own stupidity...???
  23. Yuan Chi and the Spiritual Body

    OP: "I'm interested in hearing what people say about Yuan Chi in relation to the spiritual body." Yuan Chi was required for a mortal body while a spiritual body(immortal) does not.