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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. External + Internal Martial Arts

    The so called thug has no special skill but have some good natural body gestures as compared to all the other thugs. Have you noticed that the way he stood which always have the upper torso in the vertical position and one leg in front of the other. That was good footing. All the others were flying off just falling to the ground when they strike because they have their torsos in the diagonal position. That was an indication of bad footing and actually they were fighting against gravity. PS.... This is only my BS opinion(BSO).
  2. Meditation issues

  3. Deep Bow

    Know something, Do nothing, More profound.
  4. Chuang Tzu Chapter 7, Section D

    Yang Zi-ju went to visit Lao Dan(Lao Tze) and said: "Suppose there is such a person, he take cares matters in a timely manner and quickly, strife for the works and predetermine for completion, observation with precision, explicit with clarity, with devotion in learning 'Tao' without weary nor delay. With this kind of person, can he be compared with a sagacious wise person on an equal level...??? Lao Dan said: "This kind of person from the point of view of a sage, he is nothing but a small talented staff member with special skills which were limited to his duty; and he was working in situations constantly under pressure with intimidation. Yang Zi-ju heard these words became uncomfortably and said: "May I ask how does a sagacious wise person govern the world?" Lao Dan said: "This is the way how a sagacious wise person governs the world, his overwhelming achievements were above all expectations but it seems like nothing was emerged from his own effort. He provides everything and educated the people that they did not feel as dependents of any kind. With infinite accomplishments, but there was no word given to be vainglorious about. Just let things be the way as they are; standing tall in a realm of wonders, and living in a world where nothing was ever existed.
  5. Tai Chi Chuan & Ki Gong

    The Shaolin and The Wu-Tang are already internal and external combined. Each art by itself is not deadly but only the mental capacity in self control of the practitioner is. Now, it's time for me to strike back for a question...!!! In your own understanding and intuition, why does one have to practice the fundamental movements in Tai Ji or Qi Gong deliberately....??? If you can answer this question, then you have won half of the battle.
  6. Tai Chi Chuan & Ki Gong

    T'ai Chi & QiGong give one the most health benefits, physically as well as mentally. I have gained physical strength, self esteem and self confidence. It gives me good muscle tone. I breathe better and my reactions are a lot quicker to any sudden adverse situation which is mental alertness. It makes me more aware what is going on in the environment around me which is a good defensive element. I can catch anything fell off the table before it reaches the floor.
  7. VERY NEW and need alote of help

    There is a classic called the Tao Te Ching. Go pick the one that you like....!!! Tao Te Ching
  8. Chuang Tzu Chapter 7, Section D

    陽 子居拜見老聃,說:“倘若現在有這樣一個人,他辦事迅疾敏捷、強乾果決,對待事物洞察準確、了解透徹,學'道'專心勤奮從不厭怠。像這樣的人,可以跟聖哲 之王相比而並列嗎?” Yang Zi-ju went to visit Lao Dan(Lao Tze) and said: "Suppose there is such a person, he take cares matters in a timely manner and quickly, strife for the works and predetermine for completion, observation with precision, explicit with clarity, with devotion in learning 'Tao' without weary nor delay. With this kind of person, can he be compared with a sagacious wise person on an equal level...??? 老聃說:“這樣的人在聖人看來,只不過就像聰明的小吏供職辦事時為技能所拘系、勞苦身軀​​擔驚受怕的情況。況且虎豹因為毛色美麗而 招來眾多獵人的圍捕,獼猴因為跳躍敏捷、狗因為捕物迅猛而招致繩索的拘縛。像這樣的動物,也可以拿來跟聖哲之王相比而並列嗎?” Lao Dan said: "This kind of person from the point of view of a sage, he is nothing but a small talented staff member with special skills which were limited to his duty; and he was working in situations constantly under pressure with intimidation. 陽子居聽了這番話臉色頓 改,不安地說:“冒昧地請教聖哲之王怎麼治理天下。” Yang Zi-ju heard these words became uncomfortably and said: "May I ask how does a sagacious wise person govern the world?" 老聃說:“聖哲之王治理天下,功績普蓋天下卻又像什麼也不曾出自自己的努力,教化施及萬物而百姓卻不 覺得有所依賴;功德無量沒有什麼辦法稱述讚美,使萬事萬物各居其所而欣然自得;立足於高深莫測的神妙之境,而生活在什麼也不存在的世界裡。” Lao Dan said: "This is the way how a sagacious wise person governs the world, his overwhelming achievements were above all expectations but it seems like nothing was emerged from his own effort. He provides everything and educated the people that they did not feel as dependents of any kind. With infinite accomplishments, but there was no word given to be vainglorious about. Just let things be the way as they are; standing tall in a realm of wonders, and living in a world where nothing was ever existed.
  9. Tai Chi Chuan & Ki Gong

    Everybody has a teacher and go by the teacher's words only. Otherwise, they think somebody else own understanding and intuition are all bullshit. PS.... If you don't mind to read some of my BS, you are welcome to it. Tai Ji Chuan
  10. Chuang Tzu Chapter 7, Section C

    天根閒遊殷山的南面,來到蓼水河邊,正巧遇上無名人而向他求教,說:“請問治理天下之事。” 無名人說:“走開,你這個見識淺薄的人,怎麼一張口就讓人不愉 快!我正打算跟造物者結成伴侶,厭煩時便又乘坐那狀如飛鳥的清虛之氣,超脫於'六極'之外,而生活在什麼也不存在的地方,居處於曠達無垠的環境。你又怎麼 能用夢囈般的所謂治理天下的話語來撼動我的心思呢?” 天根又再次提問。 無名人說:“你應處於保持本性、無所修飾的心境,交合形氣於清靜無為的方域,順應事物的自然而沒有半點兒個人的偏私,天下也就得到治理。” Tian Gen(天根) rambling on the south side of Mount Yin and came to the riverside of Liao Shui River. It happens to be meeting a nameless person and asked for his help, said: "May I ask you how to take care the affairs of the world." The nameless said: "Go away! You are such a person with so little knowledge, how dare you to open your mouth to make someone so unpleasant! I am just planning to have the Creator of all things to be my life partner. When I am bored, I go for a ride on the bird-like absolute hollow chi, transcend beyond the "six extremes" and live on a place where there has nothing existed; dwell in a vast and boundless environment. How can you use some dreamless words like ruling the world to disturb my thoughts? Tian Gen again repeated the question. The nameless said: "You should maintain your innate self. In your undisturbed heart, integrate the form and chi in the realm of absolute tranquility and Wu Wei; follow the natural path of all matters but has none of your individual selfishness. Then, the world will be able to be governed.
  11. Deep Bow

    One can make the pain an illusion. So, the pain won't be felt.
  12. Chuang Tzu Chapter 7, Section B

    肩吾拜會隱士接輿。 接輿說:“往日你的老師日中始用什麼來教導你?” 肩吾說:“他告訴我,做國君的一定要憑藉自己的意志來推行法度,人們誰敢不聽從而隨之變化呢?” 接 輿說:“這是欺誑的做法,那樣治理天下,就好像徒步下海開鑿河道,讓蚊蟲背負大山一樣。聖人治理天下,難道去治理社會外在的表象嗎?他們順應本性而後感化 他人,聽任人們之所能罷了。鳥兒尚且懂得高飛躲避弓箭的傷害,老鼠尚且知道深藏於神壇之下的洞穴逃避熏煙鑿地的禍患,而你竟然連這兩種小動物本能地順應環 境也不了解!” Jian Wu(肩吾) went to see the recluse Kuang Jie-Yu(狂接輿)。 Jie-Yu said:"What did your teacher, Ri-Zhong Shi(日中始), tell you in the past?" Jian Wu said: "He told me that the ruler of a country was based on his volition to execute his rules. People who wouldn't dare to disobey him and not to follow him as he make changes?" Jie-Yu said:"That was a very deceiving act. This way in ruling the world would seems like stepping into the ocean to dig a canal; and having insects to carry a mountain. For a sagacious ruling, is he only ruling the superficial image of a society? First, they follow a natural course of the matter and then educate the people by their abilities. The birds know to fly high to avoid harm from an arrow. The rats know to hide in deep places under an altar to avoid smokes and other calamities; but you don't even understand the basic instinct of these two tiny animals which knowing how to adapt their own environment.
  13. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    Passive killing is allowable in Taoist concept. Why do you think Taoists practice Tai Ji with a sword....???
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Is it not the truth is worth repeating....??? Perhaps not to repeat it to the same person all the time. What is wrong with showing a little emotion as long as it is not too abusive......???
  15. Chuang Tzu Chapter 7, Section A

    齧缺向王倪求教,四次提問王倪四次都不能作答。 齧缺於是跳了起來高興極了,去到蒲衣子處把上述情況告訴給他。 蒲 衣子說:“你如今知道了這種情況嗎?虞舜比不上伏羲氏。虞舜他心懷仁義以籠絡人心,獲得了百姓的擁戴,不過他還是不曾超脫出人為的物我兩分的困境。伏羲氏 他睡臥時寬緩安適,他覺醒時悠遊自得;他聽任有的人把自己看作馬,聽任有的人把自己看作牛;他的才思實在真實無偽,他的德行確實純真可信,而且從不曾涉入 物我兩分的困境。” Nie Que(齧缺) turned to Wang Ni(王倪) for help. He asked Wang Ni four times and four times that Wang Ni couldn't answer. Then, Nie Que jumped up and was extremely happy. He went to Yu-yi Zi(蒲衣子) and told he about the situation as mentioned above. Yu-yi Zi said: "You are just now found out about this?" Yu Shun(虞舜) was not comparable to Fu Xi(伏羲). Yu Shun has a heart of benevolence and won the hearts of the people; and he was gained the trust of the people. However, he still has not escaped from the predicament of the human urged materialistic world. When Fu Xi sleeps, he was calm and peaceful. After he woke up, he was so proud of himself; he heard that some people thought of themselves as a horse; and some thought of themselves as an ox. His intellectual wisdom was really true and not fake. His character was pure innocent and trustworthy. Also, he had never stepped into the predicament of the materialistic separation between all things and himself.
  16. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I hope you all continue to have a great heart in your long term cultivation. May Tao be with you....!!!
  17. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Muscle tone is only a modern term that maybe contradictory to ancient thinking. PS.... I love to discuss in more detail but my understanding is so different than others. Further discussion will turn this thread into a battlefield. Therefore, I choose not to proceed any further. Thanks....
  18. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Okay....I'll have to take your word for it....
  19. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Yes, you are a strong guy physically and mentally indeed. You are a really cool guy as always..... Edited to add: "....... they move their arms without relying on the muscles." I am contemplating on that that humanly possible....!!!
  20. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    By observation, the younger kid was Fa Li not Fa Jin because he has no Jin. If one know some basic physics, one can push anybody while standing to get one off balance. The purpose of Fa Jin was to be able to Fa at any time at any position. The man has to breathe three times in the roll and move his body up and down to put all this effort to push a little guy. If you call that Fa Jin and learn it from that, go ahead.
  21. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    You are only talking about the application of Fa Jin without any basic understanding how the Jin was developed. Let me ask you a question. Can you give me a good reason why people practice the basic movements day after day....???
  22. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    It does tell you where the Jin came from. If you have to move your arms and legs, then it has nothing to do with the muscles.....???? Do you think that Chi stuff people telling you is a miracle....???
  23. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Well, I am not a little boy anymore. I don't need to tell ma ma about every little thing that displeases me.
  24. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Fine...Shanlung... Somebody else do care. I am only responding to those who asked me some legitimate questions....
  25. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Shanlung... You have a lovely bird. I have a Sun Conure. A very colorful bird. Shall we go advertise our birds elsewhere....??? This thread is for Tai Ji Chuan....Thanks....