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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    Let's follow the MH's logic... 道2 可道2,非常 道1 道2可道2, If speak(道2, verb) can be spoken(道2, verb) of , 非常道1 Then, it is not the eternal Tao1. If speak can be spoken of, then, it is not the eternal Tao. Is this sound okay....???
  2. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    Let's follow the logic... 道1 可道2,非常 道1 Tao is the subject here, isn't it proper to state the subject at the beginning like: 道1可道2, If Tao(道1, noun) can be spoken(道2, verb) of , 非常道1 Then, it is not the eternal Tao1. If Tao1 can be spoken(tao2) of, then, it is not the eternal Tao1.
  3. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Okay, I wasn't exposed to that too much....
  4. former thread on a Confucian classic

    HE.... I read your message loud and clear and got the hint to leave your stuff alone. It shall be done.....
  5. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    the Tao (verb) that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao (noun). Correction: Tao1 (noun) that can be spoken(tao, verb) is not the eternal Tao2 (noun). Tao1 is the same as Tao2 in the sentence. Can we put the "the" in front of a verb....??? The speak; read; write; or eat.
  6. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Description of FaJin in Chinese TAI CHI FA JING THEORY Note: Only Tai Ji Practitioners have the Fa Jin ability. No other types of martial arts have this kind of ability.
  7. Confucius

    Then, we would be bored to death.
  8. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    Tao is "principle" but not the "way". A "way" is only part of a principle rather than the whole principle. Besides it's a principle, LaoTze had vitalized Tao with many descriptions such as invisible, profound, and obscure. In this case, Tao is Tao rather than a principle or a way. Hence, using the term "The Way" as a translation is improper and doesn't fit here. Tao in Confucian is the Principle of Morality rather than the Way of Morality. Zhuang Tze use Tao in the same manner as LaoTze but only he putted more emphasis on the Principles of Living for a free individual by blending himself with Nature. Again by following the natural path of Nature as LaoTze suggested but in a reverse manner. LaoTze wants to yield to Nature but Zhuang Tze wants Nature to yield to him. Zhuang Tze wants to live his inner self and did not want to deal with the outer part of his life. For example, he refused the offer to become a bishop from the ruler of the Sate of Chu. He told the messengers of Chu that he rather fishing than taken care of somebody else's problem. So, he can be free of all headaches. He was preferred to have a life as "wanderer" to go anywhere as he pleases without any restriction. He thinks that each individual should have a trouble free mind. The human soul should be relaxed at all time with no worries. @rene...Thank you for the fresh apple.....
  9. Confucius

    Sure! It would be interesting....
  10. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    Definition for Tao. LaoTze: Tao is to follow "Wu Wei" which is the Principles of Nature. He will be Wu We to Nature. Zhuang Tze: Tao is to follow the inner nature of oneself. Let Nature be Wu Wei to him. Confucius: Tao is the outer nature of oneself by proving one's moral conducts to one's society. He is You Wei.
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    "This is my last comment on this" The "this" was referring to a "particular subject" that was mentioned in that post. I will post again if something new that comes up. PS..... The reason I do that was I don't want to repeat myself over and over for the same thing.
  12. former thread on a Confucian classic

    what is 樂間.....???
  13. Is Chuang-tzu a Taoist?

    LaoTze, Zhuang Tze and Confucius are three different philosophers. Don't you think that their interpretations should be far apart from each other....??? Shouldn't there be a great distinction between them....??? Can you tell that in Zhuang Tze's inner chapters has nothing but opposite views against Confucius......??? How did you come to such a conclusion that: "we can make far more sense of it if we adopt an interpretation closer to (though not necessarily identical with) Confucius' use of the term."....?????
  14. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Animals learn by natural instinct. Children learn to burn their fingers with fire. It is called the childish play. Practice is a more serious play if you want to call it play.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Actually, it doesn't mean "only" here. You are hopping around and I cannot keep track of the meaning anymore. Edited to add: BTW This is my last revision to stay within context for lines 4 and 5. 4. 夫唯不可識, 4. Therefore, because(唯) it was difficult to comprehend, 5. 故強為之容。 5. Then, it was difficult to describe them,
  16. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    So, a Tai Ji student has to learn from a good teacher and always depends on having a teach and never be one's own.....???
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You are a gentleman and a scholar....
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    "man only" perhaps it would be.....人唯 Please keep in mind this is classic. In classic, 夫唯 is different from 人唯. This is my last comment on this. Take it or leave it....!!!
  19. dealing with...

    That's why he did nothing for being Wu Wei.....
  20. dealing with...

    What would Lao Tzu do? Nothing.....!!!
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Ref: 夫 Particle 夫 (traditional and simplified, Pinyin fú)​(literary) sentence-final, meaning "Is it not?"
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, but from a non native is fine. However, for a native, it has to restricted to the linguistic comprehension. 勇气: the exact meaning is "courage". If one really wants to learn the Classic, it should learn the right way. Thus something close is not enough.... You see, you have to go through a whole bunch of references to get the meaning of a characters. There was still a great uncertainty on your part. For me, I can just jump right into it and get you an answer except with some difficult meanings of some classic characters.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 15 of the Tao Teh Ching

    夫秦有虎狼之心 Therefore, Qin had the courage of a wolf >>> Therefore, Qin has the heart of a tiger and wolf. Note: The heart of a tiger and wolf implies evil and aggressive in Chinese thinking. 夫战,勇气也 Therefore (in) war, bravery rises >>> To Fight, that's courage. When men are at war, their bravery rises 悲夫! Such sorrow! >>>Sad, isn't it...??? Is ok, It is hard to get over the hurdle with this.
  24. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Taomeow.... So, how far are you in your Tai Ji lessons.....???
  25. Not-Doing

    Yes, you are right but the nose by itself is a NOSE rather than oneself as yourself.