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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. My bad. I was able to edit the posts but not deleting. However, I still can delete by editing all the contents and left with a period.
  2. How to build Qi?

    He sounds like that chi inside the body is the dependent factor for any practice. I don't believe that was the case. Originally, the amount of the internal chi in the body depends on the present heath of the body. The practice is to enhance the body to have more chi. For that said, the practice is the dependent factor for more chi. It is not the other way around. Peace!
  3. OK, I didn't realize that I could edit others, but others cannot delete mine. Is that the case?
  4. How to build Qi?

    MMHO It is not what builds chi. It is what you practice to condition the body to generate more chi. Assumed chi is the body energy that one wants to increase the amount of. The practice of any types of movements coordinated with breathing will accomplish the body muscles to generate more chi. Chi is internal energy, it helps to perform the function of the body internally and externally. He said the opposite that Taiji doesn't produce chi is not quite right. He is right about just doing the moves does not produce chi. However, if the movements coordinate with the breathing and breathing coordinated with the movements, then, the body will be conditioned to generate chi. I have done this for forty years. It can be seen and justify in my PPD.
  5. What do you train

    I was told that in France, once upon time, people fought with lots of kicking and it was very brutal. The government stopped all kicking in the fights. However, since Bruce Lee introduce Chinese Kung Fu to the world, the whole scenery in the martial arts industry has been changed to a very brutal fighting ground. I didn't realize that the MMA scene was that brutal until I had a glance of it. FYI The Chinese have a habit of signing a death certificate before going into the fighting ring. It is like a warranty not to have any liable responsibility or obligation for the death of the opponent. That is, also, indicates how brutal the martial arts was in ancient China.
  6. What do you train

    Honestly, it is too brutal for me to watch. I took one glance at it, then quit.
  7. What do you train

    Please keep in mind: Fighters who follow the rules get slaughtered.
  8. What do you train

    So far, I have not seen anyone has been disqualified yet. The fight continues no matter what!
  9. What do you train

    The rules were made in 2000. Look at the MOST brutal knockouts viewed on Oct 17, 2022(in the video). Who follows the rules in the fighting ring?
  10. What do you train

    What rules?
  11. What do you train

    Sorry, I am a late comer to this thread. I was trained on Taiji for more than forty years for health. Thus my health have improved tremendously. Sorry to say, again, MMA is the only sport that has no rules. It involves all kinds of violent moves in the ring.
  12. Does hypnosis use fa shen?

    I thought that was what you meant 发劲(fa jin). In the video, the instructor made it sounds like he has special chi power. However, I think he was only performing fa jin. He was moving the opponent by getting him off balance. He ask the opponent to hold him real tight, so he can manipulate the guy. He also used a light weighted guy so he can push him away easily. Overall, he was use the fa jin trick to show his ability of being processed with special chi power. Peace!
  13. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    By the inclusive TCM definition, besides it is the system, it was understood that qi is also implicated the function of an organ.
  14. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Yes, I know where you are coming from. I know a Chinese acupuncturist, Qiu Zhuoyi( 邱卓嶷 ), who teaches TCM in Santa Monica, California. He also practice western medicine. My wife went to him for an unknown illness that was unrecognized in western medicine. He treated her with both herbs and acupuncture for few months. One visit per week. My wife's problem went away. He told me there are two versions of teaching courses. One is for westerners and the other is for Chinese. The reason for that is some Chinese terms are hard to be explained in English. Thus they have to come up with a set of TCM language that the English speakers would be easily understood. The Chinese terminologies are very broad and inclusive. However, as long as the contextual meaning was understood is suitable.
  15. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Sorry, anatomy is 解剖学 臟 is human internal organs 脾臟 is spleen 心臟 is heart
  16. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    Yes, it also could be meant that the spleen is malfunction(脾氣虛).
  17. Rudi Authentic Neigong

    What do you all think about this? The spleen qi is weak!
  18. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    Thank you! I will stay out of your thread. Peace!
  19. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    How about hold your arms at chest level and loosen up the arm muscles. Do that for a few minutes at a time as a beginner. Let your shoulder muscles get use to the new stress that was never applied to them before.
  20. Your Experience of Standing Meditation

    How can anyone without knowing the theories and blindly jumped into the practice. Apparently, that is what I see is happening here. Three people went into the practice not knowing the proper instruction and sharing the bad experience. One learned the hard way and the other was force to do so against his own free will. In addition, the problem with the terminology of zhang zhuang (站桩) should not be called standing meditation. I had done some ZZ after many years of practice of Taiji. However, practicing Taiji has the same result as ZZ. It is because ZZ is mainly working on the legs with breathing. To refrain from theory as suggested by the OP. I just go over my experience with Taiji that is also applies to ZZ. At the beginning of both exercises, for most people, their legs are sore after few minutes of standing. In Taiji, the legs are standing on one at a time. After the first three months of practice, the sore will be gone. The legs become stronger after years of practice. When go into ZZ, there shouldn't be any difficulty. To do ZZ, the angle of the upper and the lower legs should be at a small angle, like 10 to 15 degrees to begin with to avoid over stressing the leg muscles. As the legs muscle progressively become stronger, the bending angle at the knees can be increased to 20 to 25 degrees and so far. The maximum angle is 90 degrees in the ZZ position. That is very hard to achieve. Unless you are a Shaolin monk or a true Taoist. To avoid shoulder pains, the elbows of the arms should be bent rather than holding straight in the air. Hence, it will reduce the supporting weight on the shoulder. As result, it reduces the amount of stress for the shoulders.
  21. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    There are so many sayings about the lower dantian. However, there should be just one right answer. Whichever one believes is one answer,may or may not be the right one. Have your pick and believe what you want to believe what someone else says. It seems that no one knows the right answer. The teller doesn't know nor the listener. The one who knows doesn't speak. The one who doesn't now speaks. Hopefully, one day we all come to one conclusion and an universal definition of LDT. Peace!
  22. Can jing be replenished?

    A desire causes an arousal. The arousal provokes the desire even more. I believe that is what took place in a rapest and looking for vitims.
  23. Can jing be replenished?

    I believe that an arousal provokes the desire.
  24. Can jing be replenished?

    Please don't follow this rule. It has been ruined many teens' lives.