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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    yiming.... You are a good student. Why do I want to throw you out....??? It was just a friendly kick to charge you up for the mood in your study of the Tao Te Ching.....
  2. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    The words have special meaning within context in each chapter of the Tao Te Ching. The context is not my, yours nor someone else. If you choose to use any word to make your point, then there is no need to pull it our from the context in the TTC. Why even bother to go there in the first place....??? You may pick any word from thin air...!!! PS..... Using quote from others which indicates to me that one doesn't have enough confidence to use one's own definition.
  3. Odors during Meditation

    Yes....!!! It was called the detoxication. Actually, you were going through a process of detoxication.
  4. Odors during Meditation

    wow..... You are making progress.....!!!....
  5. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    I see you are just pulling the words out of the text and put them out of context to be in your favor as intended. Anyway, intention is not quite Wu Wei.
  6. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    yiming.... Let me tell you this. If you want to know the whole picture, you have to put the puzzles together. If you want to learn the Tao Te Ching, then you have to read all the chapters to know what Wu Wei means and keep it in your heart. BTW You don't tell anybody about the Tao Te Ching if one doesn't know a thing about it. Besides, the Tao Te Ching is esoteric and let's keep it esoteric. If you are not serious about learning it, then stay away from it.
  7. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Please keep in mind, the Tao Te Ching is a classic. It is about ruling the people but not curing the people.
  8. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    The word "rewards" does not exist in the Concept of Wu Wei. Please try to understand Chapter 5. PS... Please don't forget that Marblehead is a two-headed snake.....
  9. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Sorry. I can't accept that. Second thought, I would like to revise my initial translation to include the term "Wu Wei": 為「無 為」,則 無 不 治。 For Wu Wei, then(則) there is nothing that cannot be done. Edited to add: 不 治 may have the meaning of incurable but not "uncontrollable". 無 不 治 may have the meaning of nothing that is not incurable.
  10. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

  11. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    I can't because that is not very Wu Wei like....
  12. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Yes, you mean like building a dam on the Yangtze River to control the flood and generate the electrical power but killing all the living creatures. Do you think that was very Wu Wei like...???
  13. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Yes. I really hate that......
  14. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Yes, me too. Divine way is just like good gives each their dew reward which is not Wu Wei.
  15. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    治民治国: Ruling the people and ruling a country. 治病: cure a sickness; 治理: Take care of 不治之病: incurable illness 無不治: Modern Chinese: there is nothing that cannot be cured. Classic Chinese: there is nothing that cannot be cured; there is nothing that cannot be done or handled.
  16. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Okay. I accept that. Can you give me a good example of doing nothing but did something with result from the point of view of the Tao Te Ching.
  17. The States of Tao

    1. 道常無,名樸。 Yes, the "Wu" means Tao is invisible(無). It did not negate anything else. BTW this "常無" carries the same meaning as in Chapter 1. Edited: Sorry, I'd over looked this part. The example given here was to negate something as the same for all the rest of the chapters. So, I included as one of the examples in the specific chapters as in my OP.
  18. The States of Tao

    Hi, rene I thought you might be curious about that....!!! It was for the same reason as in post #64: 無(wu) was used to negate 有(you). Thus 無有 means "not have" or "have not". All the Wu's in the rest of the chapters were used to negate something. Examples: 無知: knowing nothing 無欲: no desire "Wu" have specific meanings in these chapters as I had explained.
  19. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    No, I do not understand what you mean...!!! How can I be doing nothing but doing something....??? The logic just didn't kick over.
  20. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Do you know what Wu Wei is.....???? If you do, please tell me....
  21. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    What you are saying which does not fit the definition of natural in Wu Wei. Thus Natural way is not equal to Divine way.
  22. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    A natural way is a divine way only from a point of view. No...???
  23. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Corrections: Wu is none, no, non, have not Wu Wei only implies the meaning of being Natural. Its true meaning is "Let Nature take its course". LaoZi did not say : "I Wu Wei" but he said : Thus sage said: "I Wu Wei"
  24. Inhale very very slowly with the nose and exhale with the mouth at the same speed. Never breathe in with the mouth to avoid any impurity which might sucked into the body. This is one way which might improve the breathing problem. She might want try this breathing procedure and see if that helps! While breathing in with the nose very slowly when felt a slight congestion, then, immediately try to breathe out with the nose very slowly to clear the passage. Repeat this procedure continuously. Do not force or fight the nose to suck in the air.
  25. Five Important Themes of the DDJ

    No, she only said: "Let's wait and see!"