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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Thanks for the moon cake. But I have cut down on my sugar diet.... I only eat about 3 to 4 a year during the autumn mood festival with oolong tea, from Taiwan, of course.
  2. Introduction, and Research Question

    PPagan... It was my dream to get involve with research in helping people to fight cancer. I was thinking how many known Chi Kung practitioners are die of cancer. So far, I heard none. After many years of practicing Tai Ji and Chi Kung. I make some study on my own by some factual materials and came up with a conceptual idea about fighting cancer. I know cancer cells do not like oxygen but love sugar. Based on some biological facts, the body cells use the oxygen that we breath to convert glucose from the foods we took into energy for the body to function. Fortunately, practicing Chi Kung will help us to breathe more oxygen and convert most of the glucose into energy. What that says which gives me the notion that Chi Kung is actually fighting the cancer cells. The idea was cancer cells do not like oxygen but Chi Kung is breathing more oxygen to go against them. In addition, cancer cells like sugar. However, the Chi Kung helps to burn up the glucose for body energy instead of leaving it for the cancer cells. The best of all, the biochemical energy, adenine triphosphate(ATP), was used to manufacture the white blood cells to get rid of cancer cells. The cancer patients are pretty weak to practice any strenuous exercise. It is better for them to do sitting mediation with lots of deep breathing exercise like isometric Chi Kung. Those who are in little better condition is best for them to do some isotonic Chi Kung with slow movements.
  3. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    Okay, I had to read it a few times to get the gist of what you are saying. I'll have to settle it as an indirect translation....
  4. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    What did you say that was similar to that.....???
  5. Tao is it . it is not Tao .

    I believe that LaoTze had said that Tao existed before any god in Chapter 4.
  6. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    1. Sorry, I didn't see anything in your post was conveying the same message. 2. There was really too much to say without any undesirable embarrassment on our parts, thus I decided to hold back on my criticism. Perhaps I had made too many enemies already.
  7. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    百 姓 was a classical term for 人 民 under the feudal rulers in the ancient during the Zhou Dynasty. Under feudal ruling, there wasn't that many people. Maybe only around hundred families. Perhaps there were only around hundred surnames among the families of the people. Therefore, the people were referred as 百 姓 at the time. Yes, I only like the teas from mainland China. Are you eating your 月餅 in advance...??? It was for: 常使民無知、無欲,使夫智者不敢為也。 Keep the people innocent and lack of malicious thoughts, lack of desire. So, even those with cleverness in a cunningly manner cannot commit their acts.
  8. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Pardon me! I didn't know that was your own inventions. No wonder it was understood beyond the senses. Sorry, it was really fascinating and beyond my comprehension. Go ahead, I will leave you alone....
  9. Tao particle

  10. Yes, tense muscles can in no way count for these drastic changes in heat levels. It was the focusing on the Dan Tian is musical to the ears of all Chi Kung practitioners. "I can be on such a role with my practice and one accidental ejaculation throws me back weeks." If you claimed you had that much practice, an hour a day every day, then, one accidental should not throw you back weeks. It took me few hours or with a catnap even better, then I am back to business even mow a lawn or two sometimes. Of course, I breathe constantly and focusing on my Dan Tian at all times as my normal breathing routine. As a matter of fact, if any additional heat was added to my body like drinking something warm, not hot, then, I have to release the extra heat to cool myself down. If I had something hot, then I really have to sweat it out with excessive perspiring. I had felt that the water drops allover my face and my body was all wet. It seems that my body was in a range oven. In the evening while outing, I felt all the cool breeze comfortably while others had to put on some warm clothes.
  11. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    1. Please do not misinterpret Chapter 5 about the 百 姓 and regarded them as 芻 狗. When we get to that, I hope you will have a better understanding with clarity. 2. 是 以 聖 人 之 治 Translation: .....thus it was by the ruling of a Sage. 治 means to rule; to take care or handle matters in a political manner. 3. 三 明 治 is the Chinese phonetic for the English word "sandwich".
  12. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    dawei... Do you know how to read Chinese at all....??? If not, then please.......
  13. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    百: hundred; a numerical unit. 姓: surnames, Again, one must learning the compound characters in order to read Chinese to begin with. If one doesn't know the usage of the compound characters, then one cannot read or interpret Chinese or classic correctly. Let's look at the compound characters 百姓. 百姓 literal translation is hundred surnames. It is customary that the Chinese often use numbers to imply as "many". Those numbers are such as nine(九), hundred(百), thousand (千), and ten thousand(萬). The logical meaning for people is 百姓(bái xìng) because people have names. "Many surnames" which implies the "people" in a kingdom. Therefore, 百姓(bái xìng) became the linguistic meaning for "people" in the Chinese language. 以(letting) 百 姓(the people) 為(as) straw dogs(芻狗). Logical English: 聖人不仁 以百姓為芻狗. A sage has no mercy, Treating the people as straw dogs. The two phrases are linked together by saying that: A ruler(sage) is impartial because he treats everybody equally and shows no nepotism. Before the law, everybody treated equally because the law is impartial and has no mercy. PS... If you want a better explanation about Chapter 5, please go see my posts in the Tao Te Ching section.
  14. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    If you have an open mind and open heart with room for corrections and willing to learn Chinese and Classics, then, I am willing to share. Otherwise, I will remain silence and let you continue to believe what you think it is not erroneous.
  15. Tao particle

    Yes, Tao is omni-omni-omni....
  16. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    I don't know how did the state of Wu was introduced into Taoism. The State of Wu Wei is more appropriate in Taoism. Indeed, the only State of Wu is the appearance of Tao when Tao was invisible at the beginning of the universe. The State of Wu, in Buddhism, is an ultimate realm that a monk would like to attain.
  17. How do Taoists feel about having pets?

    Walker.... You are a Taoist. At least your learning was in my Tao Te Ching....
  18. you are your teacher

    Your wisdom is your own teacher. You will go find out what you don't know. It is either by asking someone or read books with a literal filter to filter out the unwanted fallacies and retain the facts. Again, by your own wisdom.
  19. Tao particle

    Tao is omnificent; omniform; omniparity; omnipotent; and omnipresent.
  20. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    wei xue ri yi, wei dao ri sun, sun zhi you sun, yi zhi yu wu wei. wu wei er wu bu wei. 1. 為學日益。 2. 為道日損。 3. 損之又損, 4. 以至於無為。 5. 無為而無不為。 1. In learning, knowledge increases daily. 2. In seeking the Principles of Tao, one's desires are lessen daily. 3. Lessen and even lessen. 4. Until attained the realm of Wu Wei. 5. Being Wu Wei then there is nothing that cannot be done.
  21. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    The squirrel is living its own nature by eating the chick bird because it doesn't know the TTC; and that is Nature.
  22. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    It was selfish on your part to kill and eat the squirrel. You are talking about your nature but not Nature.
  23. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    That is not so Wu Wei like. Are you interfering with the course of Nature......???
  24. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Those who were considered to have the virtue of Tao was being Wu Wei. The virtue of Tao is to follow the principle of Tao. The principle of Tao is to be Wu Wei.
  25. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    yiming.... Yes....... :D 不 見 可 欲,使 民 心 不 亂 。 Those who don't see that their desires can be fulfilled; thus the people will not become perturbed. PS.... Your good sense of humor reveals your outstanding in your comprehension of the Tao Te Ching.