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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. blurred vision/cross eyed

    Perhaps you are allergic to something in the Ch'an Buddhist Temple(assuming where the teaching hour was taken place). Was there any burning incense that might cause your eyes to go crazy....???
  2. Even though that leg muscles were not forced to contract, is it fair to say that the leg muscles are slightly contracted by default, at the Full Lotus, because the legs are bent....??? The reason I must say that the leg muscles or any muscles have to be slightly contracted. According to my book "Understanding Human Structure and Function, in order for the body to generate heat, the muscles has to be slightly contracted. The book also mentioned, when we lay down at the fetus position, the arms and legs are bent causing the muscles to be slightly contracted. Thus that will generate 25% of the heat, at night, to keep our bodies warm.
  3. Tao particle

    Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. Tao particle that cannot be found is not the eternal Tao particle. Tao is all around us. Anything we see is Tao but just can describe it with words. All things existed are the manifestation of Tao. Come to think of it. No.......???
  4. Ripped dan tien

    There is no such thing as a ripped dan tian. Here is what is happening, most guys masturbate more than once a day. The reproductive system need time to recuperate after once, but two to three times of masturbation was over worked the system. Most guys get a pain on the left side of the abdomen. To get rid of the pain, you can perform acupressure right below the navel by pushing down with the index and middle fingers. You should feel a pulsating sensation, but don't worry just let it happen for awhile until the pains goes away. You may take a deep breath and expand the abdomen fully against the two fingers. Please take the advice from Fu Yue from the above post.
  5. Yes, heat will be generated by metabolism. If one is sitting in any one of the Lotus positions, the legs muscles are contracted. When muscles are contracted, they will increase the rate of metabolism to generate the body heat. It doesn't matter where one focus, the heat will be circulated by the blood to distribute throughout the body.
  6. Tao particle

    Tao is omnigenous. Tao can be a gas, solid or liquid. What do you think....???
  7. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    'itself-so-being'... Isn't that the same as the natural self was being self natural....??? Be yourself as natural as you can be....???? Wang was only using ZiRen as an application for the idea of natural in his thought; but the authentic definition of ZiRen is natural.
  8. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Isn't the goods that are difficult to obtain, in a way, is unobtainable by some people....??? So, people have to steal them...??? That is what LoaTze wants to avoid. Yes, you are right about that. I was translating it by the logical meaning instead of verbatim. I think this is a good test for you and you passed... 難 得 之 貨 Translation: The goods that are difficult to be obtained. yiming, you have good sense of humor...!!! Sorry, the eternal Tao is not 難 得 之 貨. Thus we cannot turn into a band of crooks.... Is 难 a simplified way to write? Yes, it is the simplified way to write it.
  9. Taijiquan Styles

    No, I guess not. Cat meows are natural instinct, so is the way they use their claws to fight......
  10. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    rene... I thought you might surface for this. You see there are many ways of using the meaning of Wu. In Taoism and Buddhism due the difference in thinking the meanings of Wu are completely out of phase. However, the way that LaoTze use it is very clever. It the reader was not careful, then it will be misled oneself from one meaning to another. The way LoaTze uses "wu" was in many clever ways. He has it different from character to character, line to line, chapter to chapter. One cannot assume its meaning was uniform based on a similar case in the use of "wu". I think after this thread, we should have a separate thread to look into what each Wu means in different context. Wu-wei 無為 is one term and stand alone, the other two cannot be treated the same way as Wu Wei. This is totally incorrect to group them as in a same fashion as in Wu Wei. Wu-Yue 無欲 means no desire. and Wu-zhi 無知 means ignorance. Sorry, I cannot accept Wang's and Wu's presentation. PS... As you can see, in Chapter one, the characters were used independently for the states of Tao as 'Wu' and 'You' are stand alone.
  11. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    How can I accept this translation from one of my fella countryman. Obviously, he had a great English influence in his translation. "The act of Wu" What he was saying, in the effect, is the "act of none". And what the hell is the "act of none" meant....???
  12. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    5. Teaching without words In a higher level of interpretation for the Classic Text which means: An advice was given for rulers to issue fewer decrees to minimize the burden for the people. Note: People just read this line superficially really has no meaning applied to it at all. In the same token, people who are translating the superficial meaning of the characters 無為(wu wei) as "non doing" without knowing the actual philosophy behind the term was a real pity too IMO.
  13. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Zi Ren simply means "natural" Wu Wei was meant to "let nature take its course" which it was being ZiRen(natural). Wu Wei is a philosophical idea and ZiRen was being a descriptive noun to tell what Wu Wei is. Another words, anyone was being Wu Wei which implies that someone was being having a natural way of doing things. Literally, ZiRen is a synonym of Wu Wei. Wang's translation: We thus know the benefit of acting with Wu. He translated Wu Wei as "the acting with Wu" which indicates that he did not know what Wu Wei is. The problem with using someone's translation in the past without any update, IMO, is not very unreliable for a foreign reader without a full understand of the language and cultural background.
  14. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Chapter 43 1. 天 下 之 至 柔 , 2. 馳 騁 天 下 之 至 堅 。 3. 無 有 入 無 間 , 4. 吾 是 以 知 無 為 之 有 益 。 5. 不 言 之 教 , 6. 無 為 之 益 7. 天 下 希 及 之 。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Because of that, I know the benefit of Wu Wei 5. Teaching without words 6. The benefit of Wu Wei. 7. There is no comparison with it in the world. Lines 4 through 7 were saying that LaoTze knows the benefit of Wu Wei by assuming the reader knew what Wu Wei was. Indeed, he had given a clue at the beginning, lines 1 through 3, of the chapter. 1. The extreme softness in the world. 2. Manipulates the extreme hardness of the world. 3. Formless enters non-space. He was referring that the water is the extreme softness in the world. What he was suggesting is to use benevolent ruling(softness) to rule the people rather than tyrannical(hardness). The interpretation of this chapter does required some thinking and inductive reasoning with some knowledge from the previous chapters.
  15. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Sorry, my mistake. This thread is about the applications of Wu Wei in the related chapters. It is rather late to go into the definition of Wu Wei at this stage. Any statement make here will be the revelation of the level of understanding per each individual. Please don't just throw out some terms but give sufficient reasoning to substantiate your point. Wu Wei was basically understood to be ZiRen and there is no doubt about that. This was the basic knowledge that we had been discussed many times before and it is nothing new. In order to show how one understood Wu Wei is to move on without anymore unnecessary distraction to this thread. Using Wu Wei as the reason for one was not being Wu Wei still did not prove any point at all. Therefore, shall we stay within the relevancy in the subject of interest....???
  16. I still don't know what this thread is all about....!!!
  17. I do not wish to be here

    How do we know Christian is a 'he' or a 'she'.....???
  18. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    偷 is a verb; It means to steal. It also can be used as a noun. Like 小偷 as a small thief. A 小偷 only steal behind one's back. 盜 is a noun; it means a big thief(大盜). It also can be used as a verb. In this phrase, 盜 was used as a noun. 不 貴 難 得 之 貨,使 民 不 為 盜﹔ Do not value the unobtainable goods, let the people not to become bandits(盜). A 盜 commit a more serious crimes like robbing people in front their eyes with weapons.
  19. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Please go argue your translations about something else in the Tao Te Ching section. This thread it about the concept of Wu Wei in the different chapters. Thank you very much for your cooperation...!!!
  20. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    "Is a Wu Wei (無 為) attitude too idealistic and not practical to carry out?..... If we are married and our wife is corrupted and strive for what she thinks is good, how can we avoid losing tranquility and peacefulness? Do we remain silent and non-interferring? " Yes, it would be too idealistic and not practical to carry out if you are not alone. You just do what you can to keep it at minimal. If something is not too serious but can be comprised on your part, then you can remain silence and not interfere with it. Try not to have things to do it your way on demand which will avoid lots of conflicts between you and her. If she doesn't understand the Wu Wei concept as you do, I would say there will be trouble ahead. "Maybe, we too have been similarly corrupted with the concept of relativity. How can we find out if" If you have a great urge to fulfill all your desires without considering a second thought about Wu Wei, then you are corrupted with the concept of relativity.
  21. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    LaoTze start saying there were beauty and kindness; then, the concept of ugliness and evil were being emerged. Since people's thinking had been corrupted with the concept of relativity, then they begin to assign value to matters by their own judgement. If there was no rich(有), than there will be no poor(無). If there was difficulty, than there will no easiness to get the job done.. If there was no long, than there will be no shortness to show the difference in length. if there was no noble, than there will be no peasant to be encompassed each other If there was no voice, than there will be no tone to be harmonize with each other It there was no front, than there will be no back to be followed by each other. Since they have those concepts of relativity, they will begin to realize what is good or bad for them. They will evade what they thought was bad for them and strive for what they thought was good for them by all means. Hence, the world will loose its tranquility and peacefulness. Only a sage can integrate with the great Tao and adept at following the course of Nature. With a Wu Wei attitude in handling all affairs and matters, and remain silence by not interfering, possessing, dominating, and vainglorious, thus his merits of accomplishment are everlasting in history. Of course, this was what not a sage was hoping for. Indeed, it was only the people who are having high regard for him and paid him with the highest respect.
  22. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    "ren wei" as benevolent action to be exact.
  23. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    The "Three Pure Ones" Three Pure Ones The "Three Stars Gods" Three Stars Gods The "Kitchen Gods" The Kitchen Gods
  24. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Sorry, my bad... Guan Yu(關羽) is Guan Gong(關公). You do have it in the center. The one on the left is the God of Happiness. The one on the right is the God of Longevity.
  25. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    YM is correct about the three statues. Sorry to say, the figure, Guan Yu, you tried to get initially is not there.