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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Of course not, you are not a Buddhist but even a Taoist may not handle that sometimes. You did claim that you are a Taoist, did you...???
  2. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    shang de wu wei er wu yi wei. xia de wu wei er you yi wei. shang ren wei zhi er wu yi wei. 5. 上德 [無為] 而無以為。 6. 下德 [無為] 而有以為。 7. 上仁為之而無以為。 Translation: 5. High virtue with "Wu Wei" but not intentional. 6. Low virtue with "Wu Wei" but intentional. 7. The ultimate act of benevolence initially was not intentional but natural.
  3. It is full of space. I cannot see the air nor emptiness but I saw space. The physical emptiness is different from the mental emptiness of Buddhism. The emptiness in the cup is not the same emptiness as in the heart of a Buddhist. The emptiness in the heart of a Buddhist is non-materialistic. The eyes of a Buddhist saw gourmet foods on the table but not in his heart. The eyes of a Buddhist saw a seductive beauty in front of him but not in his heart.
  4. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Yes, Tao is absolute but not us humans. The best one can do is try to be Wu Wei whenever possible.
  5. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    隨 here means "follow whatever it was permissible". Combined with another character 隨 時 , it becomes "chuih si" meaning "anytime". 隨 時 means: anytime; let it happen as time permits. Combined with yet another character 隨 便 , it becomes "chuih been" meaning "as you wish". 隨 便 means: as you wish; let it happen at your convenience.
  6. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    前 後 相 隨: Translation: The front and back mutually follow each other. 隨 in this phrase means follow.
  7. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Let's put it this way. If things are too idealistic, sometimes they are not easy to be carried out. BTW A ruler tried Confucius ideals for a very short time but it did not work out and failed right away.
  8. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Sorry, you had mistranslated the character 後. 後: back; rear. 前 後 相 隨: The front and back mutually follow each other. It was implying that if you were going back and forth, your front and back are always in the same position on your body and they are never apart.
  9. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    14. 是 以 聖 人 處「無 為 」之 事, 15. 行「不言」之 教。 16. 萬 物 作 焉 而 不 辭, 17. 生 而 不 有, 18. 為 而 不 恃, 19. 功 成 而 弗 居。 20. 夫 唯 弗 居, 21. 是 以 不 去。 14. Sage handles matters in a natural manner(無 為). 15. Gives silent instructions. 16. Let things be with no interference; 17. Grown without possession. 18. Sustain without domination. 19. Success without dwelling. 20. Because of not dwelling alone, 21. Merits do not vanish.
  10. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    LaoTze was only try to be idealistic in his philosophy. However, that is the way he wish to be; but it is not practical to carry it out. Confucius's philosophy has the same ideal but with a different approach. Confucius was very aggressive to have it his way and run it his way with no tolerance.
  11. Taijiquan Styles

    For the purpose of answering the OP.... In general, tai ji is good for the body to develop energy by improving breathing problems and martial arts but various styles do emphasize in different area.
  12. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Tao is always Wu Wei, Then, there is nothing that cannot be done(or accomplished). Wu Wei is the key here.
  13. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    dao chang wu wei, er wu bu wei. 道常無為, 而無不為。 Tao is always Wu Wei, Then, there is nothing that cannot be done.
  14. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Yes, I do prefer reading the Tao Ta Ching in Cantonese for the same reason. Cantonese has nine tones as oppose to four tones in Mandarin. Thus Cantonese gives it more of the poetic rhythm. An example for 滿: In Cantonese: 裝滿(fill until it's full) In Mandarin: 滿上(fill it up) Is 滿 meant for informal use as opposed to 盈 which is meant for classical literature? Yes. That is the case.
  15. San Ti Shi

    Ya Mu... Is that what you teach....???
  16. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Marblehead..... Here are the rest of the chapters have "Wu Wei" in them: Chapters: 37, 38, 43, 48, 57, 63, and 64 .
  17. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    1. Yes, that is what Chapter 2 was all about. 2. No, I don't think that LoaTze was believing in hope and change. However, that is the ideal way LaoTze would like to have a ruler to run a country. 3. 盈 pronounce in Cantonese is [ ying ]. "moon" is 滿, a synonym for 盈.
  18. spontaneous movement is when the mind is in stillness while the body is in motion.
  19. The term "stillness movement" is rather confusing without going into the subtlety of it. There is a nuance between "stillness movement" and "stillness and movement". The most common we hear about "stillness and movement" was either you are moving or standing or sitting still; sometimes knows as dynamic or static; isotonic or isometric. However, when one talks about "stillness movement", it was referring to that stillness taken place externally while movement taken place internally. What are the movements inside the body...??? Well, the movements inside the body are the lung movements from breathing and the heart beats while pumping blood distributing throughout the body to the body cells. Thus the circulation of the blood was considered another movement inside the body. While you are meditating, your body is sitting still which was considered to be stillness externally. During breathing, and whatever activity is taken place inside the body was considered to be movement internally. Therefore, during meditation, if you move your arms or legs once awhile, it is fine because It hasn't effected your body in any way.
  20. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    盈: 1. to be filled with; to be full of 2. to have a surplus of Translation: 高 下 相 盈: The high and low are mutually encompassing with each other. Interpretation: 高 下 相 盈: The nobles and the peasants are mutually encompassing with each other. 盈in this phrase means encompass. Annotation: The high class people(nobles) and the low class people(peasants) are getting along with each other. 1. Everyone, on earth, knows beauty as beauty, 2. Then, saw ugliness. 3. Everyone knows kindness as kindness, 4. Then, saw evil. 故 高 下 相 盈。 IMO It says there are things with beauty and ugliness; and there are people who are with kindness and unkindness. Therefore, we just have to learn to appreciate and tolerate them and live with them.
  21. Empirical Data

    Ever since I had been educated to some degree and practice Tai Ji Chuan (a from of Chi Kung) with a scientific professional background. I had been contemplating to come up with some kind of scientific explanation for Chi Kung. I know the ancient Chinese Taoists did not have the modern scientific knowledge as we do now; but they do have great wisdom to come up with the non-scientific explanations about Chi Kung with some imaginations at the time. They knew they have to eat and breathe to stay alive. So, they thought they can eat some special herbs and breathe a lot more then normal to become healthier and have longevity. In breathing, they thought they were breathing Chi(氣) from the atmosphere without realizing that they were actually breathing oxygen in the air. With that in mind, the breathing lots of air did make them healthier, stronger and cure many chronic diseases. Since they had built up with lots of energy in they bodies, then once they thought that they were actually absorbing the energy from the air by breathing. Hence, they paid special attention to their breathing and developed an ultimate method called Chi Kung(氣功). BTW The original meaning of the Chinese character 氣(chi) is 'air' or 'breath'; but I don't know did it ever mean "energy" at the time. Anyway to make the story short, here is my story on Chi Kung(氣功). Since the original meaning of 氣(chi) means air, I have to conclude that Chi Kung is to practice breathing. Chi Kung was developed and improved to its highest perfection, it would be more appropriate to call it "the Ultimate Method of Breathing". Now is the scientific part. What does the body do with the oxygen that was breathed in...??? Actually, it was the body cells were using the oxygen to decompose the glucose from our foods to convert into a biochemical energy. The energy is called adenosine triphosphate(ATP). Somehow, the biochemical energy, ATP, was the actual "Chi" to be meant as "energy" all along. I have a better explanation relating ATP to Chi Kung in the following link: Ref: ATP at TTB
  22. Emptiness

    If a Buddhist monk does not realize "Emptiness", then he is not a Buddhist Monk.
  23. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    音: musical tones 聲: human voice 音 聲 相 和: the human voice combines with the musical tones become in harmony. It 's like singing a song with music. 相 生: mutually engender each other 相 成: mutually accomplish with each other 相 形: mutually formed with each other 相 和: mutually in harmony with each other 相 隨: mutually follow each other. 相 傾: should be changed 相盈 because 盈 was the ruler of the Han Dynasty. It was a taboo to use the name of a ruler in any document. Therefore, at the time, ancient scholars has to alter from 盈 to 傾. 相 盈: mutually encompass with each other Notes: 高 下 相 傾: Translation: The high and low are mutually leaning on each other. Interpretation: The nobles(high) and the peasants(low) are mutually leaning on each other. A scholar, 陳鼓應, thought this interpretation doesn't make much sense for years in his study. Fortunately, there were two unearthed copies of the Tao Te Ching have the phrase written as: 高 下 相 盈. Translation: 高 下 相 盈: The high and low are mutually encompassing with each other. Interpretation: The nobles and the peasants are mutually encompassing with each other. This would make more sense to him. Then he had made the correction for the phrase to read 高 下 相 盈.
  24. I do not wish to be here

    Oh...when I said: "let Christian go" I meant not just physically but mentally as well. I don't think Christian is mad but just want to go away. Can you see that the name "Christian" is telling us something. The way I understood "Wu Wei". I will not even going about interfering with one's thinking such as "I would be happy to help you out in this regard if, if you want." You see what I meant....???