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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Just want to know more about Sexual Energy

    Yes, if you do it regularly with self discipline which is whenever you can. I had mentioned in the above post any type of Qigong is fine. Tai Chi is the most popular and effective. What I am saying is it doesn't matter how good they say the style was; if you practice it by not putting your heart into it, then it will not do you any good. I will not tell you when to practice or how long because that will be too mechanical. It is really up to you not to practice it fanatically without any knowledge of it. FYI it can be done anytime but diligently. Please keep in mind, besides meditation, abdominal breathing is the essential part of Qi Gong. If one meditates without the breathing part, it will be useless.
  2. Just want to know more about Sexual Energy

    Libido comes with the package of any type of YaiChi or Qigong. One just need to practice diligently.
  3. San Ti Shi

    This is more like an on guard position to be ready for combat. Most of the weight should be distributed on the rear leg.
  4. Taijiquan Styles

    In general, tai ji is good for the body to develop energy by improving breathing problems and martial arts but various styles do emphasize in different area. 1. Chen style is good for development of energy and martial arts. 2. Wu style is good for fighting. 3. Yang style is good for health exercise. The Chen style always gives a special extra twist in the body movements. The Wu style was designed for combat, therefore, the distance between the arms and legs, in the movements, are shorter than the other styles. The reason for that was to move the arms and legs faster during combat. The movements of the Yang style are wider and more elegant. It was designed for person with weaker health conditions or lack of physical strength.
  5. Internal x External Martial Arts

    Based on the wording in the question. I see there is another misconception about 'yi' here. One does not bring the yi or intent to the Dan Tian after practice but during practice. The original phrase was "yi shou3 dan tian", 意守丹田. yi shou3: focus; concentrate; put your mind into. The phrase "yi shou3 dan tian" was often used by Chi Kung practitioners. It simply means to place one's yi or concentration by focusing every thought on the dan tian as a central point. What are those thoughts...??? They are the deep breathing and the movements of the abdomen but nothing else. The movements for the abdomen are expansion during inhalation and contraction during exhalation for normal breathing. That was what it meant by focus on the dan tian(yi shou3 dan tian) which is the basic fundamental for Chi Kung practice regardless of what style. "Yi Shou3" can be applied to any part of the body. For example, If one wants to make a strike with the right hand, then one wants to place the concentration on the right hand by focusing in holding a fist with the hand while bending the elbow and moving back toward the rear for the initial strike. All these were considered to be "focusing on the right hand". The purpose of focusing on the dan tian was to give one the opportunity to generate the maximum strength of the body. BTW as long one sent the breath deep down to the dan tian regardless one was in normal or reverse breathing, one's body is in the strongest Yang state. Hence, that is why one wants to be in "focusing on the dan tain" before a strike during combat. It was the most desirable time to put oneself in a strongest Yang state.
  6. Yes, it depends what was all in the heart. It was the ultimate realm of determination of a high cultivated Buddhist monk. He was blinded, in his heart, even a naked woman is standing in front of him. PS.... This is what 'emptiness' was all about in Buddhism. I see nothing. I hear nothing. I feel nothing. I taste nothing.
  7. Looking for some help...

    WOTW.... It sounds like you did not learn to move Chi to someone else. Did you discover how to do it on your own...??? Did you try to treat someone with an illness by doing so....??? Yes, as far as we know, it is an "organic" thing. In order to transfer one's energy into another body, one has to be able to generate a tremendous amount of energy from one's body. Can you elaborate on how did you move Chi to someone else....??? Did you do it with or without contacting the other person...??? I know I can transfer my energy to the other person by fajin and making contact with the counterpart. In my thinking, if I have to move Chi into another body, I would say that Chi has to be in a form of heat energy. I know when I put my palm one inch away from my face; I felt a heat sensation on my face. By theory, if the body of a person has the capability to generate any amount of heat and focusing the heat to be generated in a particular part of the body like the palm by mental control, I think it is possible for this person to transfer Chi in a form of heat to another body. This hypothesis was based on the people who were under medical chi kung treatment. They said that they were having a warm sensation in the area where was under treatment. IMO I think it can be done by training oneself to generate more heat then normal. It is because one body may be different than the other such as one can generate more heat than the other. If one can enhance the body to generate the maximum amount of heat possible, by practicing Chi Kung, I think this person had attained the realm of the Chi Kung practice. Hence, for one to transfer energy to another should not be a problem at any time.
  8. Qigong helps energy flow. Muscle generates energy. The more energy the more muscle gain. Thus gaining muscle is good for energy flow while practicing Qigong.
  9. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Yiming, I think you had made yourself clear. Very good. I will go along with you in helping you to understand the characters since that was your initial request. Do you have any question about the characters in Chapter 2.....???
  10. I do not wish to be here

    Let Christian go. Why change Christian when he/she has made up his/her mind up. He/she has accomplished his/her mission here. Let's do it the Taoist way............Wu Wei.
  11. Yes, you knew. It is very important to do what is in bold.
  12. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Yes, fortunately, I am glad that at least two persons in this forum understand it this way....
  13. How to release pent up male sexual energy?

    To be honest with you, There is no such thing as sexual energy can move up into your heart. What do you mean by making your heart over excited.....??? Can you describe it in words....??? In the mean time, please do not listen to anymore fair tales from those who do not know what they are talking about before it is too late and ruin your health. BTW How old are you...???
  14. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Yiming... If you really want to understand the Tao Te Ching. My translation of Chapter 1 was spelled out exactly what the lines meant. I am glad to answer any questions if you want to understand Chapter 1. To be honest with you, I don't know how you came up with your translation. It was not what it says. If you like, I can go over line by line with you. It is very important that you understand Chapter 1. It is because LoaTze is describing Tao in two different states of manifestation. As in lines 3 and 4: 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 3. Invisible(無) was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth. 4. Visible(有) was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things. Do you understand what line 1 is saying...??? 1. 道可道,非常道。 Why don't you try to explain what line 1 says in your basic understanding, then we go from there. OK...??? The reason I want you to do this is because I need to know your level of understanding Chinese.
  15. Do you practice CMA along with qigong?

    One can practice Qi Gong without CMA. One can practice CMA without Qi Gong. One can practice both any time without any time period limitation. Qi Gong is considered to be internal practice and CMA is external. For a weaker person, in general, it was advised to start with Qi Gong to build up a better body condition before practicing CMA.
  16. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    "LaoTze portrayed Tao, in Chapter 6, as a Mysterious Female," Yin and Yang are both subsets of Tao. Thus Tao may be Yin or Yang at any time. Yin and yang both are not subsets of femaleness because femaleness is being Yin at all times. According to Chapter 1, Tao itself has two states of manifestation which are Wu and You. The state of Wu is when Tao was invisible and the state of You when Tao is visible.
  17. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    May I clarify the Yin-Yang concept please....??? Yin and Yang are just attributes for something to be classified to fall under. It happens to be that female falls in the Yin attribute and male is in the Yang attribute. However, when Yin was said to be female, it was simple meant that the female is in the Yin category. It doesn't say that Yin is female nor female is Yin. It is the same goes to the male as Yang..
  18. hey everyone

    welcome...!!! You have found the place. I hope you will find the right one to talk to.
  19. Zen And Masturbation...The Struggle!

    Men and women loose energy when they have sex. They will not gain any energy from sex but only regain the energy that was consumed doing sex. It would be just like someone recuperates after a strenuous exercise like running.
  20. Empirical Data

    Here is my take for your introduction to some scientific explanations about Qi Gong(Chi Kung). ATP at TTB
  21. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    The spirit of the valley is Tao. LaoTze portrayed Tao, in Chapter 6, as a Mysterious Female, 玄牝, which has endless reproductive power. Thus Chapter 6 is not about any Yin principles. IMO There was no such thing as Yin principle nor Yang principle but the Yin-Yang principle. Yin-Yang is integrated as Oneness. Each element cannot be discussed separately. If one was spoken, then the other must follows.
  22. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Yiming... You are a great philosopher....
  23. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Chapter 35, Lines 7 - 11 Pinyin 07. dao zhi chu kou, 08. dan hu qi wu wei, 09. shi zhi bu zu jian, 10. ting zhi bu zu wen, 11. yong zhi bu zu ji. 35 07. 道之出口 08. 淡乎其無味。 09. 視之不足見。 10. 聽之不足聞。 11. 用之不足既。 Please disregard this Chapter. It was one of those phonetics that is playing tricks on you. This "wu wei" is 無味(wu2 wei4) which means 'tasteless'. We want 無為(Wu2 Wei2).
  24. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    "The spirit of the valley is a powerful symbol for yin, the universal female principle. It is eternal; it has always existed and will always exist. This principle has many names. We can call it the sacred feminine, or the Mystic Female." I had never agreed with this interpretation. The spirit of the valley is Tao. LaoTze portrayed Tao, in Chapter 6, as a Mystic Female which has endless reproductive power. Chapter 6 The Mysterious Female 1. 谷神不死 2. 是謂玄牝。 3. 玄牝之門 4. 是謂天地根。 5. 綿綿若存, 6. 用之不勤。 In PinYin 1. gu shen bu si, 2. shi wei xuan pin. 3. xuan pin zhi men, 4. shi wei tian di gen. 5. mian mian ruo cun, 6. yong zhi bu qin. English translation: 1. The spirit of the valley never dies. 2. It is called the mysterious female. 3. The door of the mysterious female, 4. It is called the root of heaven and earth. 5. She seems existed eternally, 6. With her endless reproduction capability.