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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Well, this is my translation and interpretation by reading the books written in Chinese by knowledgeable native scholars. I am Cantonese from Hong Kong but living in the USA right now. BTW The best books for the interpretation of the TTC was written by 陳鼓應. He was a professor in Taiwan University. He was traveling around the world to do he research by collecting materials from scholars in the past and present to make the best out of his interpretation. I do my translation based on his book and used the others as references for comparing notes. PS.... I will wait for you to give your comments on your version of Chapter 1.
  2. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Here is my translation of chapter 1 based on the interpretation of the native knowledgeable scholars. Chapter 1 1. 道可道,非常道。 2. 名可名,非常名。 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 5. 故常無,欲以觀其妙。 6. 常有,欲以觀其徼。 7. 此兩者同出而異名, 8. 同謂之玄。玄之又玄, 9. 眾妙之門。 Chapter 1 1. Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. 2. A name that can be named is not an eternal name. 3. Invisible was the name given to Tao at the origin of heaven and earth. 4. Visible was the name given to Tao as the mother of all things. 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary. 7. These two come from one origin but differ in name, 8. Both are regarded as unfathomable; the most occult and profound; 9. The gate of all changes.
  3. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    yiming.... You welcome. Thank you for your highest respect by calling me sifu. We are all equal here, please just address me as CD.... 玄 normally has the similar meaning as 妙(meow). 玄妙; they were normally used as compound characters. 玄妙(meow): the compound characters were often used to express something that is strange, mysterious, unfathomable, profound, or abstruse.
  4. It is fine as long as we know where we stand; and the participants will be different to stay on a common ground.....
  5. Looking for some help...

    Thank you for your clarification. Now, I know a little more about your past experience. I had practiced many years of Tai Ji and learned many fundamental concepts about it. Even though I was not fond by many here to appreciate my knowledge about Tai Ji, Perhaps, I still able to try to understand what you need to know to "“untying some of my knots”, May I know what are some of the questions that you have in mind....???
  6. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    He seems to be used the version of Fu Yi (555 - 639) 愛民治國, 能無以知乎。
  7. You are talking outside of the definitions of the Tao Te Ching. Are we not.....???
  8. Looking for some help...

    Sorry, I am totally lost with the western terminology. What do you mean by a Hard Stylist Tai Ji....??? I didn't know there was a Hard Stylist.
  9. Looking for some help...

    Sorry, I don't mean to be silly. My intention was to find out what are the basic fundamentals have you learned from your teacher, within the 8 years, about Tai Ji chuan. Did you know Tai Ji is a form of Chi Kung. If you had practiced for 20 years, then you should be able to feel the chi sensation in your body to understand the chi kung principles. If you had practiced Tai Ji for 20 years, you should have been developed your chi spontaneously already. I don't see that in you by your line of questioning. Do you see why I am asking all these silly questions...???
  10. When we are talking about "duality", it has to be one is the complement of the other. In this case, ugly is the complement of beautiful. However, a rose does not have a complement. Thus a rose can be thinking in the singularity but not a dualistic singularity. By the definition of duality, "what is" and "what isn't" are not necessary a duality. It is a duality, only, if the "what is" is the complement of "what isn't", then it would be considered to be a valid duality.
  11. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Windows XP will not let you display the characters. 同謂之玄。 玄之又玄, 眾妙之門。 同(tung): the same; alike; similar 謂(wei): to call; to say; 同謂: said to be the same; also said to be alike 眾(choong): all; more than one; 妙(meow): this character was used to express a kind of feeling that is when you see something wonderful, strange, mysterious, unfathomable. However, in the classic text, it means changes. 同謂之玄。 They are said to be mysterious. 玄之又玄, Mysterious and even more mysterious, 眾妙之門。 The gate of all changes.
  12. One of the basic rules for a Buddhist monk to follow was to be ascetic. It means no contact nor associate with any woman. Period.
  13. The freezing cold

    IMO You have poor blood circulation, you may practice any isotonic Chi Kung with slow movements and deep breathing. That will help you to generate more body heat to resist the outside cold temperature.
  14. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Chapter 1 1. 道可道,非常道。 2. 名可名,非常名。 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 5. 故常無,欲以觀其妙。 6. 常有,欲以觀其徼。 7. 此兩者同出而異名, 8. 同謂之玄。玄之又玄, 9. 眾妙之門。
  15. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    1. 意(yi) when combined with 明(ming); then 意 is "meaning". So, to understand a character, then you must understand its 意(meaning). 2. Can you use it for easy to eat or easy to kill? Were you referring to 易...??? Yes, in that case, you may use it for easy to eat or easy to kill.
  16. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    In the ancient Chinese thinking, the features of a woman were considered to be soft, quiet and calm. It was considered that anyone who has the patience like a woman was actually a very nice compliment at the time.,
  17. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    7. Love the people and rule the country, 8. Can it be natural and Wu Wei(benevolent)? "Benevolent" was the intended meaning for Wu Wei, linking to line 7, with an implication that a ruler was caring and loving his people by running his country with benevolence. It was another principle of Wu Wei which was advocated by LaoTze in the TTC. I think John Wu was using another version of the TTC which line 8 says: 無知(wu zhi) instead of 無為(wu wei).
  18. Looking for some help...

    If you had trained tai Chi (Wu style) for around 20 years and after training under a great teacher for around 8 years, I am just curious and surprised why do you still asking questions about Chi Kung.
  19. Wu Wei: let Nature take its course; be natural, take no unnatural action; unintentional action. You Wei: take unnatural action, interfere with the course of Nature, intentional action.
  20. The duality counterpart for Wu Wei(無為) is You Wei(有為). You Wei(有為) is undesirable which is the opposite of Wu Wei. LaoTze left out "You Wei" most of the time and almost put all his emphasis on Wu Wei throughout the TTC. The natural manner has no intend. So, a spontaneous action which was considered to be natural. An action that was in a premeditated manner and expected a predictable result was considered to be unnatural. The duality of Wu Wei and You Wei only happened one time literally. However, the only intend of the TTC was You Wei by expecting all else to be Wu Wei. Hence, the final expectation of the TTC was to be a singularity natural manner(Wu Wei).
  21. Preview before posting - FYI

    There is a bug in the new software. The editor do not go away after you click the "POST" button. Please do not hit the "Post" button more than once to prevent double entry.
  22. Pushing Qi Out of the BODY - Advance

    What is Chi in "Chi Kung" to you....????
  23. Secondary New Wu Wei Thread

    Pinyin (Lines 1 - 12) 01. zai ying po bao yi, 02. neng wu li hu? 03. tuan qi zhi rou, 04. neng ru ying er hu? 05. di chu xuan lan, 06. neng wu ci hu? 07. ai min zhi guo, 08. neng wu wei hu? 09. tian men kai he, 10. neng wei ci hu? 11. ming bai si da, 12. neng wu zhi hu? Chapter 10 1. 載營魄抱一, 2. 能無離乎﹖ 3. 專氣致柔, 4. 能如嬰兒乎﹖ 5. 滌除玄覽, 6. 能無疵乎﹖ 7. 愛民治國, 8. 能無為乎﹖ 9. 天門開闔, 10.能為雌乎﹖ 11.明白四達, 12.能無知乎。 Terse English 1. Soul and body as oneness, 2. Can they not separate? 3. Concentrate the vital force(chi) to its extreme softness(calmness), 4. Can it be like an infant? 5. Cleansing the deep reflector(mirror), 6. Can it be flawless? 7. Love the people and rule the country, 8. Can it be natural and Wu Wei(benevolent)? 9. Opening and closing the heavenly gate, 10.Can it be feminized(focus on stillness)? 11.Understand the four directions, 12.Can it not be relied on wisdom?
  24. How to learn to read Classical Chinese

    Yiming... I am a Cantonese also, a real Chinaman.... Anyway, the reason you cannot post any Chinese character is becuse you have not set up the language feature in your windows. I am assuming that you are using Microsoft Windows 7. BTW I am using the Windows Vista Home Premium. You need to go into the Control Panel under the "Region amd Language" To select "keyboards and Languages" to "Change keyboard" then add Chinese(Traditional, Taiwan) then add The input method for the characters. After you have done the Chinese language setup, then we can go from there, OK....???
  25. Empirical Data

    GeoBall... I was as curious as your are about Chi Kung. I have the same type of questions as you have. I had found some scientific answers to my satisfaction and always wanted to share them with an open-minded person. I am glad that this person has emerged and that is you. I am glad to discuss the items you have listed in the OP.