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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Can jing be replenished?

    I believe that an arousal provokes the desire.
  2. Can jing be replenished?

    Please don't follow this rule. It has been ruined many teens' lives.
  3. Can jing be replenished?

    It was recommended no more than twice a week. Your body needs time to replenish Jing.
  4. What controls the Chi

    There are three treasures, Jing, Chi, and Shen, in the body as the Taoists claimed. They are interacting with each other seems nothing is controlling them. There is one thing for sure, it one doesn't breathe, the three treasures will not interact with each other. According to TCM, the prenatal Chi has to be sustained by postnatal Chi. For that said, I would suspect that the postnatal Chi is the controlling factor of Chi.
  5. Taoism according to.....

    It was mentioned here before. During the Tang Dynasty, the three religions were having major conflicts. Hence, one of the emperors have ordered to them get together and iron out their differences. Hereinafter, the Buddhist became sharing the same deities of the Taoist in their beliefs. BTW Confucian or Ruist is not a religion. But they do worship Confucius as their deity.
  6. Taoism according to.....

    That was only one man's opinion. Even though it was written in a book, but it was not recognized by the native scholars. However, I still have no idea what Confucian Chi Kung is? Chi Kung is a form of breathing exercise. Confucians may practice it, but the natives didn't call it Confucian Chi Kung.
  7. Taoism according to.....

    Taoism is not as clear as the other religions. No one knew it has two aspects to begin with. It was assumed that it was a religion by westerners.
  8. Taoism according to.....

    Qigong or internal alchemy is a practice of breathing exercise by the ancient Chinese Taoist to have longevity.
  9. Taoism according to.....

    In the Chinese mind, there was such thing as Taoism. However, the term was created by Westerner and was assumed it is a Tao religion. It doesn't distinguish the difference between the study of the Tao Te Ching and the Tao religion. The scholars who study the Tao philosophy of Laotze(老子) called it 道學. If I can invent a term for it, then, I wound call it Taology. The religious part of Taoism is called 道教. In the Chinese language, a character 教 was added at the end of another character to indicate that is a religion sect. The common English translation of 道教 was referred as Taoism and ignored the scholarly part. The philosophy of Laotze(Taology) is based on his famous patterned term Wu Wei, 無為. Wu Wei is translated as "let nature take its course". The philosophy behind it is do not take action interfere with nature. For that said, one was asked not to force thing to happen but let it happen by itself. For example, if the son wants to be an artist, then, the father should not ask the son to become a doctor. I know a true story that a son committed suicide after he got his degree in dentistry. It was because his father won't let him to be an artist. If the father practiced the Tao philosophy, he would have had let his son to become what he wants to be. This is what the practice of the Tao philosophy is all about.
  10. Grokking the Dharma

    First of all, I like the word grokking used in the title. I had used it in my translation of Chapter one of the Tao Te Ching. Anyway,I am not a Buddist, but I have paid close attention to its philosophy. The pain and suffering that they are referring to is mental pain instead of physical pian.
  11. Chain of disillusionment

    Mixed martial arts is to fight dirty without rules. You can hit any part of the body of the opponent. Except one place.
  12. Lasting longer in the bedroom.

    If one needs other means to enhance the sexual performance, then, the body may or may not be physically ready for the prolongation. In other words, it is still depends on the initial condition of the body of that individual. Thus one might be out perform the other. Diligent practice of Qigong will invigorate all the organs to activate the body cells. The body cells will generate more energy for the prolongation while regulating the breathing. Even substance was taken, but it still need to have ample of postnatal chi to process it to sustain the prenatal chi of the body. What does that mean in modern language. It means, no matter what one takes, it still need ample of oxygen to process it into biochemical energy to sustain all the functions of the body. To obtain ample of oxygen is by regulating the breathing with Qigong.
  13. Can jing be replenished?

    Yes, based on the input of the OP, that is what I expected to hear from you. I had heard many cases of this kind of behavior. So far, you are the most serious one. Server breathing problem is the worse factor that deteriorates your physical being in lieu with mental health problem. The first thing for you to do is to correct the breathing problem; but you cannot do it in one day or one month. It takes many months or years to take effect depends on your diligent practice. I don't know if you know how to take deep breaths at your present condition. Since your breathing is shallow and short, it means that you don't have enough oxygen to provide the body cells to generate the energy. To correct this problem, you must learn to breathe to a point that it will not cause suffocation, dizziness, or headache. Establish that point as baseline, then, exhale. Repeat the next breathing cycle and exhale at the baseline. Continue this practice until you can breathe deeper and deeper without any discomfort. Yes, when you are more comfortable with your breathing, then, you may go into Taiji. If you would like to know more about Taiji, then, go to my PPD.
  14. Can jing be replenished?

    To be honest with you. I had the same problem as you have since I was eleven. I was determined to correct my health problem. My health problem was mainly affected by hypoxia. I have practiced Taiji for more than forty years. It have helped me to correct my health and mental problem tremendously. Right now, my body is like a 25 year old man at the age of 75. Mentally, I am able to cope with the things of interest enthusiastically. PS Taiji is considered to be a form of Qigong. Please note that breathing must be considered in any form of Qigong to be effective. Otherwise, it would be waste of time in the practice.
  15. Can jing be replenished?

    It seems you had done masturbation excessively. It affects your health tremendously. The worse thing that could be affected you is your mental health. Apperently, that is what is happening to you. It is because you had lost interest in everything. Are you still masturbating? You should stop doing it. May I ask does it affect your breathing? How deep can you breathe? The reason I ask is to determine if your body is lack of oxygen or hypoxia. Hypoxia is a state in which oxygen is not available in sufficient amounts at the tissue level to maintain adequate homeostasis; this can result from inadequate oxygen delivery to the tissues either due to low blood supply or low oxygen content in the blood (hypoxemia). Ref:
  16. Can jing be replenished?

    吐 is exhale 納 is inhale.
  17. Can jing be replenished?

    Procedure to get rid of the abdominal pain due to over masturbation. Place your index and middle fingers along one to two inches below you belly button or one finger on the belly button. Press down within one to two inches until you feel a pulsating pain, then continue to press down with a little pressure. If you can withstand the pulsating pain just continue to hold the fingers down. Otherwise, you can release your fingers then press down again until your abdominal pain is gone. @kino This procedure will work for pains related to over masturbation. To answer your OP, you may perform meditation with deep and long breathing. There is a post that I had posted for the Ultimate method of breathing (UMB). Again, I need to find it for you.
  18. Can jing be replenished?

    It is somthing that is related to excessive masturbation.
  19. Can jing be replenished?

    I'[m sorry to hear that. There is a solution to stop the pain. I had posted the solution somewhere on this site. Perhaps you might able to fine it. I have to cook dinner now. I will get back with you later. Thanks!
  20. Presentation

    It is 推拿(massage) not 吐纳(breathing)
  21. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    It is "walk in circles"; instead of walking in a circle.
  22. I am sorry to hear that Steve has passed away after five months. I remembered that he insulted me on my Sabre demo. Then, he appraised later on his site. I asked him why he insulted me in TDB. He told me that is how people behave in TDB. The last thing he did was asked me to translate Starjumper( 跳星人) for him in Chinese. RIP Steve
  23. What is your purpose for your practice?

    I have relatives that lived more than one hundred years old without practicing internal alchemy. Those who might not live that long would like to practice it. So, they might be able to live longer than normal. Practicing internal alchemy will provide a better health for the pactitioner. Indeed, it prolongs life.
  24. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    四处走动: walking around
  25. Jesse Lee Parker/Dao Zhen

    在圆圈上走著: walking in a circle