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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. A perfect wuwei act

    "doing nothing" or "not interfering in any way" or "just allowing whatever happens to happen" By LaoTze's definition in the Tao Te Ching.... Wu Wei is "let Nature take its course." In the video, what interrupted the course of Nature....??? It is obvious that the opened garbage bin was the culprit causing Nature to go off course. If the opened bin wasn't there, in the first place, then those cubs wouldn't have been climbed into it. Now, the cubs are in the bin, then what is the next natural course of Nature....??? It cant be "doing nothing"...!!! They need to be rescued. However, doing the course of rescue, their safety must "not interfering in any way". So, what we can do to "just allowing whatever happens to happen". That would be having someone to call the proper authority to rescue them in a safe manner. After the rescue, the cubs will be with their mother again. Thus the Nature is back on course. This is what we called a complete process of Wu Wei; "let Nature take its course."
  2. A perfect wuwei act

    Let's wait on this one. Edited to add: PS....Apparently, you have realized that you had second thoughts about the concept.
  3. A perfect wuwei act

    LoaTze's definition of Wu Wei is to "take no abusive action to interfere with Nature to cause harm." They had done something, the guy drove the truck and the lady dropped the ladder. They took some kind of action. Good thing it was to help the cubs. The outcome was positive. Thus it doesn't fit the definition of Wu Wei. Did they cause any harm to the cubs...??? No, thus they were Wu Wei because they took no abusive action to interfere with Nature to cause harm. In case during the course of saving the cubs by dropping the ladder on a cub and hurt it, the result was negative. Then it was not Wu Wei because harm was done. Edited to add: Their action was interfered with the safety of the cubs. They are not professional rescuers, they could have had called 911.
  4. OMG! I like, totally attained Enlightemnent!

    ahhh.... Maybe that is why I don't consider myself was enlightened.....
  5. A perfect wuwei act

    There was no interference to cause harm but good in this case. The lady in the video did not take any abusive action to cause harm. Thus it doesn't fall into the concept of Wu Wei.
  6. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    The pin is very flexible as allowable as Tao....
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    If one tried to correct the other who was insisting to call a deer a horse, was that nitpicking...???
  8. An 80-year-old master doing taiji in Penglai

    "Record of Military Training (Lian Bibg Ji Shi練兵實紀)." Should it be: Lian Bing Shi Ji( 練兵實紀)...???
  9. OMG! I like, totally attained Enlightemnent!

    Is 'UniChi' means the universal Chi......???
  10. Opinions on nessesity of Masters

    Your current teachers are the best teachers in the world. You are your own master along the path of Nature. Nature had given you the ability to learn to cope with everything on your path and you're doing fine with that. A master can only give you the fundamentals, the rest is up to yourself. You can always learn the fundamentals from elsewhere such as talking to someone that has knowledge of or read a good book. You do not need someone to stay by your side and tell you what to do next. Enlightenment is based on the wisdom of each individual by intuition or grokking. Anyone can enlighten you with knowledge but no one can help you to attain enlightenment but your own self.
  11. QiGong, Chi Kung

    1. You have not mentioned the environment in a/c in your OP. I wasn't aware of it. 2. You are correct. The most concerned about the dan tian, by the Chinese Taoist Chi Kung practitioners, was the belly area. Especially around the navel area. Sometimes, they referred to it as the acupoint QiHai(CV6). In TCM, the lower dan tian was referred as the whole region around the belly below the navel. However, when they talked about the internal organs, they divided the body into three sections and referred them as the upper, middle and lower dan tian. That will make it easier for them to locate the organs by the different regions in their description.
  12. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    It won't harm you in any way......
  13. Day 6 without masturbation!

    It doesn't matter how much attention one gives it; and one will not get horny. It is the initiation to reactivate it again; then, one will be very horny.
  14. Never mind.......You know who he is......
  15. All exists here and now

    But nobody was enlightened....
  16. I had met the guy in your avatar. Do you know who he is.....???
  17. -Certain, My Breathing Ceases

    What you have described is similar to what I had read in the Chinese Taoist description. It is the highest realm that one can be achieved in Chi Kung meditation. Congratulations........
  18. Very Basic Dan Tien / Jing Question

    1. All your energy were used to perform the internal and external functions of the body. There was no energy stored in the dan tian at any time. It was only a matter of expression, by the Chinese Taoist, saying how deep the breath went down when you breathe. Thus it was really a matter of how fast can your body reproduce the energy. 2. It was only a sensation the one felt when the breath went down deep in that area which called dan tian. 3. It is because you are accustomed to the feeling; therefore, you may not feel it all the time but it may be there. 4. No comment. Note: The jing-transmuted yang energy was referring to as the "prenatal jing". It is the foods that you eat and the air that you breathe.
  19. Mopai Training with jim mcmillan

    I do understand Cantonese/Mandarin part but 墨子 -> 墨派 is not a martial art.
  20. Mopai Training with jim mcmillan

    Thanks, More_Pie_Guy I've finally found something that is close. It is 武德派(Mo Duk Pai) or 武派(Mo Pai) for short. But I not sure it is the same as the given name for John Chang's practice.
  21. QiGong, Chi Kung

    FYI.... Dan Tian(丹田) is just a descriptive location of a human body. It has no functional relationship to any body part at all.
  22. Mopai Training with jim mcmillan

    Does any body know what are the Chinese characters for 'Mo Pai'....???
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The problem, here, was the won't let go of the holding/grasping by not listening to someone telling you. I did give my reasons but it was gone with wind and passed by your ears.
  24. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    To keep yourself in balance with the Yin and Yang consept.
  25. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    oodjee.... Welcome aboard to the TTB. I am convinced that you have learned the purest philosophy of a guru and an enlightened wise one. We need more members like you to engage in our conversations for enlightenment. BTW You have my highest regard too.....