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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. He sure made his money from his book.... PS... If one has to pay a high price for a lesson, one better believe everything whatever it says in the book or not..!!!
  2. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Some people do just read Chapter one and ignored the rest of the Chapters. That was quite alright for someone to understand the TTC superficially......
  3. Taijiquan music ~ MP3 query?

    There are so many. Make your selection.... Tai Ji Music The first one is the 24 movements
  4. It is the Hemoglobin in the red blood cells that holds the iron, not the blood vessels themselves. The signals were sent through the nerve cells, not the blood vessels. Thus blood vessels do not have magnetic poles.
  5. Okay.... That sounds like the spirit of an ostrich. Let's quit here while nobody is ahead......
  6. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    Sorry of my presence, I shall withdraw myself from this thread for causing all the aggravation....
  7. Hahaha........ When you stepped into the light and created a shadow, now you are the Yang and the shadow is Yin. As long the light shines on you, then Yin-Yang is a whole and cannot be separated. Thus, as long as you are there, your shadow is there. As long the shadow was there, then you were there. Can you run away from your shadow and vice versa...??? ......
  8. Huang Ting Jing《黃庭經》

    黃庭經講義(Explanation of Huang Ting Classic) 第一章 黃庭 (Chapter one - Huang Ting) 欲 讀《黃庭經》,必先知「黃庭」二字作何解說。 Those who want to read the Huang Ting Jing must known the meaning of "Huang Ting" 「黃」乃土色,土位中央; "Huang" is the color of earth, the position of earth is in the center(by definition of the Yi Jing ). 「庭」乃階前空地。名為黃庭,即表中空之義。 "Ting" is an empty space in front of the steps. Thus Huang Ting means empty space in the center. 吾人一身,自臍以上為上半段,如植物之 幹,生機向上; In the human body, above the navel was considered to be the upper half; it's analogous to the stem of a plant which grows upward. 自臍以下為下半段,如植物之根,生機向下。 Below the navel was considered to be the lower half; it's analogous to the root of a plant which grows downward. 其生理之總機關,具足上下之原動力者,植物則在根幹分界處,人身則在臍。 It is the central point in a biological system; it is efficient for the initial vital force to move in the upper and lower positions. It is the dividing point of a plant. In human, it is at the navel. 嬰兒處胎,鼻無呼吸,以 臍帶代行呼吸之功用。 A child was still in the womb(fetus), there was no breathing in the nose. The umbilical cord was used as substituted for the function of breathing. 及出胎後,臍之功用立止,而鼻竅開矣!神仙口訣,重在胎息。 After birth, the function of the umbilical cord ceased instantly; then the nose nostrils opened up. 「胎息」者何?息息歸根之謂。 "Umbilical breathing" is what...??? It was the root of continuous breathing. 「根」者何?臍內空處是也。 "Root" is what...??? It is the empty space in the navel area. 臍內空處,即 「黃庭」也。 Thus the empty space in the navel area is "Huang ting".
  9. Huang Ting Jing《黃庭經》

    黃庭經講義(Explanation of Huang Ting Classic) 第一章 黃庭 (Chapter one - Huang Ting) 欲 讀《黃庭經》,必先知「黃庭」二字作何解說。「黃」乃土色,土位中央;「庭」乃階前空地。名為黃庭,即表中空之義。吾人一身,自臍以上為上半段,如植物之 幹,生機向上;自臍以下為下半段,如植物之根,生機向下。其生理之總機關,具足上下之原動力者,植物則在根幹分界處,人身則在臍。嬰兒處胎,鼻無呼吸,以 臍帶代行呼吸之功用。及出胎後,臍之功用立止,而鼻竅開矣!神仙口訣,重在胎息。「胎息」者何?息息歸根之謂。「根」者何?臍內空處是也。臍內空處,即 「黃庭」也。 Ref: One should know the meaning of Huang Ting first
  10. Video Proof: Uttering Sounds Affects Your Energy Body(s)

  11. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    If he does, I'll be the monkey's uncle.....
  12. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    So, by your definition, a Taoist is just a member of the Universe or part of Nature....???
  13. If there is light, then it is pure Yang. Darkness is pure Yin. The changing phase between Yin and Yang depends on the interference of an object with the light source. When there are you and your shadow, then it is the relationship between the you and the shadow of you. Thus it was no longer the relationship between the light and darkness but the movement of you and your shadow. The shadow moves with you because you are active(Yang) and your shadow is passive(Yin). Now, in this scenario, we can say when there is Yang(you) there is Yin(your shadow). Let's look at the phases of the moon. The Yi Jing was written based on the relationship between the light(Yang) and darkness(Yin). Please keep in mind that Yang is active and Yin is passive again. Therefore, when there was no light, then there is darkness. However, we cannot say: "when there was darkness, then there is light." It was because that the darkness depends on the light source. The light source does not depend on the darkness. Stosh: "My body intervenes between the light and the shadow" Your body interfered with the light alright but not the shadow. The shadow was never there, in the first place, until you stepped into the light to created your own shadow. You cant snow me with this one; I wont let you....!!!
  14. Well well well, why would one like to put oneself in such a paradoxical dilemma....??? 1. Fire can melt metal... but metal which heating point does not get reached won't be melted!" I am sure that someone would melt the metal completely to make a copper pipe. 2. Water can "kill" the Fire... but Fire can "kill" the Water as well... depending on circumstance... Well, when there was a fire at a house, one would throw buckets of water over fire to save the house. However, when there was a flood around a house, would one throw torches over the water...??? 3. Metal can cut the wood... but if metal is weak or wood too strong the metal will get damaged in the process of cutting... Why would someone wants to cut a tree with a hack saw....??? Would it be a better idea to do it with an ax or a power saw....??? 4. all I want to say possibly is: be more flexible! Yes, only with common sense. 5. just a thought... Just an after thought......
  15. It was the solid particles in the rock that make it strong. Water drops one by one can penetrate the rock. I don't see a dyad of yin-yang in your analogy. I saw three things, a person, hard rock and soft rock. BTW It was the person(yin) who overcome the rock(yang). The water(yin) worn the stone(yang). Can you have your shadow run away from you....???
  16. Huang ting wei ching

    Questions... 1. How did the author come up with the diagrams...??? 2. Who helped him with the translations...??? 3. Did he do all the writing on his own ideas...??? The reason I ask these questions is because I am trying to trace the accuracy of the sources.
  17. Video Proof: Uttering Sounds Affects Your Energy Body(s)

    Thank you...!!!
  18. Video Proof: Uttering Sounds Affects Your Energy Body(s)

    What is Energy Body(s).....????
  19. The point Laot Tze wanted to make was that: 5. The weak vanquishes the strong. 6. The softness vanquishes the hardness. Did he make his point....??? I think he did. Even you'd said so yourself. "Yes water can wear down a stone but when the water runs out the stone remains" Please don't forgot the water will recycle itself and return from the rain to haunt the rock again; but the argument here was not what remains in the aftermath. It was did the water wear out the rock or not which it did. IMO. When we talk about Yin-Yang, both have to be existed. In this case, the soft water is Yin; the hard rock is Yang. Thus Yin overcomes Yang. PS... The Yi Jing had never called Yin-Yang are forces. By observation, Yang is the sunlight on the south side of the hill; and Yin is the shadow on the north side of the hill. Therefore, the shadow always stays with the light which cannot be separated from each other. That is why people say that: "if there is Yin, then there is Yang and vice versa." Nothing can make them apart. When an analogy was made, just be sure that both Yin-Yang are present in the analogy. Otherwise, it will not hold water....!!!
  20. Video Proof: Uttering Sounds Affects Your Energy Body(s)

    hmmmm.... Okay.... What did the title say.....???
  21. Video Proof: Uttering Sounds Affects Your Energy Body(s)

    In the first video. That was the effect of resonance. It was the frequency of the drum was being resonant with the human voice. The human flesh may not be in resonant with the ultra sound. It is because the ultra sound frequency is too high for human to respond to. The human ear cannot even hear it.
  22. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I do understand that any Chinese martial arts which involves with hand movements, a Character Chuan(拳, fist) was placed at the end of a style. BTW the character 'Chuan' doesn't necessary has an implication to encourage a fight in combat. Not in Chinese thinking anyway. People with poor health cannot go into combat. However, their health condition can be improved by practicing martial arts to bring their bodies back to normal condition again. Hence, while practicing martial arts, one can improve one's health and learn MA at the same time. Tai Ji Chuan maybe a form of martial arts, but its primary purpose was to enhance the functions of the body. It just happens to be building up the body in shape for combat if you're insist for that matter....
  23. Emotions and Quantity/Quality

    Yes, I guess that is the nuance...... However, the variance in amplitude or frequency is the hidden audio signal.
  24. Red Sand Palm Qigong

    Red sand palm is not Iron palm. To practice Iron palm requires the hand to pound against an object or sand bag.