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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Fellas... Before we jump into the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements, don't you think it would be a good idea to give them a little introduction of how they came about first...???
  2. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Let's not say that the definitions have to be absolute. How about somewhat recognizable or noticeable for discussion sake....???
  3. Huang ting wei ching

    Incorrect translation: neijing(內景), or internal classic and the waijing (外景), external classic. Correct translation: neijing(內景), or internal environment, waijing (外景), or external environment. Internal classic: 內經(nei jing) External classic: 外經(wai jing) These are the three classics or methods within the Huang Ting Jing(黃庭經). 《黃庭內景玉經》: Practice meditation for concentration with devotion to the practice. 《黃庭外景玉經》: Practice turtle-like breathing for longevity and pay close attention to the body fluids. 《黃庭中景玉經》: This document was written later than the first two. Normally was not included in the Huang Ting Jing(黃庭經). People did not mention too much about it. 黃: Yellow, it is the central color in the Chinese mythology. 庭: Ting is the center of the four directions. The Chinese Taoist use the term Huang Ting(黃庭) to represent the Dan Tien of the human body. It is more meaningful to stick with the original term as Huang Ting(黃庭) other than the direct translation (Yellow Court).
  4. Video about Taoism and Taoist Monks

    It is not "either or" but one way or the other. One must get the fact straight. This is the time to enhance one's wisdom and to be enlightened. So, one won't be alone and out of the communication....
  5. Is violence justified

    'Violence' was not the right word to be asked for justification. Is your action justifiable was in question....!!!
  6. People only want to see what they believe and believe what they want to see. Even they don't see it but they still think that they are seeing it. Thus it must be the so call visualization is playing tricks in their pseudo-physical mind. Sometimes, there are things seemingly appeared to be and people took it as the truth. Unfortunately, they are continuing to insist in their beliefs and live with it.
  7. Huang ting wei ching

    《黃庭經》是道教上清派的主要經典,也被內丹家奉為內丹修鍊的主要經典。分為 《黃庭內景玉經》、 《黃庭外景玉經》、 《黃庭中景玉經》。 Is this what you are looking for. I can't find Huang Ting Wei Ching. 黃庭經(Huang Ting Ching) 黃庭 is a Taoist esoteric term means dan tien.
  8. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Tai Ji is all in one. Period.
  9. Video about Taoism and Taoist Monks Tao. Evil may be classified as Yin-attribute , but but Yin is never evil, nor cold by itself. Your interpretation was kind of twisted in the usage of Yin-yang.
  10. Video about Taoism and Taoist Monks

    Please don't confuse yourself by mixing the dualities: cold goes with hot; good goes with evil. They are separate dualities. PS... If we want to learn the Tao stuff correctly. Let's use the correct terminologies okay. They are Taoist Priests and Buddhist Monks. Okay....!!!
  11. Importance of a routine

    IMO Qigong is a combination of meditation and breathing exercise. I still can't figure it out why people thought they are two separate entities.
  12. If one is reading the wrong books and led by a blind, then there was no book-wisdom....
  13. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Sorry... What the hell do I know....!!!??? Thanks for your definition of Tai Ji Chuan....!!!
  14. Diet and lack of energy

    What were you doing when you practice Qi Gong.....???
  15. I know there are upper, middle, and lower dan tien but never heard of false or real lower dan tien.
  16. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    "good health & vitality are required and also develop." Some people are weak and in poor health to begin with. However, after practicing any form of martial art become healthy. That is the primary reason to practice any martial art, isn't it...??? Thus the part on martial art is secondary. How do you want to set up the priority in your thinking is up to you...
  17. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    No. I did not. If you read the last part of no. 1 carefully, then it is not for beginners. Beginners with breathing problems cannot do abdominal breathing right away. Also, read no. 3 carefully.
  18. We are in resonance with the same wavelength........
  19. Releasing Diaphragm

    How do you know that the pain is in the diaphragm...??? Can you go into more details....??? How deep can you breathe....??? Deep down to your throat, chest, or abdomen....???
  20. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I know what you know by the way of your questioning. You sneaky guy......
  21. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    If one understood was this means, that was the fa jin application. Breathe before moving the hand to strike. 1. Inhale while the right hand moves backward and stepping back; suck in the oxygen for manufacturing ATP before a strike. 2. Exhale while the right hand moves forward toward the front again; release the energy by fa jin. PS... If one doesn't inhale again, then one cannot fa jin again.
  22. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Very good... This is the best response so far. Most Tai Ji teacher don't talk about breathing in Tai Ji for beginners. It was not because breathing is not important. As a matter of fact, it is very important. However, a novice may not understand it at first if it was explained. A practitioner has to experience in breathing and grok it after a long time of practice. This experience cannot be transmitted by the word of mouth but experienced by the actual doing. The progressive level of breathing comes natural while performing the basal movements of Tai Ji. The level of progress in Tai Ji was not based on how long has one been practiced. It was determined by how well can one breathe after the practice. Please let me elaborate each numbered item on the breathing in Tai Ji Chuan. 1. This is the ultimate method of breathing in Chi Kung. It was also known as "Abdominal Breathing". Most people have breathing problem can either practice Chi Kung or Tai Ji to correct the problem. Abdominal breathing is the final goal for Tai Ji and Chi Kung practitioners. Thus Tai Ji beginners with a breathing problem were never told to breathe this way; or never taught them how to breathe. Period. 2. The breathing method was done by intermediate students because their breathing problem had been improved from the practice for a long period of time. It just comes in natural and spontaneous from doing the basal movements. 3. This was told to beginners so they will not beware of their breathing habit but just concentrate on the basal movements. Then, they will be realized how their breathing had been improved tremendously after the practice for a long period. How can you tell have you been passed the first level or not..??? It was by how well can you perform items 1 and 2. At the same time, your physical strength had been increased greatly due to the jin(勁) built up in the muscles. This is the key in Tai Ji to generate the body energy before one strikes. For example, when one does the repulsive monkey, inhale while the right hand moves backward and stepping back; exhale while the right hand moves forward toward the front again. However, this breathing precess does not have to be told; it just comes natural during practice.
  23. Is all of this really true about QiGong?

    Yes, it does work against strangers or anybody. This is the way I understand it to answer your question.