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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Salutations

    I believe muscles are made for contraction not for stretching. Once the muscles have been over stretched will cause paim. It is hard to go back to the resting point. The early acupunction treatment to release the muscles is recommended. However, after a long periord without treatment, the pain will be there forever. It is worse if the nerve was over stretched in the spine. It is because that is where the nerves are located.
  2. Application of awareness

    Focus on your breathing by doing it slowly and deeply. Regulating your breath will make you feel differently. Regulating breathing is taking a slow deep breath as naturally as you can. Do not hold it but just continue sucking a tiny bit of air through the nose. Exhale slowly until you cannot suck anymore. Then repeat the breathing cycle. Breathing as deep as you can but not too deep that will cause dizziness. Eventually, you can breathe deeper and deeper progressively in time if practice diligently. Concentrate deeply enough on breathing any environmental noise can be ignored. That is what it means by complete silence.
  3. Liezi reference - Gu San Fen

    一非常容易辨别,天在上面又高又明但清楚,地在下面博大厚重但混浊,叫做太易。 One is very easy to distinct, the sky is high above, bright, and clear. The earth is at the bottom wide, thick, and turbid. It is called the great change. 太易是天地变化的结果。太易的数有两个,二就是两仪。两仪是阴阳的形象,叫做太初。 Taiyi is the result of the change in the sky and earth. There are two numbers in Taiyi. The number two is duality. The duality is the images of yin and yang. It is called the very beginning. 太初是天地之交的结果。太初的数有四个,四再扩大,四的形状变化成万物,叫做太素。 The very beginning is the result of the interaction between the sky and the earth. There are four numbers at the very beginning. The expansion of the four images had changed and formed all things. It was called Taisu. 太素是三才的开始。太素的数有三个,三再扩大,天地孕育就生了男女,叫做三才。 三才是天地的储备。游荡的神不但走动而且显灵,所以飞的、跑的、潜伏的、变化的、动物、植物、虫子、游鱼之类,一定储备在天地之间,叫做太古。 太古是人类的开始。太古的人都长寿,扩大的开始有三男三女,冬天聚集夏天离散,吃鸟、兽、虫、鱼、草、木的果实,男女构成天地间的精灵,用女性来称呼姓氏。 TBC
  4. Liezi reference - Gu San Fen

    清气还没有升起来,浊气还没有沉下去,游走的神灵还没有显灵,五种颜色还没有区别 Clear substance not yet rising Turbid substance not yet precipitated Wandering diety has not yet become appeared. Five colors not yet distinctive 中间所有的事物,在冥冥中生存着,叫做混沌。 There is the thing that is within Already existed before anyone knows It's called chaos 混沌就是太始。 The chaos is known as at the very beginning 太始是元胎的萌芽。太始的数有一个,一就是太极。太极是天地的父母。 At the very beginning, it is the sprout of the original womb. There was only one number at the very beginning. The number "one" is Taiji. Taiji is the parents of the sky and earth.
  5. Liezi reference - Gu San Fen

    FYI 太古: is a compound character that means from far back at the beginning of time 謂之太古: It was called remote antiquity.
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    The healing process will use the energy to repair any damaged tissues in the body. There is no communication needed.
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    FYI Touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth allows saliva to flow and moisten the mouth. The purpose is just to lift up the tongue. Hence, where to touch or how much force needs to be applied is immaterial.
  8. Thought id say hello :-)

  9. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    @Michael Sternbach The definition and chi: 炁(chi): According to the ancient, it is a prenatal microscopic substance in the universe. It is a basic unit that makes up the human body. 氣(chi): According to the ancient, it is a postnatal microscopic substance that is defined as the functional activities of the human organs. It was, also, used to describe the vital force of human life. 炁 This character consists of two radicals of 旡(none) and 火(fire). That means this chi has not been touched by fire. It is the basic unit for the structure of the human body. It was, also, considered as prenatal chi that comes with birth. 氣 This character consists of two radicals of 气(air) and 米(rice). It is a combinational substance of the air we breathe and the rice we eat. It is the external source required by humans to sustain life. It was, also, considered postnatal chi.
  10. Line 3, Chapter 1 3. 無,名天地之始。 3. Invisible, was a name given to Tao at the origin of sky and earth. Laotze said Tao was invisible before and at the origin of the sky and earth. He will back up what he said in the later Chapters of the TTC. Is there anyone interested and would like to point out what are those chapters? PS We might start with Chapters 14 and 21.
  11. .

    That seems to replace Moxibustion.
  12. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    You welcome! One must be aware of what is going on in the environment. One who Knows oneself will know others(知己知彼). Understanding people is part of the Cultivation of the mind.
  13. Questions regarding Damos books

    Chapter 36 1. Want to close 2. Must be opened 3. Want to be weakened 4. Must be strengthen 5. Want to abolish 6. Must be prosperous 7. Want to retrieve 8. Must be given 1.将欲翕之(将要合起), 2.必固张之(必先张開); 3.将欲弱之(将要削弱), 4.必固强之(必雖强盛); 5.将欲废之(将要废除), 6.必固兴之(必雖兴盛); 7.将欲夺之(将要夺取), 8.必固与之(必雖给與)。
  14. I believe Chapter 1 well defined what 有 and 无 are. 有 is the state of Tao being visible. 无 is the state of Tao being invisible. 天下万物生于有,有生于无 The logic within context is that all things come from the visible Tao, and the visible Tao comes from the invisible Tao. Regardless, of whether Tao is visible or invisible, it is still Tao itself. Chapter 42: 1. 道生一 1. Tao engender one. This line indicates that Tao is the one(Unity). Chapter 39 1. 昔之得一者 2. 天得一以清 1 Those who gain Unity 2. Sky gained Unity becomes clear. The Unity is Tao supported by Line 1 of Chapter 42. Please note: All the interpretations can be done within the TTC without any external sources. There is no need to redefine the terms that have already been done in the TTC.
  15. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    It is just a fancy Taoist name for Qigong. You may go with any method of Qigong will do. Just stay with it. Use this as your guideline to look for a method:氣功/
  16. ---

    Have you taken care of your original problem?
  17. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    It is only an one man fairy tale. It is full of fiction. I have never found this term in any Chinese literature. I won't comment on the book that you have great interest in. Peace!
  18. Yin Shen Demon Attached

    Yeah......Daniel is a good writer. At least he uses words that I could comprehend.
  19. Martial cultivation

    ********** What is the vibrating palm? The concept known as vibrating palm originates with the Chinese martial arts Neijing ("internal") energy techniques that deal with the qi energy and the type of force (jin) used. It is depicted as "a technique that is part psychic and part vibratory, this energy is then focused into a wave". *********** I don't think the term "vibrating palm" is a Chinese terminology. Anyway, based on the OP, cultivation is to make something better rather than worse. The practitioner who practices vibrating palm should be able to withstand the impact of the strike. The internal force (內勁) is not part psychic but physical strength totally acquired from practice. The amount of jin(勁) strength to be executed is controlled by the mind of the practitioner. The mind does not produce energy. It is the mind that controls how much force the muscles to be exerted. The bone should not be affected by the impact of the strike. Rather it will support the muscles to execute the strike. If harm can be done to the bone, then, it would have happened at the beginning of the initial cold practice.
  20. Martial cultivation

    What is the first thing that comes into your mind about martial cultivation?
  21. What is Chi (炁 and 氣)?

    You welcome! No, there is no such thing as an Immortal Fetus in Daoist terms. TCM defines prenatal chi as the vital substance that is passed on to the fetus by the parents before birth. This vital substance remains in the body for survival after birth. The prenatal chi is what makes up the structure of the human body. However, the prenatal chi in the body must be maintained to recycle to keep the body active. They require nourishment from external sources such as eating grains and breathing the air(oxygen). The external sources that are going into the body are known as the postnatal chi.
  22. You are exceptional in this case. Your immune system is excellent. Anyone can practice Taiji for years and wonder why there were no biological changes in the body. Some practice with a cigarette in the mouth, and some do it without proper breathing. The key to practicing Taiji is to have the breathing coordinate with the movements, and the movements coordinate with the breathing. Therefore, if this is omitted, then, one will not succeed in having the benefits from the practice.
  23. Electric chi

  24. May I ask what kind of past experience you have to make such a conclusion? What was your method have you practiced not knowing the outcome but you have good results? Most methods are good. However, some do not know how to practice it. It may not be doing any good at all. I have practiced Taiji for years since I was 25 years old. That's all I know it was good for my health. So, I practiced. After so many years, I still get a cold during the winter seasons. Every time I sneeze a couple of times followed by a cold. Especially Thanksgiving a few years in the roll. I was really sick with a cold. I had to skip the Thanksgiving dinner at my mother's house. Then, I realized I wasn't focusing on my breathing enough. It was because I wasn't told and found out the hard way by searching on the internet. Now-a-day I practice more focus on breathing and have good results. Even though I sneeze a few times, I don't get sick anymore in the last few years. The key is to know what "sink chi to the dan tien(氣沉丹田)" meant.
  25. Use cannabis to build Chi

    The meaning of building up chi is to make the function of the organs more functional. In TCM, Chi is simple means the functions and the functional activities of the organs. It was an esoteric term to say: Enhancing the function of the organs and increasing the ability for the organs to have better performance. Thus chi is not energy as people were misled for a long time. The organs interact with each other. Each organ carries out its function and is passed down the line to the next. Hence, the next organ can perform its function properly, and so on. That is what it means by chi flow in TCM. If one organ malfunctions, then, it will cause the next organ in line to malfunction also. For that said,chi flow has been stopped or clogged. If one thinks chi flow is "energy flow", then, it would be a big misconception all along. PS Based on the above definition, cannabis definitely won't help to build up chi.