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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Which way is right...

    Yes. This way: "While breathing in, you want your stomach to fully expand and suck in the Chi"
  2. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    You are an enlightened Taoist with great wisdom.....
  3. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    You are a scientist.... Please say something else, so I'll have something to go by...!!!
  4. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Isn't something that one does is revealing(label) what one was trying to become automatically...???
  5. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    Yes, thank you for your advice. BTW I am always ambiguous about superstitions but I have no problem with putting the facts together.... Practice without knowing is not a good idea in learning, IMO. I'm sorry that one cannot distinguish between the facts and fallacies. I do believe what I said and meant what I said without any reasonable doubts. If anyone have any legitimate and reasonable questions, I am willing to go into any discuss without any temperamental distractions. Peace....
  6. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    That was something I didn't have full knowledge of at one time. If I don't stick my head out to have someone to correct me, then I will never know. Would I.....???
  7. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    You are a Taoist................
  8. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    -K- You are not sure that you are one or not and neither do I.....
  9. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Very good. I grant you that... Don't you think that "someone was sage like" was cultivated oneself by "not fearing for their own well being", In order, to get to that stage...??? Hence, "they would not be subject to the stress in the first second place."
  10. Tao is Allowance

    I am glad it was only a movie....:
  11. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    What is Chi...??? Scientifically: Based on the Cellular Respiration theory, a simple formula was derived as: Glucose + Oxygen => H2O + CO2 + heat + energy(ATP) Now, the problem we are having is what is Chi in the formula. Is Chi Oxygen or ATP....??? If we define Chi as a gas, then, Chi is oxygen. If we define Chi as energy, then, Chi is ATP. Based on mythical beliefs: Most people have this in mind that... Breathing => Air + Chi Chi is energy from thin air. This is where I stand right now....!!!
  12. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    What I meant by "temperament" is self discipline in mental control under the worse adversity to keep one's cool. I think that is the primary requirement for a cultivated Taoist. What do you think...???
  13. Organ Spasms (pretty urgent)

    Thanks again. Sitting down is good for your present physical condition. It would be more effective for you if you can do some breathing exercise because most people with a stomach problem were cured by this exercise. It is good to massage your abdomen by expand and contract while you were breathing slowly. However, if you cannot do abdominal breathing, then please don't force yourself. What you should do is just breathe in as deep as possible then exhale. Do this while your are sitting at a comfortable position with the eyes closed and concentrate on your breathing. The "hear/feel liquids dropping down numb feeling" that you are having, it was called the "Chi sensation" by the Chinese Chi Kung practitioners. What that means is you were doing something right to cause the Chi sensation. Thus you should continue with whatever you were doing. Eventually, the problem will go away after the healing process is complete. Good luck.
  14. Organ Spasms (pretty urgent)

    Thanks for telling me. The reason I ask you this question was because I knew you have some kind of symptom in your stomach based on your OP. Okay, what is happening to you right now, physically, you are going through a healing process since your are doing Chi Kung. My next question is how are you doing your Chi Kung. Can you give me a good description. It sounds like it is working for you but I want to verify it. Thanks....
  15. astralc... Welcome back...!!! Have you read this: Scientific approach in Chi Kung Please read and give me some feedback. Thanks.....
  16. Organ Spasms (pretty urgent)

    Hi, Flolfolil... DO you have any illnesses or abnormal symptom initially...??? Can you describe what is your physical health condition at the moment...???
  17. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Yes, that is a Taoist in the philosophy category. May I ask..??? Do you consider to look for the first quality of a Taoist is a good temperament.....???
  18. Tao is Allowance

    It is not that you don't agree. Perhaps, you were not in the Buddhist mood....
  19. Northern / Southern Hemisphere realtionships

    I am curious about that too but I still haven't figured this out yet. "So south is actually the "abode of the sun"" is the basic rule of thumb in feng shui. The front door of the house should be facing the sun for most of the day which is facing South. That was how the Forbidden City was constructed. The sun is the brightest at high noon at the main entrance of the Forbidden City. Thus that is why the main entrance was called the 午門(Wu3 Men2), "Noon Gate".
  20. Tao is Allowance

    That's too Buddhist for me. Hehehe. In Buddhism, non-existence does exist. There was nothing but the State of Wu(無) ever existed; there was no self or ego ever existed.
  21. Tao is Allowance

    Yes, I think that is what you meant. Allowance: tolerance; endurance; forgiveness; let go; for Wu Wei...etc.
  22. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    What are the Chinese characters for Jin Dan Jiao(教).....???? Can anyone help me to translate them...??? If the this character was used Jiao(教), then it is definitely a Taoist sect.
  23. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    What is your definition of Taoist...???
  24. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    I hope no one has to pay for this trivia......