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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    In that case, you are not a Taoist....
  2. Tai Ji Sparring

    For an experienced Tai Ji practitioner, the most obvious was to observe that the hands of opponents are stay in contact. The timing of each opponent was in sync with no delay which shows good body coordination. It was the most basic concept of Tai Ji. I believe someone had mentioned it was the method of "stick-adhere-follow". In this video, the hands of opponents do not stay in contact with each other because it was not a Tai Ji style.
  3. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    How about temperament....???
  4. Taoist Chinese Medicine

    Horse communication...
  5. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    The purpose of the Circulatory System(CS) is to circulate blood, in the blood vessels, both the arteries and veins. The heart is the most important organ in the Circulatory System; it pumps blood to bring nourishment and oxygen to the body cells. The blood also remove waste products from the cells such as CO2 and the parts of the dead cells. The cells need oxygen to produce body energy and perform other functions. Literally, the cells are breathing oxygen. Hence, it was called the Internal Breathing or Cellular Respiration. The heart is the most important organ in the Circulatory System. It pumps blood into the lungs to collect oxygen. The amount depends how much oxygen was available in the lung. The availability of oxygen can be control by the Respiratory System externally. If there are more oxygen in the lung, then the blood can collect more. How can we control the amount of oxygen in the lungs directly....??? That is where Chi Kung comes into the picture....!!! How I had taught from whoever, a teacher or book, that breathing should be done as slow as possible in Chi Kung. The abdomen should expand while inhale; and compress while exhale. The ideal breathing rate is four times per minute. The reason for slow breathing was to give ample of time for the red blood cells to collect more oxygen molecules from the lungs for circulation. The heart is the second organ to use the oxygen for cardiac muscle contraction. BTW The lung was the first organ to use the oxygen because it was the first organ come in contact with oxygen. If there was no oxygen provided for the production of ATP in the cardiac muscles, then the cardiac muscles will not and cannot contract to pump blood. As a result, the body cells are suffocated and the body ceases to function completely. Needless to say, according to the Cellular Respiration Theory, each molecule of glucose will produce a maximum number of 36 molecules of ATP for the body to function at its peak. Can you imaging if all the cells produce the maximum number of ATP, do you see how strong your Jin(勁) is or can be...??? Doesn't that encourage us to practice abdominal breathing as a basic requirement for Chi Kung. Is it too shameful to say that Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing....???
  6. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    The percentages were not the actual numbers, they were used in my scenario for easy understanding. Instead of using numbers to avoid confusion for argument sake, let's say we want to fill the lungs with air to its full capacity when possible. PS... I don't think that you have followed my concepts from the beginning. Otherwise, you wouldn't be presenting your arguments in such fashion as you are now. Anyway, I haven't gone into the internal breathing yet. Do you think you can hold off your comments before it was done....???
  7. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    What is happening in the abdominal breathing...??? Under the condition of abdominal breathing, the diaphragm will be flattened allowing the lungs to expand more downward to increase its volume. Thus more air can be filled in the lung. That is why it was called abdominal breathing or literally was described as "sink chi to the dan tien"; 氣沉丹田. Actually, there was nothing sang in the abdomen or the dan tien but expansion. PS... My definition of Chi is 'air' or 'breath', hereinafter, in order to be valid in my discussion. If you are start arguing with the definition as 'energy', then it may be a waste of time. I do meant what I said, it is not wise to change my wording for your own beliefs. Wu Wei, Wu Wei, please.
  8. Tai Ji Sparring

    This is only a demo. Not a video competition. You can post and whatever you like....
  9. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    The respiratory system(RS) was provided for External Breathing. External Breathing involves inhalation and exhalation to exchange gas between the body and the outside atmosphere by the lungs. The lung is the main organ in the RS. The ultimate goal in breathing was to fill the lungs to its full capacity when possible. Let's look into what will happen in the condition of hypoxia by comparing the volume of air in the lungs. If a person breathes and only fill the lung by a percentage by volume, we can determine one's health condition. 25% of its volume, this person is definitely very very sick. 50% of its volume, this person is in poor health. 75% of its volume, this person is somewhat healthy, 100% of its volume, this person is very healthy and a Chi Kung master. As I said before, Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. The ultimate goal in Chi Kung is have to ability to perform abdominal breathing. Only abdominal breathing will and can fill the lung to the 100% capacity. Many people do not understand what it meant by "sink chi to the dan tien", 氣沉丹田. First of all, Chi means air or breath by the Chinese definition, not the western definition as 'energy'. Dan tien is just only a descriptive location where the abdominal is. What the Chinese meant by "sink chi to the dan tien", 氣沉丹田, was that when the abdomen was fully expanded during inhalation. We all knew that the breath does not get into the abdomen but only in the lungs. What is happening in the abdominal breathing...??? Under the condition of abdominal breathing, the diaphragm will be flattened allowing the lungs to expand more downward to increase its volume. Thus more air can be filled in the lung. That is why it was called abdominal breathing or "sink chi to the dan tien"; 氣沉丹田. One time I was in a Chinese herbal store, I saw a lady with a pale face was waiting to see a Chinese doctor. I walked to her and told her that she has a poor blood circulation. In addition, I told her she needs to practice Chi Kung because she has a breathing problem. Her response was how do I know that she has a breathing problem which she does. The lady owner of the herbal store gave me a dirty look; she was in fear that I might take her customer away.
  10. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    I would like to put more emphasis on this. We do not and cannot force oxygen into the blood and organs faster. However, we can only provide more oxygen into the body and the body will take care itself internally and maintain in a state of homeostasis. I can say how we can do this and why....!!! When we breathe, we do it externally and internally. The external breathing was done by the respiratory system(RS) which is controllable directly and the internal breathing was by the circulatory system(CS) which is not controllable directly. The body wants to convert all the glucose into energy instead of turning it into lactate or lactic acid. By now, we had learned from Cellular Respiration(CR) that we need lots of oxygen to convert glucose into body energy ATP. Otherwise with the lack of oxygen, which know as hypoxia, the glucose will be turned into lactate or lactic acid. The are two ways that can cause hypoxia. One is breathing problem; and the other is due to strenuous excise but it is recoverable in an hour or two depends on the breathing condition of each individual. PS... Instead of making each post lengthy and boring, I will post the explanation of the external and internal breathing and their effects separately.
  11. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    Have you.....??? Let's concentrate on breathing and oxygen for now. Then, it will lead to the other things later.
  12. Sitting posture

    Yes, let Nature take its course....
  13. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    It was not forcing oxygen into the blood. There was only more oxygen provided to the blood due to the abdominal breathing. The oxygen does not have to go into the organs any faster. It is because the heartbeat is at normal due to the oxygen was not lacking. Visualization has nothing to do with breathing.
  14. This is a good Tutorial Relates to Chi Kung

    Ref-1: Lactic acid Ref-2: Latcate threshold For a Chi Kung practitioner, the pyruvate will not be converted to lactic acid because there was no hypoxia condition to reach a lactate threshold level.
  15. Qi gong muscle strengthening movements?

    The thinking is in reverse. It is the other way around. The body weight exercises, if done strenuously, will consume some or all the oxygen in the muscles. Eventually, the lactic acid fermentation will take over and cause muscle pains. In Chi Kung, with slow movements, one is breathing more oxygen which will prevent the pyruvic acid turns into lactic acid. Instead, cell respiration will produce more ATP for the body to function.
  16. Muscle Contraction and ATP

    Due the breathing and muscle movements in Chi Kung, may I suggest that all practitioners should know something about muscles contraction first. muscle contraction
  17. Muscle Contraction and ATP

    Modern science vs the principles of Chi Kung Muscle contraction demo At 0.36 At rest, most myosin crossbridges are at the crocked configuration. The Chi Kung practitioners are referring it as in the 'song1(鬆)' position.
  18. The Dao is open?

    You may have a great deal of freedom in speech over there. You can say anything you like or even curse somebody out with great insults and it was OK. However, if you say something they don't want to hear, they just curse back at you with the worse language that was ever existed. There are only six to seven member left in the forum just to discuss the things that they like. Otherwise, all the outsiders are closed out. There are some old members sometimes still sneak in to take a peek to see what was going on. My advice to you is DON'T GO there and stay out..... Now, "Dao is Open" is Closed.
  19. Not-Doing

    Yes, it is true. The native Chinese have an advantage over the non natives. It's because the native do not have to deal with any translation or mistranslation. Hence, they only have to be concerned with the interpretation which are written in their own language. Of cause, the Taoists wouldn't follow it blindly. It was simply that they have their own interpretation which may be esoteric to the outside people.
  20. Scientific Approach to Practice

    A Seeker... Like the old saying: There was always a teacher among a company of three. The OP had mentioned "Apparently the bodies electromagnetic field stores metabolic energy in cells"; then I came into the challenge, by reasoning, that the energy was not stored by the electromagnetic field. In the discussion process I had made an erroneous statement that there was no EMF in the human body. Finally, you had come along to present your case about EMF microscopically. Event though it was indirectly related to the subject of interest, but I had learned a great deal by your incredible insight about EMF. Thank you. Despite to the facts that the EMF is a form of energy, however, it still was not the kind of energy that was intended in this thread. It was more of a macroscopic form of energy such as human muscle energy. Again, thank you for your clarification on the EMF.... @-K- The large acid batteries are still chemical batteries.
  21. Not-Doing

    This was only your opinion. The Taoists do follow the principles of the Tao Te Ching. Difficulties can be resolved, it doesn't mean it is going to be forever...
  22. Not-Doing

    As I'd mentioned before, LaoTze was concerned more about the harm than the good. In your scenario, Wu Wei should be applied to the son. He was not being Wu Wei because he has an intent to cause harm. BTW You think the parents can stop him from being a robber...??? However, they still can try, but they are only try to be good rather than causing an interference to be harmful. Do you understand the difference between your scenario and mine....??? Also, the application of Wu Wei is different in each case. One must understand the concept thoroughly in order to apply it in different situations. @marblehead.... You are a two headed snake............... :lol:
